War Emperor

Chapter 1958: Blood Sacrifice


Hearing what Lin Han said, there was an uproar around him.

Many people are surprised.

Lin Han is a person who often does unexpected things.

Everyone had to guard against what he said.

King Tianyuan Formation, his face suddenly sank, his eyes became slightly gloomy, who is he? The dignified formation of the heavenly king, in the immortal world, has a lofty prestige, how can a kid be scornful here.

What's more, he didn't notice what Lin Han said.

To say this is clearly an insult to his ability.

"Asshole, are you questioning my level of formation?" Right now, there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

Lin Han's name, he had also heard of the descendants of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, these six characters, like a golden signboard, in the vast universe, wherever they go, they will attract people's attention.

He was also a little surprised.

It is truly unprecedented in the universe for a teenager with a bone age of only more than 20 years old to have such extraordinary achievements.

The descendants of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng are indeed not simple.

However, the more so, the more unhappy he is.

This is provoking him.

Lin Han sighed slightly. He didn't think that the so-called Tianyuan Formation King would not listen. Then he shook his head and said, "I didn't say nonsense. If you don't believe me, you can use Super God Eyes to watch and you can see. Inside the formation, there is a hidden crisis."

The corner of Tianyuan Formation King's mouth twitched.

In the universe, there are many people who possess pupil technique, but they want to use pupil technique to the point where it can see through the illusion, to the point of origin, but they are very rare and rare.

Even he does not have that magical pupil technique.

Lin Han opened his mouth and came.

I really thought it was Chinese cabbage.

Feeling running on him deliberately.

Then, a touch of impatience appeared on his face, and he waved his hand: "Okay, don't make any mess here, go down, read it because you are the descendant of the Northern Emperor, I don't care about your condemnation. ."

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng is the realm master of the Celestial God Realm, and he is famous for Liuhe and Bahuang.

Fighting between young people can disregard the reputation of the Northern Emperor.

He is a strong old man, so naturally he must be jealous.

After all, this is the most legendary top powerhouse in nearly ten thousand years, and he is too powerful.

Lin Han did not give in, and said helplessly: "If this is the case, then the juniors are only rude."

After finishing speaking, Lin Han put his hands across his chest, and also pinched a formation knot, and then pointed it out, punching out a formation texture, and rushed into the restriction.

He wanted to break the Tianyuan Formation King and the chain of order he had entered.

This can stop everything.

It's just that this move, in the eyes of everyone, is undoubtedly a man's arm as a car, and it's overwhelming.

Therefore, everyone burst into laughter after slightly stunned.

Even the Raiden Son, Ye Lin, Yuelong Fairy, and Zhao Shi laughed.

How high is Tianyuan Formation King's formation, and the order of formation is extremely mysterious.

There is no doubt that a teenager in the cold area of ​​Lin Han wants to break his wrists, which makes people feel ridiculous.

"Banmen get an axe." Tianyuan Formation King also sneered.

Lin Han was obviously fighting the fire with moths, and his attack would be destroyed, and he would suffer a certain amount of backlash. When he received the price, he knew how funny he was.

He was a little gloating.


However, just as he thought of this, the next moment, the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly solidified.

I saw that Lin Han’s formation texture entered the restriction, instantly resembling a giant dragon, coming into the snake’s den, ramming, with the tolerance of destroying everything, directly click, click, and kill the Tianyuan formation king. , The chain of order that was typed out, all broke.

Moreover, an extremely strong counter-shock force struck, so that King Tianyuan Formation couldn't help but feel a pain in his chest. He stepped back a few steps, his throat was sweet, and almost a mouthful of blood came out.



Like a comet falling into the ocean, there was an uproar all around.

Countless people stared wide and couldn't believe their eyes.

Heaven, the texture of Lin Han's formation broke the order of Tianyuan Formation King?

how can that be.

This is closely related to his level of formation.

In other words, his formation level has reached a very high level, at least not lower than that of Tianyuan Formation King.

It's incredible.

Tianyuan Formation King, at least in the formation, studied for tens of thousands of years, coupled with the outstanding talent, can be at today's height, how old Lin Han is, if he can really compare with Tianyuan Formation King, it would be terrifying.


The Tianyuan Formation King was holding his aching chest, also a little dumbfounded.

He looked at Lin Han as if he had seen a ghost. After a long while, his eyes became sharp, and he asked in a deep voice, "How did you do this?"

I think Lin Han must have played some tricks.

If he does it on his own, he can't believe it.

A young man with such a high level of formation could kill him in a headshot.

Leiden Shengzi, Ye Lin, Yuelong Fairy, and Zhao Shi also looked surprised and suspicious.

Now they didn't laugh at Lin Han, some were just curious.

Lin Han smiled calmly and said, "Naturally I did it on my own, no tricks."

"Nonsense!" Tianyuan Formation King laughed angrily. In this way, he has cultivated the formation for thousands of years, didn't he cultivate on the dog?

He said in a cold tone: "Lin Han, don't rely on it. You are the descendant of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng. I can't help you. You have to know that I am helping all geniuses to open the restriction. Enemy, they can drown you with one spit, do you understand?"

Hearing that, many people are indeed looking at Lin Han with hostility.

Lin Han sneered, this guy is really stubborn.

Then he sneered: "If this is the case, then I will let you see if I am alarmist!"

"Prohibit mystery, show me!"

Knowing that he didn't produce evidence, no one would listen to him.

There is only a showdown right now.


When the voice fell, he would truly display the Eye of Soul Eater, a pair of pupils, covered with pitch-black light, the whole person became devilish, like a resurrection of an overwhelming demon god.

Then, two strange black lights shot out from his eyes, directly shining on the prohibition of the burial of the Immortal Phoenix.

The next moment, within the restriction, an invisible formation was revealed, like it could swallow all the energy between the world and the earth, exuding a throbbing taste, and also like the hub of a certain formation, as long as the energy is full, to At that time, a more terrifying array will emerge, letting people smell the scent of the rain.

"Sure enough, it is the hub of the blood sacrifice array..."


A cold breath sounded all around.

Many people were shocked instantly, with horror on their faces.

Even if most people haven't seen the blood sacrificial formation, in some ancient books, they have also seen its description.

This kind of blood sacrifice array is very dependent on energy, and only when the energy is full will it activate.

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