War Emperor

Chapter 1992: Hu San

Otherwise, watching, the energy of the egg king is absorbed by these people, they will not be reconciled anyway.

"Let's force it out?"

Lin coldly smiled, his eyes sarcastically said: "I don't take pictures of myself without soaking urine, just relying on you rotten sweet potato stinky bird eggs, are you eligible?"

He has never liked these arrogant people, so he was not very polite.

"Asshole, you dare to insult us!"

"Looking for death, this young man seems to be dying!"

"Kill, chop him into puree."

Many people were furious in an instant.

Lin Han looked so young, they didn't care about it at all.

That said, make them angry and unforgivable.

The big bald man also grinned cruelly, squeezed the copper hammer in his hand, and said: "Boy, it seems that you don't know how good Hu San is. Today I will let you know that in my hands, you will end up with How miserable."


After finishing speaking, within his body, a powerful aura broke out, like a mountain, standing in the universe, there is a taste of unattainable, people looking up.

By his side, there are five energy elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth surrounding him, forming a dazzling circle of gods, setting off him like a **** descending to the earth, watching the world.

"Five Elements Realm..."

Li Ling and Lingxuan couldn't help but their faces changed slightly. The bald man looked like five big and three rough, not very good.

The strength is so strong.

Entering the Five Elements Realm, already possesses the strength of the Saint Child level.

This is a watershed, once you step into it, it is essentially different from the Four Elephants.

Even the half-step Snake King in the Five Elements Realm is far behind.

"It turns out he is Hu San..."

Many cultivators in the surrounding area shrank their necks, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

Hu San was also considered a very famous strong man in the Celestial God Realm. He came from a certain thieves' den, and he had robbed even figures of the Saint Child level.

Although he was unsuccessful, it can also show how strong his spirit is.

Some people say that there is not much difference between him and the Son of the Ten Holy Lands.

Knowing his identity undoubtedly makes everyone in awe.

"Five elements, it's okay." Lin Han also raised his brows, then smiled lightly, and said calmly.

If it were the strong person who had truly entered the Five Elements Realm before, he would indeed form a lot of pressure on him.

but now……

But his strength has been promoted to the sixth level of the Four Elephant Realm.

Even if he is a character in the Five Elements Realm, he can compete.

He was not afraid at all, but said indifferently: "But if you want to deal with me, there is still a gap, I advise you, get out, or die!"


After that, Lin Han also burst into a powerful aura. The four-headed beasts of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu surrounded his body, roaring and shaking the sky.

The spirit of the four elephants now is more fierce than before.

Just as it emerged, the world was trembling, as if it could not bear it, and was about to collapse.

At the same time, Lin Han’s voice was mixed with mental power, making this voice extremely loud, like the ancient **** screaming in the universe, shaking many cultivators, and immediately screamed. One by one eardrums hemorrhages and flies out in embarrassment.

Some people who were not strong enough were directly destroyed and died tragically on the spot.

Even some of the more powerful people shook their bodies and looked shocked.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han's momentum was so strong.

Is this still a person from the Four Elephants?

As if it can compete with the Five Elements Realm.

It's incredible. Generally speaking, a person in the Four-Elements realm cannot be an opponent of a Five-Elements realm.

"Boy, you have such strength." Hu San also changed color, his tone vibrated.

In Lin Han's voice, he also felt a little pain in his eardrums, and his blood qi in his body was churning.

Lin Han now made him look admired.

He had never encountered such a special person in the Four Elephants.

"Yes, if you regret it now, there is still time." Lin Han smiled lightly, a cold smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

After his strength greatly increased, he also wanted to fight to prove himself.

If the opponent becomes his whetstone, the end will not be good.

Hu San gritted his teeth fiercely, and his face became angry again. It is unreasonable that a hairy boy dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

Even if he was a little surprised at Lin Han's strength, it was just that.

It's far from making him afraid.

He also has strong confidence in himself.

How could it be so easy for a person in the Five Elements Realm to deal with it.

"Boy, you are too mad, die to me." Right now, he roared, and clenched the copper hammer in his hand, unexpectedly thunder burst out, and the soles of his feet slammed into the void, his body resembling an ancient beast. , Leaping into the air and leaping forward.

Then, the copper hammer wheel in his hand moved away, and there was an unparalleled smell of breaking everything, and it slammed Lin Han's head fiercely.

The power carried on the copper hammer, like a mountain, can break the earth.

The void is like the ocean, exploding directly, the divine light floods the sky, and the momentum is amazing.


A cold breath sounded all around.

Many people feel awe from the soul.

Hu San's blow was so violent.

If it hits them, few people can take it.

Like death shot.

Everyone looked at Lin Han, wanting to see if this young man with only the Four Image Realm really had the capital to fight the Five Elements Realm.

No matter how unique he showed, it would be hard for everyone to imagine.

After all, the gap between the two is really not small.

"Humph!" However, when Lin Han saw this, he snorted coldly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Such an attack may not be the same as the physical strength of the snake king.

Just want to kill him, it's so whimsical.

"The sword is coming!"

At the moment, he shouted heavily, and the Blood Falling Emperor Sword immediately appeared in his hand, spurring the heavenly demon body in his body, and the roar of endless gods and monsters sounded, and a sword was directed at, and the opponent's copper hammer slammed.

With this sword, the sky was filled with red light, like magma erupting, and the world was enveloped by a hot breath.

There is also a huge Suzaku phantom, emerging and rushing forward.

Like an ancient fierce bird, it recovers against the sky, with nothing to stop.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded.

The two collided fiercely.

I have to say that after Lin Han broke into the sixth level of the Four Elephant Realm, his combat power increased too much.

Even if Hu San's physical strength is also very powerful, he is still not the opponent of this sword.

After the sword light passed, the majestic divine power contained in his copper hammer immediately shattered like a ruin.

Then, Jianguang cast off his momentum, like a torrent, rushing towards Hu San again.


Hu San spouted a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Even if his physical strength is not top-notch, his realm is a real Five Elements realm.

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