War Emperor

Chapter 1972: Nine points of light

"It's on, the light spot starts to light up..."

Many people around were exclaiming.

Everyone wanted to see what Lin Han would accomplish. After all, Lin Han had done too many shocking things since entering the fairy world.

At this moment, seeing the first light lit up, everyone was a little nervous and expectant.

"It's just the first one to light up. What's all the fuss about." Ye Tu sneered, very calm.

There is still a big gap between this and them.

There was a slight sense of anxiety in my heart.

Because Lin Han, the first one to light up, seemed to be faster than him, Zhao Lieyang, and Li Ling.

If speed also represents the final achievement, then it is really possible that Lin Han will be better than their results.

"Maybe I want to deliberately show my full strength, and it won't work soon." Zhao Lieyang guessed, sarcastically.

Looking at him, Lin Han couldn't be better than them anyway.

Put all your energy at the forefront, and that will be the case.

Ye Tu smiled and nodded, feeling the same.

Li Ling narrowed his eyes, and a strange movement appeared in his heart. He always felt that Lin Han was not as simple as it seemed.

At the moment, an interesting smile burst out from the corner of his mouth, wanting to see if this well-known teenager is genuine.


Just when Zhao Lieyang's thoughts fell.

In the next moment, only the second, third, and fourth light spots were seen, all of them lit up almost at the same time.

The dazzling light was dazzling near the shining stone tower.

The dazzling degree of light was dozens of times more radiant than the Ye Tu trio.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Lieyang and Ye Tu couldn't laugh at all, their faces were a little stiff, and they felt like they had been beaten.

Can Lin Han push the light to this step?

Their hearts couldn't help shaking frantically.

Under the same circumstances, whoever shines brighter means better performance.

The brilliance of Lin Han's light had already crushed them.

"We have seven light spots, and he has only four. I don't believe it. Under such a bright situation, he can light up to seven." Ye Tuyin smiled.

Unless the Ten Great Sons may be able to do this step.

Otherwise, among the geniuses buried in Xian Yuan Huang, it is impossible to be so much better than them.

Zhao Lieyang also looked a little ugly, and felt that things were not so simple.

However, if Lin Han can still light up to seven in this situation, he would not believe it.

Therefore, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and was ready to mock Lin Han.


However, at this moment, there were three more rays of light, brighter again.

It was as if three suns were blooming and dazzling, with seven points of light shining, and Lin Han was surrounded by seven stars in suspension.

Time seems to freeze.

Countless people were stunned and dumbfounded.

Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang were also shocked, their faces stiff like tree bark.

My God, Lin Han did it, how is this possible?

They have the urge to **** in the day.

Li Ling couldn't help taking a breath, a scent of vibration in his eyes.

In the case of being so much brighter than them, it can still activate seven light spots, and Lin Han's performance is much stronger than the three of them.

How could he be so perverted, looking at the realm, there is still a big gap with them.

"No, Lin Han, what kind of blind eye did you use, how did you do it?" At this moment, Ye Tu clenched some fists and couldn't help but said fiercely.

In any case, he could not accept Lin Hansheng's facts.

In this way, he will not only be beaten in the face, but also give the Sixiangguo to Lin Han, then he will lose his wife and break down.

Zhao Lieyang had the same idea, looking at Lin Han with sharp eyes.

This result must be fake.

"Blind-eye method?" However, Lin Han sneered. He hadn't exerted his full strength yet. Both felt that he was a blind-eye method. If his grades really appeared, wouldn't it have a greater impact on them?

"Keep your eyes wide open, take a good look, is this a blinding trick?"

Lin Han's eyes were cold, and then his face sank, the power on his arm was urging again, and the divine power pouring into the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs increased.


The next moment, thunder and lightning, wind and rain, and dark clouds rolled, it seemed that something terrible happened.

I saw that the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs suddenly burst into blazing divine light, a nine-color light, rushing straight to the sky, illuminating Xiao Han, making the heaven and the earth shining, and you can clearly see it within a radius of thousands of miles.

On the stone tower, all the nine light spots were lit up.

The stone towers were shaking gently, as if some terrible mechanism had been activated.

Loud chanting sounds came from the void, and the vision was amazing.

"Nine... a light spot!"

"He actually made all nine points of light shine!"

"Is this true? I'm not dreaming, am I."


There was an uproar around him like a pan.

Countless people screamed like crazy.


Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang also seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer in their heads, dizzy and inhaled.

It turned out not to be seven spots, but nine spots.

They looked down on Lin Han.

The degree of fit between him and Ten Thousand Soul Orbs reached a perfect level.

Li Ling's palms were trembling lightly, even some notorious big demon in the fairy world could not activate Ten Thousand Soul Orbs to this step.

Lin Han's talent is indeed amazing.

According to legend, before the endless years, there was a "Xuanyuan Demon Venerable" in the Demon Realm, who was in perfect fit when absorbing Ten Thousand Soul Orbs.

In history, he alone did it.

He is the ancestor of the Demon Realm, the ancestor of ten thousand demons, and his mighty power. In the long river of history, there are few ancient and powerful people who can compare with him.

People who fit perfectly with Ten Thousand Soul Orbs are almost legendary in the fairy world.

Right now, he could actually see someone with his own eyes.

Still a young boy in his twenties.

The shock this gave him is really unspeakable.

Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang also have numb scalp. If it really represents a person's potential, then how high will Lin Han's achievements be?

They all look up.

It can be compared to the ancient Xuanyuan Demon Venerable, which is too shocking to hear.

Now they looked at Lin Han, and there was a shudder in their eyes.

Kaka Kaka...

Under the eyes of everyone's attention, Lin Han still kept touching the palm of his hand, in the posture of Ten Thousand Soul Orbs.

At this moment, he had long hair, dancing wildly with the wind, and his eyes became fierce as a sky sword. Under the dark clouds and lightning thunder rolling in the sky, he was set off like a sealed young demon ancestor, breaking the seal of the world.

There is a strong pressure on his body, sweeping over him, and people can't help but want to surrender.

It is as if everything in the world loses its color, only Lin Han becomes the only one, and the style is really dazzling.

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