War Emperor

Chapter 1957: Seven Stars

I don't know, between myself and him, whose formation skills are better...

If others knew what Lin Han was thinking, they would be dumbfounded.

Tianyuan Formation King, who is he, even many older people can't match it.

Lin Han, a hairy boy, dared to compare himself with him, which made people feel like a fantasy.

In fact, Lin Han's current formation level has reached a level that no one else can imagine.

If it is really displayed, it is really unknown whether the so-called Tianyuan Formation King can defeat him.

However, since the Tianyuan Formation King was willing to unblock the immortal phoenix burial prohibition, he was naturally happy without him.

Even with his level of formation, it would take a lot of effort to unlock the restriction.

"Hehe, there are enough geniuses here." Under the admiration of countless people, Tianyuan Formation King step by step, like stepping on the artery of the origin of the universe, each step gives people a sense of time and space overlap. .

After a while, he came to the gate of the city.

With deep eyes, he took a look, and said with a chuckle of genius.

Inside the Xianyuanhuang burial, there are many ancient secret treasures. In the nearby starry sky, many powerful people are hot.

It is reasonable to open it now and cause such a big sensation.

"Thank you, Tianyuan Formation King will open the phoenix burial, otherwise we won't have such a big chance." At this moment, the Thunder and Lightning Son gave the Tianyuan Formation King a hand and smiled.

The other party is very senior, they are just juniors.

"Senior don't worry, if we really get any benefits in it, we will definitely not forget the favor of senior." Ye Lin also chuckled lightly.

Fairy Yuelong and Zhao Shi nodded.

If there is no Tianyuan Formation King, they will not have a chance.

Tianyuan Formation Wang smiled faintly.

He unlocked the prohibition on the burial of the Xianyuan Phoenix just to verify his formation skills.

As for the chance attribution, he didn't care.

At this point, if he wants to make a breakthrough in the formation, he must unlock some ancient strange formations.

The prohibition of Xianyuanhuang's burial is a very good temper for him, he has been focusing on it for a long time.

"It's starting now." He didn't delay anything, his deep gaze suddenly looked above the stars.

I saw that in the north of the starry sky, there were seven stars slowly moving, and at this moment, there was a vaguely connected tendency to form a straight line.

This is near the city of Green God, with seven special stars, connecting the seven stars every five hundred years.

Not far in front of the seven stars, there is a hazy area, where cyan haze is surrounded, like a special time and space.

Vaguely, like a huge fairy phoenix, hibernating there, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

That is the entrance to the funeral of Xianyuanhuang!

The gray space fluctuations are forbidden!

To enter, the prohibition must be turned on.

Lin Han looked at the restraint, his eyes narrowed slightly, even with the passage of time, a large part of the restraint's power had already been consumed.

In the prohibition, there is still a strong coercion, even he couldn't help feeling a little trembling in his heart.

If you rashly approach the prohibition, there is bound to be catastrophe.

"Seven stars in a row, seven stars in a row..."

Finally someone shouted.

The seven stars are finally really connected in a straight line, very straight.

At this moment, it was like touching, the starry sky, some kind of obscure Taoism order, everyone could notice that this starry sky had become a little strange, as if something magical was about to happen.

The scene is also very spectacular.

"Okay!" Tianyuan Formation Wang smiled, waiting for many years, just for this moment, the restriction of Seven Stars Lianzhu and the burial of the fairy phoenix is ​​very closely related, as long as you make good use of it, you can break the restriction. The accomplishments on the one hand of the formation will be further improved.

"The law of heaven and earth is for my use." Then, with a solemn face, he slowly stretched out his palm, pinched a weird seal with his five fingers, and made a light drink from his mouth.


An astonishing scene appeared. In the starry sky, many chains of order emerged one after another, like spirit snakes, exuding colorful light, gathering in the palm of his hand.

Then his ten fingers flicked in the starry sky, and many chains of order were all driven into the prohibition of the immortal phoenix burial.

In an instant, as if the formation reaction was stimulated, all kinds of divine light bloomed, the splendid transpiration, as well as the vast sea and the sky, the collapse of the universe, all kinds of visions appeared, amazing and amazing.

Many people are in awe, the Heavenly Origin Formation King, with all his hands and feet, can bring out the chain of heaven and earth order, the method is really amazing.

The general array mage is far from able to do it.

The chain of heaven and earth order also has a very strong lethality. If it hits everyone, there is no doubt that they can't resist it at all, and they will instantly be crushed and killed into a blood mist.

Lin Han looked serious.

At the level of the Tianyuan Formation King, he was not surprised to have such a formation method.

After all, this is a necessary quality for a senior formation mage.

However, what made him frown was that under the attack of the Tianyuan Formation King's various chains of order, the prohibition on the burial of the fairy phoenix did not weaken, but instead there was a more and more powerful flavor that permeated it.

If this continues, maybe the Tianyuan Formation King cannot break the restriction at all. It is also possible that the restriction will be transformed into a terrible killing formation, covering everyone here, forming a sea of ​​blood.

"Indeed, this can't go on anymore, stop him quickly." Hong also noticed this, and said with a serious tone.

The man who built this forbidden city was very deep.

First give it to the race and use the seven stars to break the illusion of prohibition.

In fact, with the hidden mystery, the power of the formation mage will transform the restriction when the seven stars are connected, and then the entire restriction will become a "blood sacrificial formation", which will inevitably destroy all creatures.

No one here is immune.

Even if he doesn't have this step, it's hard to see this from his appearance.

"Okay." Lin Han nodded and looked anxious. This matter is related to the safety of himself and everyone, and he is naturally obliged.

Right now, he took a breath, settled, and shouted in a deep voice: "Stop, don't inject strength into the prohibition."

The sudden sound made the surrounding atmosphere suddenly quiet.

Many people looked at Lin Han in amazement.

From the outside, the power of prohibition is weakening, which means that everything is developing in a good direction.

How did Lin Han stop?

"Little guy, who are you and what are you doing here?"

The Tianyuan Formation King was also startled, and then frowned at Lin Han, his tone impatient.

He broke the formation, a hairy boy, yelling, to him, it is really disrespectful.

Lin Han arched his hands and said, "Junior Lin Han, he also has some insights on the formation. Didn't the senior discover that there is a cryptic mystery inside the formation that is devouring your power to strengthen yourself? Continue like this, the formation. Fa will become a blood sacrifice array, and then everything will be bad."

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