War Emperor

Chapter 1978: Strengthen

Although he and Li Ling didn't have any holidays, they wouldn't hang out with someone they don't know.

If you are not careful, you may be pitted.

In the Xianyuanhuang burial, everyone must be careful everywhere.

"I know a secret place, which contains a lot of fairy skills, and even-ancient yuan fairy skills." Li Ling said.

"What, Gu Yuan fairy skill?"

Many people were shocked, short of breath and fiery eyes.

This is a magical skill that makes many worldly figures greedy.

Once possessed, combat power will greatly increase.

Ancient Yuan's fairy skills are too attractive to the world.

Lin Han's heart was beating too. The strong sun spear technique he had learned before was just the tip of the iceberg of ancient Yuan fairy abilities, capable of exerting super power.

The real Gu Yuan fairy skills are so powerful that even he would be longing for it.

Li Ling's words undoubtedly really aroused his interest.

"Where?" Lin Han asked subconsciously.

"Hehe, that place is a bit special, we can talk about it in detail." Li Ling looked around and said.

Lin Han nodded, there are so many people here, it is indeed not suitable to talk more.

Otherwise there will be trouble.

"Okay, then I wish us a happy cooperation." Lin Han smiled and stretched out his palm to Li Ling.

The other party is a descendant of the Celestial Race, with extraordinary bearing, should not be so cunning.

He can try.

Li Ling chose to look for Lin Han because he was not sure about how to deal with the danger there.

Seeing Lin Han's promise, he was undoubtedly overjoyed, and now he firmly grasped Lin Han's hand with a sincere expression.




On the desolate Gobi, there is a dilapidated temple standing in the ground.

The cold wind blows through, cracks on the temple walls, and some years of dust, rustling, showing run-down.

It is hard to imagine that there will be temples in such a desolate place.

At this moment, Lin Han was practicing cross-legged in the temple.

Around him, all kinds of colorful rays of light bloom, like a cocoon of light, with an amazing aura.

And there are lightning intertwined, the weather is extraordinary.

He was swallowing the Four Elephant Fruit, Strong Qi Pill, and Ten Thousand Soul Orbs.

These three treasures increase a person's realm, physique, and spirit respectively.

Lin Han's three-pronged approach, the momentum of cultivation will be so strong.


In the end, about two hours later, Lin Han finally opened his eyes, and two divine lights shot out like a sky sword, extremely sharp.

"Breakthrough, the fourth floor of the Four Elephant Realm..."

Feeling the breath in the body, Lin Han grinned.

Although it is said that the Four Elephant Fruits can only be increased, there are two small realms in the Four Elephant Realm.

Because Lin Han swallowed too many items this time, and his energy was magnificent, he was asked to strengthen four realms at once.

He is naturally much stronger than he is during the day.

In his body, he felt that he possessed infinite power, as long as it broke out, it could shake the earth.

This is not comparable before.

His body and spirit have also strengthened a lot.

In the body, the bones are pale golden, cast like gold juice, full of firmness.

This is the color that the bones of a person with extremely strong physique can show.

In history, only some famous masters who have made a lot of achievements on the road of physical training can enter.

Even after a person's death, it is difficult to rot for hundreds of thousands of years.

If others knew that Lin Han was only in his twenties, he would have taken this step and would be amazed.

"My mental strength has broken through the "sky level"!"

Then, Lin Han was happy.

Spiritual power is divided into three levels: human, earth, and heaven.

Each level, like three vast worlds, is not in one dimension.

Before Lin Han was at the pinnacle of the prefecture level, he was originally very strong.

Now that he has once again reached the level of heaven, he is undoubtedly making progress and making progress.

Now he feels that his spirit is very transparent, just sitting around here without moving, he can sense the situation of the earth in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

You can even get out of your body, replace the body, and go outside.

This method is also amazing.

Even today's fairy world, some famous masters may not be able to perform.

Lin Han's ability to do it is a shock to the world.

Then Lin Han stood up and was very excited. This time he made progress. It can be said that his improvement was too comprehensive.

If you meet Ye Tu again, there will be no trouble at all.

He is confident that within a few tricks, he can solve it, and it will not be so laborious.

"Haha, brother Lin Han, congratulations, it seems that you have made a lot of progress." At this moment, Li Ling walked in outside the temple and smiled.

Lin Han has been in retreat ever since he left the stone tower.

He and Lingxuan and Xiaolan are guarding outside.

Knowing that Lin Han had already woke up, he walked in.

Seeing Lin Han, he couldn't help but his expression was shocked, a little surprised.

Lin Han's eyes were shining brightly, and the heavenly spirit cover glowed, his bearing was extremely heavy, and the changes were too great.

Lin Han had given him a sense of danger before, now it is even stronger.

"Not bad." Lin Han smiled.

There was a rush of enthusiasm in Li Ling's eyes, and said: "How about we two have a discussion?"

"Learning?" Lin Han was startled.

To be honest, Li Ling couldn't see through, his body surface seemed to be covered with a mist.

He has instincts, definitely much better than Ye Tu and Zhao Lieyang.

He is really interested in discussing with himself.

After all, his strength has greatly increased, and he also wants to find someone to practice.

"Okay, I can't use it here, let's go out." Lin Han nodded with a smile.

"Good." Li Ling responded.

At the moment, the two walked out of the temple.

Outside the temple, there was a strong wind, and the Gobi at night looked extremely cold.

The wind blew on the ground, making a whining sound, like a ghost crying, giving people a shuddering taste.

Outside the temple, there are two oil lamps, which have been lit, and the candlelight that comes out carries a warm feeling in this dark world.

Lin Han and Li Ling stood in the open space outside the temple, looking at each other from a distance. At this moment, the atmosphere became tense.

Lingxuan hugged Xiaolan, sitting by the side, curiosity in her beautiful eyes, wanting to see, the two of them exchanged views, what was the result.

"Brother Lin Han, look at the move." Li Ling took a closer look at Lin Han and found that Lin Han was standing there casually, with a breathless and flawless all around, he couldn't help but admire.

This alone is not something that ordinary young geniuses can do.

Then, with a solemn face, he arched his hand to Lin Han, and then took out a silver-white long sword in his hand, lay it across his chest, and made an attack on Lin Han.

"Come on." Lin Han smiled.

Although Li Ling hadn't launched an attack yet, under the other's momentum, he felt a sense of fierceness and force.

Such a taste, ordinary genius, is definitely far from being able to match.


Li Ling nodded without saying much, and shot directly, with the soles of his feet on the ground constantly striding towards Lin Han.

When approaching the front and back, a straight sword pierced towards Lin Han's face.

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