War Emperor

Chapter 1991: Refine

"By yourself?" The Snake King sneered, never believing it.

It is impossible for a young man to achieve such an achievement even if he obtains some unparalleled secret method by hitting his mother's womb.

However, he naturally didn't know that Lin Han's teachings, and many legendary experiences along the way, had made this step.

"Well, no matter what, you can't escape death today."

The Snake King didn't say much anymore. At the moment, with a huge mouth, a large mouthful of venom was sprayed from the mouth, and it was drowned towards Lin Han.

The color of the venom is green.

Like a piece of green river water, it looks a little clear at first.

If you look closely, you will find that the toxicity is very violent.

In the air, a large cloud of blue smoke appeared instantly, like poisonous gas corroding the air.

Lin Han also noticed a strong smell of danger.

However, he was not afraid, because he had already seen the weakness of the snake king.

Although this guy is big, his speed is not fast, as long as he beheaded at an extremely fast speed, it is not a problem at all.


Thinking of this, the brilliance of his hand flashed, and a crimson sword appeared, exuding a vast majesty.

Bloodfall Emperor Sword!

Then, Lin Han showed the footwork of shuttle time and space again, and furiously swept towards the snake king.

The speed was too fast, and those venoms didn't have time for Lin Han to shower on Lin Han.

Lin Han dodged it first.

Less than a thousandth of an instant, Lin Han came to the Snake King, raised the Blood Falling Emperor Sword in his hand, and hit the Snake King's eyebrows with a sword.

"Do not……"

The Snake King suddenly uttered a cry full of horror.

The voice was full of horror.

It never expected that Lin Han would be so fast and his shot would be so sharp.

It now feels a touch of despair, knowing that if this sword is really cut down, it will definitely die.

At this moment, its pupils couldn't help showing a trace of regret.

Finally understood that this young man was much better than he thought.

If I knew that, I shouldn't have come before.

It's unlucky today.


In the end, the scarlet sword, wrapped in an unmatched aura, grew bigger and bigger in the eyes of the snake king.

The King Snake's eyes were black.

The huge head was finally smashed by a sword, and it was cut in half.

Fresh blood and brain plasma are constantly sprayed.

There was silence in the mountains.

Li Ling sighed a little, Lin Han's combat power was more powerful than he thought.

One sword slayed the Snake King who had entered the Five Elements Realm with one foot. This record was too dazzling.

And the footwork that Lin Han showed just now was also terrifying.

The awe in Lin Han's heart couldn't help becoming stronger.

"You little ones, don't you go away soon." Lin Han glanced at the many small snakes in the snake's nest, sneered, and said.

Whoosh whoosh...

Without any hesitation, the poisonous snakes, like frightened birds, crawled frantically one by one and left here.

The speed is amazing.

Lin Han's combat power is too fierce.

The snake king died in his hands, like a devil in their eyes.

They are naturally afraid.

Upon seeing this, Lin Han couldn't help but smiled dumbly. He didn't think that these poisonous snakes were so spineless.

Then, they successfully got the egg king.

Then, I found a beautiful mountain cliff, set up a cauldron, raised firewood, and started cooking eggs.

In order to ensure the delicious taste, they also added a lot of medicinal materials.

The simmering soup is full of aroma.

A few people took a sip, and they were all full of praise, only to feel that inside the body, it seemed as if there was a billowing essence flowing through, and the whole body was full of surging energy.

"It's delicious, this egg king is worthy of making up." The little fat man grinned.

Although the strength of him and the Golden Retriever King were sealed, they could also perceive that the current realm was increasing.

This is indeed of great benefit to the practitioner.

Lin Han nodded, and there was a burst of excitement in his heart. He ate half of the meat in the eggshell, and his realm increased to the level of the four elephant realm and the sixth level.

The effect is really remarkable.

You must know that he was only in the early stage of the Four Elephants Realm, and it would take a lot of time to cultivate to this stage.

Just eat an egg, you can do it.

Speaking out is enough to make many cultivators envy to death.

Lingxuan, Xiaolan, Li Ling, and Golden Retriever King also have different levels of increase.

Each of them is very happy.

In this perilous Dark Demon Mountain Range, there are still leisurely eateries here, and I am afraid that there are only Lin Han.

"What smells, it smells good."

"Grass, isn't it the legendary egg king?"

At this moment, there was a wave of restlessness around.

There are many poisonous snakes in the Dark Demon Mountain Range, and explorers know that there will be more than one egg king here.

This is an extremely rare treasure, which makes many repairers hot.

But because it is too rare and dangerous, no one has succeeded so far.

Near this cliff, there is such a refreshing fragrance that naturally makes people shake.

After a while, streamers flew from all around, one by one, the practitioners, driving the magic weapon, came to the front.

"Oh my God, what an egg king."

"Look, there is still its shell in the pot."

"This group of people is so lucky."

When those people saw that there were some leftovers left over after Lin Han ate them in the pot, they all breathed heavily.

Looking at Lin Han and the others, their eyes were extremely hot, as if they wished to melt them and eat them.

Judging from the rosy eyes and ruddy complexions of Lin Han's few people, it is obvious that they have made considerable progress in their strength.

Too jealous.

Many cultivators had found an egg king before, and many people had not defeated the snake king.

More than 90% of the people died in the hands of the snake king.

These people, Lin Han, didn't seem to be very powerful, and they were able to do it.

This is really unexpected.

"The egg and meat have been eaten by us. You are late, so let's go."

Lin Han glanced at the people around, understood their thoughts, and smiled lightly.

Some people are still reluctant to give up, wishing to stick out their tongues and lick some of the remaining soup in the pot.

"Huh, boy, how can you guys, you are worthy of eating this egg king, it is a violent thing, and quickly use the secret method to condense all the energy that you eat."

At this moment, a big bald man, holding a copper hammer, shouted coldly.

Everyone nodded, their eyes gleaming.

At their level of cultivation, after just eating some exotic treasures, it is indeed possible to squeeze them out again by squeezing their potential.

However, it will cause great damage to a person's body.

One carelessness can sometimes destroy the foundation.

Unless there are special circumstances, no one will do such a thing.

Right now, they undoubtedly can only force Lin Han in this way.

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