War Emperor

Chapter 1977: Kill

Everyone felt that the sky and the earth were in absolute silence and stillness.

It took more than ten seconds to recover.


A late explosion sounded.

Even if the mask produced by many people is very thick, it is like being hit by 100,000 mountains, causing violent fluctuations.

People with low strength couldn't help vomiting blood on the spot, and their faces were pale.

I just felt like I was overwhelmed by the river, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

This is horrible.

You must know that there are thousands of geniuses here, most of them are in the Four Elephant Realm, and each of them is enough to be famous.

The mask produced by the joint effort, even for ordinary Five Elements realm characters, may not be easy to break open.

Lin Han and Ye Tu's fierce collision could achieve this step, which was beyond their expectation.

Even Zhao Lieyang and Li Ling's expressions changed slightly.

The collision between the two of them was really shocking.

At the moment, their minds are a little tighter, want to see, Lin Han and Ye Tu, who can have the last laugh.


Lin Han and Ye Tu maintained a colliding posture, with their hands in front of them, looking at each other, like lightning intertwined squeaks.

They all used their best.

I have to say that Ye Tu is very strong, and Lin Han has not had the upper hand for a while.

And under the fierce strength of the opponent, he noticed a smell of suffocation.

If he persisted like this, he might exhaust himself first, after all, his realm was not as high as Ye Tu Gao.

This is the shortcoming.

Ye Tui was shocked and found that the real fire power of the sun on Lin Han's body was full of destructive power. Fortunately, he had a sunset armor on his body. Otherwise, if he came in contact with the body, maybe he would have it now. Died.

This made him look fierce, and said with a grinning smile: "Lin Han, you are still not my opponent. If this goes on, I will kill you sooner or later. Let's admit my fate."

He could also tell that this would consume a lot of Lin Han.

His realm can last longer.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to survive that time." However, Lin Han said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


When the voice fell, Lin Han's pupils were covered with a lot of black light, and then his eyes turned into two black holes, revealing a deep and vast aura, which seemed to swallow the world and smelt everything.

Suddenly, the temperament of Lin Han's whole person became strange.

"Pupillary technique?" Ye Tu immediately changed color.

Under this pupil technique, he smelled a strong threat of threat.

He could perceive that this pupil technique must be no small thing, incomparable.

He felt it over.

Now there is no extra power at all to use other means.

If Lin Han uses pupil technique to attack him, he will definitely fall into a catastrophe.


The next moment, Lin Han's eyes shot out two dark sword lights, like two ghost swords, projected out of hell.

There was a smell of killing everything, shattering everything.

With Lin Han's current realm, Eye of Soul Eater, the power that was exerted was even stronger than before.

Ye Tu's mind was focused on colliding with him, so naturally he couldn't resist.

"Do not……"

Seeing the two dark pupil swords shooting towards him, Ye Tu couldn't help but let out a desperate scream.

He knew that if such two swords were hit, his spirit might be beheaded instantly, causing him to die tragically on the spot.

Now he is no less than seeing the door of **** and opening it to him, and his heart is extremely cold.

Not surprisingly, I really want to plant this time.


The result is no suspense.

Lin Han's Eye of Soul Eater has always been unfavorable after its use.

Ye Tu didn't even have any chance to beg for mercy. The last two dark long swords pierced his brows instantly, punching two blood holes in his brows, connecting them to the back of his head.

The spirit in the Tianling Gai was completely wiped out.

Ye Tu stared wide, standing on the spot, his expression stiff.

Between heaven and earth, it seemed to be frozen again.

After a long while, all the brilliance of Ye Tu's body converged and became dim, and then the whole person fell from midair and lay on the ground.

Loss of luster in the eyes.

Completely dead!

"Ye Tu was killed!"

"His, hiss, hiss..."

The sound of sucking in the air-conditioning continued to sound like an exhaust fan.

A lot of people were frail and sifted chaff, but Ye Tui was killed just like that, which made people feel too dreamy.

Zhao Lieyang and Li Ling were also shocked and couldn't believe their eyes.

Their strength is similar to Ye Tu's. Lin Han has the ability to kill Ye Tu. Doesn't it mean that they might not be Lin Han's opponent?

This also makes them feel a little bit embarrassed.

Before that, he had never thought that Lin Han would be so strong.

"It's over." Lin coldly smiled, put away all the divine light on his body, looked at Ye Tu's corpse, his expression was cold.

The opponent is indeed extraordinary, but it is a pity that he is unlucky if he meets himself and has this end.

Then, Lin Han took another look. The people in the sunset palace said indifferently: "I killed your senior brother, can you take it?"

Especially look at Kanazawa.

Now Kanazawa was already sitting on the ground, his face pale without a trace of blood.

Lin Han felt like a devil in his eyes.

It turned out that Lin Han was so powerful.

He cast a thick shadow.

Never dared to have ideas about Lin Han anymore.


The people in the sunset palace couldn't help swallowing, and didn't dare to say anything.

Even Big Brother died in Lin Han's hands, even if they were all together, they might not be opponents.

Now Lin Han gave them a great deterrent.

Right now, they all have an urge to stay away from here, this guy is too human.

"Does anyone still want to take action with me?" Lin Han smiled faintly, and looked around.

Everyone caught by his eyes quickly moved away, and no one dared to look at Lin Han.

Witnessing Lin Han's strength, everyone had a fear of him.

Zhao Lieyang's face was a little hot, and he felt that Lin Han's words seemed to be speaking to him.

Both he and Ye Tu hated Lin Han.

Ye Tu was dead, it was no less than a slap in the face.

Lin Han pulled out the Four Elephant Fruits from Ye Tu's corpse, and then stretched out his palm to Zhao Lieyang.

Although nothing was said, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Zhao Lieyang's face flushed, and only obediently offered Zhuangqi Pill.

With Lin Han's current strength, no one dared to doubt him anymore.

Lin Han got the Four Elephant Fruit and Zhuangqi Pill, and couldn't help but smile with excitement.

Coupled with the Ten Thousand Soul Orbs and the previous soul transformation Dafa, after coming to this Xian Yuan Phoenix burial, his gains were indeed very expensive.

"Haha, Brother Lin Han, the strength is extraordinary and admirable, how about we be together?" At this moment, Li Ling laughed and bowed to Lin Han.

"Partnership? What are the benefits?" Lin Han raised his brows and said lightly.

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