War Emperor

Chapter 1971: Shot

He deserves to be a genius with a reputation similar to Ye Tu's, and his final results have reached the same level as seven kinds of light.

In other words, among so many people, the only qualified to absorb Ten Thousand Soul Orbs are Li Ling, Ye Tu, and Zhao Lieyang.

They are like three shining pearls in the crowd, making people admire.

Everyone is also a little hot and expectant.

Everyone knows that since their results are the same, then a duel is probably inevitable.

A genius of this level is bound to make an extremely fierce shot.

They will also have a lot of inspiration, so everyone is looking forward to it and want to see, who can lead the way.

"Haha, it seems that a battle is inevitable." Upon seeing this, Ye Tu smiled lightly.

This is also good, to avoid other people's participation.

Otherwise, they will go crazy, and it will not be easy for them to wait for others to clean up.

Li Ling nodded, indicating acquiescence.

Zhao Lieyang smiled coldly and said, "Let's talk about it, how can we compare..."

"It's simple, in a duel, who can stand in the ring within the specified time, who owns the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs, just click and stop, and it won't hurt peace." Ye Tu smiled.

Li Ling and Zhao Lieyang agreed.

The surrounding atmosphere became fiery.

"Ahem..." However, at this moment, a young cough suddenly sounded, and then Lin Han smiled faintly: "You seem to have forgotten something..."

All three of them looked at Lin Han.

Ye Tu sneered and said, "Why, Lin Han, are you not convinced?"

There was still a gap between Lin Han and them, so naturally he was not qualified to participate in this kind of battle.

Zhao Lieyang was also condescending and smiled contemptuously at him.

"Little brother Lin Han means that he hasn't tried yet." Li Ling smiled and said, "Right?"

Lin Han nodded.

There was a commotion around.

With the dazzling results of the Ye Tu trio, is there still a need to try?

Even if Lin Han looked like it was not easy, after all, his strength was not close to them.

If it is said that seven points of light can also shine, it is naturally unbelievable.

"Lin Han, you are going to waste everyone's time here again, because you can only brighten up to five light spots, so don't try." Ye Tu sneered and said firmly.

He wouldn't think that kind of **** luck would fall on Lin Han's head.

"Let's talk about it after my results come out." Lin Han smiled calmly.

Everyone has a chance to shoot.

With a few words from Ye Tuo, it is undoubtedly impossible to deprive him of the opportunity.

There was some anger in Ye Tu's eyes, this kid really rebelled against him repeatedly.

Then there was a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Okay, what's the problem with your shot? How about we make a bet?"

"What bet?" Lin Han raised his brow.

Ye Tu's palm spread out, and in the palm of his palm, the light surged, and then a crimson fruit appeared, the size of a fist, surrounded by a fragrant fragrance, it looked red and very attractive.

"This is the Four Elephant Fruit, an extremely rare fruit in the fairy world. After eating it, it can strengthen the Four Elephant Realm characters, two small realms. If you can also light up seven light spots, I will give this fruit. Give you."

Ye Tu smiled faintly, and then said coldly in his eyes: "Of course, if you can't do it, I want you to kowtow to Jin Ze to admit your mistakes in front of everyone?"


Many people are surprised, but the stakes are a bit big.

Four elephant fruit!

This kind of treasure can be met but not sought.

Ye Tu took out a bet, which made many people fiery and greedy.

Kanazawa grinned excitedly.

In his opinion, Ye Tu was obviously embarrassing Lin Han on purpose.

Lin Han couldn't do it simply, and he might shrink back.

He had already thought about how to humiliate Lin Han next.

Ye Tu laughed very playfully, really wanting Lin Han to retreat.

He just wanted to make Lin Han lose face.

"Okay, it's a deal." However, Lin Han didn't even think about it, smiled lightly, and agreed.

Ye Tu and Jin Ze were stunned.

Does he really have such confidence in himself?

Lin Han looked at Zhao Lieyang and smiled: "Do you want to add some chips too?"

At this moment, Zhao Lieyang looked at his own eyes with a chill, obviously he also had ideas.

"Haha..." Zhao Lieyang laughed, as if he had been hit by Lin Han, and said: "I can't tell, your kid is clever enough, yes, I want to bet with you..."

This was an opportunity to humiliate Lin Han, and he would naturally not let it go.

At the moment, the brilliance of his hand flashed and three golden elixirs appeared, proudly said: "These three elixirs are called "Zhuangqi Pills". As the name suggests, they can strengthen the human vitality and strengthen the physical fitness. I will hope for it. If you win, I will give you these three pill of strength."

"As for losing, you just kneel down and apologize to Young Master Aotian."

Hearing this, there was another commotion around.

Zhuangqi Dan is also very valuable.

The bargaining chips of Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang are really exciting.

Some people lahazi, they are constantly flowing, they can't wait to go up, and immediately grab the two treasures.

"Okay, let's wait and see." Lin Han smiled, and there was a rush of heat in his eyes. He really took a fancy to the bets of these two people.

At the moment, under the eyes of the crowd, he stepped forward to the stone tower.

Standing in front of the stone tower, Lin Han moved in his heart.

There is a strange feeling that the stone tower is not an ancient building, like a life body containing majestic vitality.

I have been asleep, if I show off my power, I will be shocked.

"It should be an illusion." Lin Han chuckled dumbly, the stone tower is the stone tower, how could it be a living body.

Then he glanced at the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs, and without saying anything, he flew to the side of the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs when he moved.

At this moment, watching the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs up close, there are countless milky white gases floating in the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs.

This is exactly the soul power contained.

Has reached an astronomical figure.

The fiery meaning in Lin Han's eyes is even stronger.

In this way, after he absorbs it, his mental strength will increase significantly.

Right now, he didn't hesitate anymore, and his palm was placed on the ten thousand soul orb.


As his divine power entered the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs, Lin Han immediately felt that there was a lot of rebounding force, surging in, as if repelling his power, if it reached a certain level, it might shock people. hurt.

This made Lin Han a little surprised, no wonder so many people took action before, and they all consumed a lot of money.

Some unlucky people were shocked to vomit blood.

It seems that testing Ten Thousand Soul Orbs is not an easy task either.

However, this rebounding force is naturally nothing to Lin Han. Lin Han smiled faintly at the moment, and the divine power in his body was surging again, this time even more violent, as if an angry dragon awakened.

The rebound force was finally restrained by him.

Then, Lin Han noticed that a special force had entered his body in the ten thousand soul orbs, and began to test his bones and flesh and blood.

Like a scan, he only felt itchy all over his body.

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