War Emperor

Chapter 1973: oppression

Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang felt bitter, knowing that they were defeated.

Lin Han's achievements crushed them too much, leaving them only looking up.

Now there is no doubt that Lin Han is the first person in this test, and Ten Thousand Soul Orbs belong to him.


Lin Hanlang laughed, and put away the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs, and then said to Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang, "How about it, now you two take it, give me the Sixiang Fruit and Zhuangqi Pill. "

After speaking, he smiled and stretched out his hand.

This time not only successfully obtained the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs, but also the Four Elephant Fruit and Strong Qi Pill, which was undoubtedly a big gain.

Many people were also amazed that Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang were grown up.

If you change to them, it will definitely hurt.

At the same time, when someone looked at the gloomy faces of the two, they felt that things might not be so simple.

Neither of them are such good talkers.

Lin Han's strength is so much lower than theirs, maybe something will happen again.

Sure enough, Ye Disci's teeth broke for a while before he suddenly grinned and said, "Lin Han, I never believe that you can reach such a high degree of compatibility with Ten Thousand Soul Orbs. I still think you are lying to us... …"

Zhao Lieyang also laughed, but now he can only shirk it.

It is indeed a good thing to be able to bite Lin Han back.

"Yes, Lin Han, hurry up and honestly recruit, what means do you use, otherwise, if you deceive everyone, none of us will let you go."

His eyes were cold.

Some people with bad intentions also laughed.

Even if they knew that Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang were framing Lin Han.

But if Lin Han was defeated, maybe they still had a chance to **** Ten Thousand Soul Orbs, which naturally made them hope.

Therefore, some people looked at Lin Han with a little coldness, and they wanted to ask Zhao Lieyang and Ye Tu together.

"Damn..." Upon seeing this, Lin Han couldn't help but cursed secretly. These two guys were really inferior in character, and now they pour dirty water on themselves.

If you don't manage to solve it, maybe he might be besieged today.

"What do you say, you believe it, I'm not lying to you." Lin Leng Leng laughed.

"Haha, simple." Ye Tu laughed, as if waiting for Lin Han's words, twisted his wrist, and said: "I won't bully you, as long as you can fight me more than ten tricks, I will trust you. how is it?"

Before fighting against Lin Han, Zhao Lieyang came to disturb him.

He is naturally continuing now.

The conflict between him and Lin Han is already deep.

Can't wait, want to crush Lin Han and humiliate him.

Many people grinned at the corners of their mouths, which clearly meant to deal with Lin Han.

If you agree, you can't be your opponent, maybe Ye Tu will kill him.

If you don't agree, you will be besieged, or you will not be able to escape bad luck.

Ye Tu can be said to have blocked Lin Han's back road to death.

"Ye Tu, don't go too far." Lingxuan said with an angrily slender hand at the waist.

What is the difference between this and what a strong man is difficult

Even with ten moves, Ye Tu's skills are not easy to pick up.

After all, if he wanted to kill Lin Han, ten moves would be enough.

"Huh, this is the only condition. He can't even take my ten tricks. How could it be possible to make everyone accept that he can light up nine spots of light?" Ye Tu's face sank, and he snorted coldly: "He is obviously cheating. "

"Yes, haha, Lin Han, do you have the guts to pick it up?" Zhao Lieyang also laughed, fanning the flames.

The atmosphere around him became tense. Everyone knew that Lin Han was in a dilemma.

If it were themselves, many people would feel that they would give up Ten Thousand Soul Orbs and leave here.

After all, no matter how good the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs were, they couldn't match their own lives.

Under Ye Tu's intentional targeting, it was almost impossible for Lin Han to successfully obtain Ten Thousand Soul Orbs.

"Okay, come here, let's take action." However, Lin Han looked calm as usual and sneered slightly.

Ye Tu's realm was much stronger than him, but if he said that within ten strokes, it would threaten him, he didn't believe it.

After all, his own hole cards are numerous, and they are not comparable to ordinary people.

What's more, he didn't think he would be worse than Ye Tu.

The ten strokes agreement is nothing to him.


There was a commotion all around.

Many people think that a good show is coming.

The battle that Lin Han and Ye Tu interrupted before will undoubtedly continue.

"Okay, kid, you have a seed, today I will let you know what it will be like to provoke me Ye Tu." Ye Tu grinned, only thinking that Lin Han dared to agree to it, which was an insult to him.

At the moment, he stopped talking nonsense either, with a boom, a flash of brilliance in his hand, and a black spear, made of black iron, full of solid strength.

On the barrel of the spear, there are also painted patterns of the sun, moon and stars, which is full of cumbersome and vast sense.

It seems that this spear contains boundless power.

After the spear appeared, there was a kind of coercion that pervaded, making many people feel a little chill on their scalp and a taste of horror in their hearts.

"This is the Star Gun?"

Zhao Lieyang narrowed his eyes and said in surprise.

This gun is in the sunset palace and has an extremely expensive name.

Legend has it that this palace lord, when he was young, held this gun, horizontally and horizontally, and defeated many powerful men.

Because Ye Tu has great talent among the young people of this generation, and was given high hopes by the Sunset Palace, the Sunset Palace Lord will reward him with this gun, which is a great honor and affirmation.

Since Ye Tu received this gun, he has only cast very few times in front of outsiders.

Every time, it is powerful, blessed by the power of the sky full of stars, like a giant starry sky looking at all directions.

Even if he has been admired for a long time, I didn't expect to see him this time.

I have to say that this gun deserves to be well-known, and under this gun, he feels a powerful force.

It seems that as soon as it is activated, it can move the sky.

"Lin Han, dying under my starry sky gun today is the blessing you cultivated in your last life. You still have the opportunity to kneel and surrender to me, otherwise I will let you die."

Ye Tu grinned, and after displaying the Star Gun, he was undoubtedly full of confidence.

At this moment, he was dancing wildly, his eyes were sharp as electricity, and he was really full of the smell of superciliousness.

Compared with him, Lin Han's aura is really far behind.

"Heh!" However, Lin Han gave a faint sneer, with no words at all, the red light in his hand flashed, and a cold sound of the sword sounded, and the Blood Falling Emperor Sword was also sacrificed by him.

This time, Lin Han urged the Blood Falling Emperor Sword to a very powerful position.

Within the crimson sword body, a very vast sword power spreads out, as if the emperor in a sword is activated, there is a manner of letting all directions surrender and all things bow down.

Lin Han was holding this sword, and his slender posture was also very tall.

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