War Emperor

Chapter 1919: Xianzu Daoguo

With his sharp eyes, he could see that there was a crystal clear and gentle gem on the chest of the Northern Emperor's Piaofeng.

On the gem, it exudes a sacred brilliance, colorful, very gorgeous, a mass of energy, full of the breath of the origin of the universe.

The Black Demon can tell at a glance, this is the Dao Fruit of the Immortal Ancestor!

Immortal Ancestor Daoguo, as the name suggests, is the essence of energy in the whole body after the death of an ancestor-level figure.

This is the highest level item in the universe.

If someone is lucky to get the Taoist Fruit of the Immortal Ancestor, it is equivalent to getting a supreme treasure.

With the excavation, he may gradually become an immortal ancestor.

Since ancient times, many people, many cultivators, have dreamed of it.

Unfortunately, the immortal ancestors are rare and powerful, making it extremely difficult to die.

Even if they die, most of them will dissipate the energy and feed back the universe, so in the universe, it is almost impossible to obtain an immortal ancestor Tao fruit.

Bei Huang Piaofeng's chest, there is an immortal ancestor Dao Guo, which naturally surprised him.

In this way, when he launches an attack, his power will be stronger.

Only the realm master can hurt him like this.

Moreover, he could still perceive that the immortal ancestor Dao Guo on Bei Huang Piaofeng's chest was extraordinary, and even after his death, the original power might not be so strong.

This made him feel a little embarrassed, this guy really has a great chance.

"Yes, it is the Tao fruit of the immortal ancestor." Bei Huang Piaofeng smiled lightly, his eyes gleaming.

His main body is the ancient giant, and the principles of his life, after being defeated by him, are concentrated in his chest.

Therefore, he can do this step.

This is also his greatest confidence.

The black devil gritted his teeth fiercely, very unwilling.

If there is no Immortal Ancestor Dao Guo, no matter how strong the realm master is, it is impossible to be his opponent.

But now he is somewhat suppressed.

Moreover, he could perceive that the Northern Emperor Piaofeng was only using the power of the fairy ancestor Tao fruit, the tip of the iceberg.

If it volatilized again, how powerful it would be, even he felt a little afraid.

After all, he was originally not at the peak, and he was injured so badly. If he played against him again, he was a little careless, maybe he would really explain here.

Therefore, the eyes flashed crazily, and in the end only his face was gloomy, and Leng Sen said: "The Northern Emperor Piaofeng, I remember you, if you have the ability today, we will have a period later, when my strength is restored to the peak, he I must obliterate you, rob you of Dao Guo, and let you know the consequences of offending me."

After speaking, he slammed the ground with his palm, generating a huge counter-shock force, causing the ground to collapse directly down ten meters.

The magma gushes upward.

With the help of this powerful force, his broken body turned into a straight arrow and flew towards the distance.

He is an immortal ancestor after all, even if he is in a bad state now, and his speed is very fast, he just flies away like he can control time and space, making the space constantly shake.

"ran away?"

Upon seeing this, many people opened their mouths slightly and came down in amazement.

This is the first time I heard of a fairy ancestor who just ran away in embarrassment.

The strength of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng is really abnormal.

Even the Dark Demon considered himself invincible and chose to leave first.

"Can you run?" However, looking at the black demon flying into the distance, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng smiled slightly, his tone a little chilly.

He also knows that the Dark Devil is a big confession, and if he is allowed to really escape and return to the peak, it will also be a lot of trouble for him.

Moreover, to reach his step, if he wants to quickly restore his origin, he must devour the blood of many creatures.

In other words, after he escapes, he will inevitably make waves in a starry sky and cause endless killing.

It is a disaster for the universe.

Given the opportunity, he naturally wouldn't let the other party leave safely.


Then, his face was slightly solemn, his eyes suddenly cold, and he directly stretched out his big hand and grabbed it toward the distant world.

The big hand became bigger in the air in the wind, and in an instant, if a piece of sky, there were hundreds of thousands of miles, the five fingers were glowing with metallic gold.

In the palm of his hand, there was still a raging golden haze, full of overwhelming momentum and the smell of collapse.

The aftermath radiated, causing the earth to tremble constantly, thick cracks spread, and the sky was shattered.

This big hand is really terrifying, like a mighty god.

Many people smell the overwhelming power, and their backs are chilly.

If this palm were to cover them, it is estimated that people on a star of life would die miserably.

This is truly ruining the world.

To deal with an immortal ancestor, Beihuang Piaofeng directly stretched out a big hand and was about to suppress it. This bravery was truly shocking.

"Asshole, what do you want to do?"

The black demon thought he could escape to the sky, but he sensed that there was a great breath behind him, which was quickly covering him.

He turned his head abruptly, saw the big golden hands that covered the sky and the sun, a flash of anger burst into his eyes, gritted his teeth and shouted.

His dignified fairy ancestor has already put down and escaped.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng refused to let him go, which was so deceptive.

"You are a demon. Escape and ascend to heaven is not good for the common people, so let's disappear here forever." The Northern Emperor said indifferently with his thick hair flying in the wind, hunting in his robe.

The tone is like trial, beyond doubt.

The black devil's teeth are about to be broken, it is unreasonable, do you really think you are a bully?

His eyes shot out with a cold light to the extreme, and the words were gloomy: "The Northern Emperor is blowing wind, you forced me, if that's the case, you can't blame me."

He didn't want to use some more extreme methods.

Naturally, I can't watch myself being suppressed right now.

So he went all out.

After the voice fell, he violently formed a seal in his hand, and in an instant, the black mist erupting from his body became more turbulent, spreading like a mushroom cloud.

The red light in his eyes was about to shoot out like lightning, staring at the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, and shouted: "Xianzu Daoguo, give it to me!"

After speaking, his chest glowed, and there was also a colorful gem, rushing out of it, and floating above his head.

In an instant, the world was shrouded by a sacred and peaceful light.

In the void, there were waves of fairy music, fairies dancing, various exotic birds hovering, and the vision of the light blooming.

Immortal ancestor Dao fruit, brilliant and dazzling, made the heavens and stars lose their color, as if only it became the only one.

The black devil just stood under the fairy ancestor Daoguo, with strands of light and mist hanging down, setting off him like an ancient **** who can't invade by all means, full of transcendence.

"Xianzu Daoguo?"

Many people trembled slightly, their voices were hoarse, and they murmured.

Immortal Ancestor Daoguo, this is the most powerful method of Immortal Ancestor, and it is understood with the origin of Dao in the universe.

Generally, unless it is necessary, it will not be used easily at all.

Otherwise, once it is damaged, it will be extremely painful to the Xianzu.

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