War Emperor

Chapter 1925: intend

If Lin Hanruo goes there, he will see a new world.

Lin Han slapped his tongue. He didn't expect the Lin Family to be so terrible. Even the Northern Emperor Piaofeng was a member of the clan.

He couldn't help being more curious about the Lin family.

It seems that the Heaven God Realm, he really needs to go there.

"And Lin Zhentian..." Beihuang Piaofeng glanced at Lin Zhentian with a deep gaze, and a strange color flashed across his eyes.

He could clearly perceive that Lin Zhentian contained an amazing treasure in his body.

It belongs to the extremely long-lasting power of the Eternal Demon Cave. The previous Demon Lord relied on this power to travel in all directions in the ancient times.

Even so, I haven't fully grasped that power yet.

It can be seen that the strength is somewhat tyrannical.

Within Lin Zhentian's dantian, he saw a magic hall, and within the magic hall, there were very amazing energy fluctuations.

It is the secret power of the Eternal Demon Cavern.

It seems even more amazing than the previous demon master.

"Although it is very strong, it is also full of mystery and mystery. When you practice, you must be careful. Maybe it is very likely that you will eventually be controlled by this power." The Northern Emperor Piaofeng pondered and sighed lightly.

According to legend, there were people who once mastered it thoroughly, but in the end, they directly incarnate its "slave".

It seems that it has a special role.

It is not that people control it, it also controls people.

Lin Zhentian's heart moved. He had indeed heard this when he was passing on this power.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng said the same.

This must be paid attention to, otherwise in the end, he will be a tragedy.

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Right now, he nodded.

Bei Huang Piaofeng glanced at him deeply, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Zhentian didn't have the kind of awe of the ancestors, as if he was communicating with his peers.

This is a good thing.

Becoming a top powerhouse is indeed unrestrained.

In Lin Zhentian, he has seen this quality.

This vein of my own really deserves heaven's favor.

Ten thousand years later, there will be an extraordinary pair of father and son Lin Zhentian and Lin Han.

It seems that God's will is not thin to him.

"Okay, then I'll take a look at your future achievements." Beihuang Piaofeng smiled, then looked around, and sighed: "Since things here have come to an end, then I'm leaving."

Lin Han saluted the ancestor with a deep bow.

The Nine Immortals, Nine Immortals, and countless creatures that envelop the entire Nine Wonders Realm also watched the Northern Emperor Piaofeng leave.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng rescued the entire Nine Wonderland.

Everyone is very grateful to him.


With a wave of Beihuang Piaofeng's palm, a golden avenue immediately appeared under his feet, extending to the far end of the starry sky, revealing a sense of majesty and majesty.

Around the Golden Avenue, there are various golden crows hovering, **** birds flying, colorful phoenix singing, and lotus blooming.

It seems to be sending some kind of heaven and earth sages.

There are also various ghosts and gods, standing respectfully on both sides.

It's terrifying.

Lin Han was also surprised. Although he could also make the golden road emerge under his feet, it was obviously far from Shi Huang.

The golden avenue of the first emperor seems to be able to travel through the past and the present.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng walked on the Golden Boulevard with his hands in his hands, and walked away.

The steps are not fast, and every step down, it seems to be able to span hundreds of millions of miles, making the space tremble and revealing ethereal.

Before long, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng disappeared at the end of the universe.

There was still silence between the sky and the earth, and everyone was shocked by the Northern Emperor's magical powers.



After that, Lin Han's family gained a very lofty position in the Jiuxian clan.

No one can look down on them anymore.

"Han'er, what are your plans next?"

On this day, on the top of a cliff, Lin Xiaoyi chuckled and asked.

Now she has changed into a plain white dress, and after more than ten days of recuperation, her pale and haggard face has recovered.

She was originally beautiful, now she was fluttering in white clothes, with jade skin, standing on the cliff, like a fairy who would take the wind away at any time.

Beside her, there is Lin Zhentian, wearing a black outfit, showing his tall and burly figure to the fullest.

They stood side by side, like a couple of gods and goddesses.

Lin Han looked in a trance.

For more than ten days, he has been staying with his father.

Right now, it is indeed time to consider the future.

It is impossible to stay with your parents forever.

The universe is huge, and there is still a long way to go to the strong.

"I want to go to the funeral of Xianyuanhuang." Finally, Lin Han pondered and said.

"Xianyuanhuang burial?" Lin Xiaoyi and Lin Zhentian were startled and nodded gently.

The burial of the fairy phoenix is ​​a great secret place in the Nine Wonders. According to legend, an ancient fairy phoenix has fallen.

Even the ancient Yuan level immortal skills are available, and it is the land of all geniuses in the Nine Immortals.

If Lin Han enters the burial of the Immortal Yuanhuang, he is lucky, and the chance he gets is not small.

"We support you." Lin Zhentian smiled and patted Lin Han on the shoulder. Now Lin Han has truly grown up, and he supports whatever he wants to do.

Although Xianyuanhuang's burial was very dangerous, many famous powerful men would die after entering.

But he believed that Lin Han should be able to cope.

It is difficult to make effective progress without experiencing some hardships.

"The opening method of the Xianyuanhuang burial lies with your grandfather. Just tell your grandfather." Lin Xiaoyi smiled lightly.

She and Lin Zhentian have decided that they will travel the universe for a while.

After finally getting together, they want to live their lives.

Lin Han nodded and bid farewell to his father.

Although reluctant to give up, there is no alternative.



The fairy phoenix was buried in the very east of the Nine Wonders, in a starry sky.

An ancient key is needed to unlock, and there are only a few in the Nine Wonders.

Therefore, there are not many people who are lucky enough to enter the burial of Xianyuanhuang.

After Lin Han talked to Lin Yaotian, Lin Yaotian was naturally very happy and gave him the ancient key.

On this day, the sun is shining brightly.

In a mountainous area, Lin Han woke up from cultivation.

The light in the eyes flashed away.

He glanced at his body, smiled slightly and said: "Three talents, seven layers..."

He had indeed reached the seventh level of the Three Talents Realm, and absorbed about half of the Emperor of Blue Mountain Ginseng.

You know, he only broke through the Three Talents realm in the Xianmai Great Comparison, and he has jumped seven small realms in a short one month. Such progress would be shocked if others knew it.

The emperor of Blue Mountain Ginseng is indeed a super treasure medicine.

Now in his body, there was a wave of dragons and tigers, with endless power.

He could also feel his own Heavenly Demon Body, Soul Eater, and mental power, all of which had undergone considerable transformation.

The retreat this month has a great effect for him.

"Haha, Lin Han, you are finally out. It seems that you have made a lot of progress. Why don't we have a discussion."

At this moment, an old laughter spread.

An old man came bathing in divine light all over, with a powerful and majestic smell.

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