War Emperor

Chapter 1926: Combat power

"Patriarch Lin, what is your strength, challenge him and bully others."

Lingxuan was also there, smiling.

The old man is Lin Yaotian.

Within the Nine Immortals, she and Xiaolan were also treated very well.

Now they have a lot of strength enhancement, their whole body shimmers, and their energy is restrained.

"Grandpa, are you kidding me?" Lin Han smiled bitterly at Lin Yaotian.

No matter how strong he is, how could he be Grandpa's opponent.

Grandpa is the peak powerhouse in the entire Nine Immortals Realm. His strength has long surpassed the Four Elephant Realm and even entered the Five Elements Realm.

"It's okay, I will suppress the realm in the Four Elephant Realm, and it can be considered as an assessment for you before entering the Xianyuan Phoenix burial." Lin Yaotian smiled.

Not far away, the Great Elder Master Liuyun was also there, all smiling.

After Lin Han experienced this retreat, he would go to the Xianyuanhuang burial.

They counted to practice for Lin Han.

Seeing that Lin Han's strength has grown so much, even their old bones are a little itchy.

After all, Lin Han is invincible at the same level, and a discussion will give them a lot of inspiration.

"Okay, let's do it then." Lin Han muttered, grinned, and said.

After jumping to seven small realms in a month, he is now full of confidence and wants to find someone to practice his hands.

Grandpa suppressed the realm to the Sixiang realm.

He also wanted to see how he was fighting now.

"Even if I only suppressed the realm to the early stage of the Four Elephants realm, it is far from comparable to ordinary Four Elephants realm characters, you be careful."

Lin Yaotian smiled lightly.

After all, his background is not comparable to people in this realm.

After he finished speaking, his body shook, and a powerful blood qi spread across his body.

Then, the vigorous blood and energy continued to condense, transforming into a blue dragon, a white tiger, a Suzaku, and a basalt.

Every end is vivid.

The Qinglong feet are ten feet high, and the whole body is gleaming with cyan scales, cast like cyan, full of shocking force.

The white tiger's hair is exuberant, like a waterfall, soft and smooth, and roars up to the sky, giving the race the feeling that it can break the sun and the moon.

Suzaku's whole body was surrounded by scarlet flames, as if flying out of a sea of ​​magma fire, her eyes were as bright as golden lights, cold and domineering.

Xuanwu is thicker, with a lime-gray surface, like a low mountain, with a pair of eyes that smell of the cycle of time and space.

They are lined up and surround the surface of Lin Yaotian's body, and Lin Yaotian is set off like an ancient god.

This is the magical power of the Four Elephants, the power of the Four Elephants.

When fighting with Lin Lingtian, Lin Lingtian also touched this realm through some means.

However, the four realms like Lin Yaotian's real life are not a concept at all.

Therefore, facing the four ancient divine beasts, Lin Han felt a little awe-inspiring, as if there were four monstrous beasts staring at him, it made him feel a sense of oppression.

"How about it, are you sure to face it?"

Lin Yaotian unleashed the Four Elephants' supernatural powers, full of confidence, and smiled to Lin Han.

The Sixiang State is a big state.

Even if Lin Han had reached the seventh level of the three talents realm now, there was still a difference between heaven and earth.

What's more, his original realm is very high, not comparable to his level.

"No problem, come on." Lin Hanlang smiled and said with a raging fighting spirit.

No matter what the Four Elephants Realm, he still has the confidence to crush it.

"Ten Elephant Time and Space, appear!"

After speaking, Lin Han's face sank, and his mouth sank.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, on the surface of his body, an endless haze burst out, and then ten pictures of gods, like ten big stars, appeared on his body.

A scent of desolate atmosphere swept across the sky and the mountains and valleys are resonating, flying sand and rocks, dusty, and the scene is amazing.

"Ten Elephant Time and Space?" Lin Yaotian was dumbfounded.

The Great Elder and Master Liuyun were also dumbfounded.

Lin Han's time and space of nine elephants was originally very unique.

When the fairy veins were compared, they were all amazing when they were displayed.

Now Jiuxiang Space-time has improved again? Reached the time and space of ten elephants.

There are also a group of elders from the Nine Immortals who have numb scalp.

In the time and space of the ten elephants, on the middle **** map, the energy of the Nine Immortals Booklet flows.

In other words, Lin Han can only achieve this step by integrating the Nine Immortals Treasure into his own magical powers.

This is amazing.

The Nine Immortals' Treasure, as the strongest tremor technique in the Nine Immortals, normal people can only dream of it.

Combining it with other magical powers is even more difficult to imagine.

Lin Han actually did it. What a talent is needed.

He was a little surprised.

At this moment, ten **** pictures are connected, and there is an inexplicable general trend of the universe. Once oppressed, people can't help but surrender.

"Good supernatural power." Lin Yaotian also smiled and admired.

If we say that he had full confidence in his four-image magical powers before.

Now there is no bottom.

However, this is just right.

Fights full of suspense will be interesting.

"The power of the four elephants, strike out." Right now, he sipped coldly, his eyes bursting with cold electricity, and a fingerprint was pinched out in his hand.

The Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu all roared fiercely.

Then, Qinglong twisted his vigorous body, opened his big mouth, and bit towards Lin Hanzhe.

Like a torrent, it plowed the ground into a thick hole, and the earth flew up and it was amazing.

The white tiger exerts force on its four hooves, like stepping on a big drum from heaven and earth, with a thump, and a wild body rushes. On its front paws, there are five sharp claw toes, like a sharp sickle. It is half a meter long and it is astonishingly cold. .

With such strength, even a big mountain can crash into ashes instantly.


Suzaku is bathed in endless flames, like a volcano erupting, to drown the world.

It has a pair of eyes like a golden lamp, and the light that shoots out, like a sharp sword piercing the soul of a person, is sharp and compelling.

Xuanwu crawled his limbs, coming slowly, and the space left and right was fast.

On the tortoise's back, there is a golden python, which also tightens its body, opens its big mouth, reveals its fangs, and wants to bite Lin Han.

This scene is very shocking.

"Good come." At this time, Lin Han laughed, showing a little pride.

The body surface is full of black blood, like a vast black ocean.

"Ten Elephant Time and Space, break it for me!"

Then, he shot a cold electricity in his eyes and drank in his mouth.


Space shocks.

The time and space of the ten elephants also exudes dazzling divine light, some of which are radiant with golden light, some of which are mighty black, or gleaming with blue light, or crisp green...

It is like the most quintessential meaning in the picture of God.

Ten **** pictures, fiercely rotating, form a gorgeous **** ring, suspended in the sky.

Then, a series of killing swords descended from the nine heavens, forming a series of meteor showers.

Each killing sword rubbed against the air, creating a blazing fire that was dozens of miles long.

Such a scene can be seen from a hundred thousand miles away, and the scene is magnificent.


All the elders took a breath.

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