War Emperor

Chapter 2000: Behead the Son

"Next, let you see the power of my coffin."

Then, Lin Han's face sank, without talking nonsense, flipped his palm and pushed forward.


The huge coffin immediately turned into a large black mountain, violently bombarding it towards the Son of Thunder.

Along the way, the void was crushed.

The space is constantly boiling like the sea.

The horrible momentum swept across the world.

A touch of shock was added to the face of the Son of Thunder.

The feeling that this coffin gave him was really terrifying.

He felt like a big mouth swallowing the sky, opening it to swallow him all.

If you can't resist it, even if it's him, there is a danger of being overwhelmed.

There was a chill in his heart, and he had never thought that a mere Lin Han could push him to this point.

Then, his face turned cruel and gritted his teeth, "Lin Han, you want to kill me, how can it be so simple."

"Block it!"

He roared, and endless fire rose up all over his body, stimulating all his potential.

Above the endless thunder and lightning clouds, the huge phantom opened its eyes, like the revival of the thunder and lightning immortal ancestor, with a starry sky, disregarding ancient and modern tolerance.

Then, he also rolled out a palm, and a loud chanting sounded in the void.

The momentum is also terrifying, five or six times stronger than before.

In the universe, there is even a long river, constantly flowing, growing and disintegrating.

Many people are terrified and cannot breathe.

For them, mental pressure is too strong.

Ye Lin, Fairy Yuelong, and Zhao Shi also had solemn expressions. In a sense, they were no less than two immortal ancestors, facing each other across time and space.

The battle is too fierce.

Their minds surged wildly.

What the Son of Thunder urged was only a phalanx of the Immortal Ancestor of Thunder, and there was still a huge gap between the power of the Immortal Ancestor of Thunder.

In Lin Han's black coffin, it is suspected that Daxu Immortal Ancestor was buried, and the power levels of the two were not at the same level.

Therefore, after the two collided, a dazzling divine light broke out in the universe, and finally, the endless thunder and lightning of the Son of Thunder finally shattered.

The huge phantom of Thunder Immortal Ancestor in the sky also cracked a staggering gap and officially collapsed.

The surroundings became silent.

Many people's expressions were frozen on the spot.

There is no doubt that the Son of Thunder has been defeated.

Still a fiasco.

Lin Han's black coffin is too strong, crushing his finger bones.

Many people were stunned at the result.

"Holy Son of Thunder, what else do you have to say."

Lin Han smiled coldly, took out the Bloodfall Emperor Sword, pointed at the Son of Thunder and Lightning, and said indifferently.

The current Son of Thunder, extremely miserable, was lying on the ground shocked by the powerful backlash, his body was like cracked porcelain, cracks had been cracked, blood flowed out, wet the whole body, and looked at it. Like a blood man.

His breathing had become unsmooth, and he couldn't catch his breath, staring at Lin Han, his eyes glowing with unwillingness and vicious light.

"I... don't... take it!"

Almost from his teeth, he spit out these three words full of hatred.

If you rely on real skills, Lin Han is too far away from him.

As a result, by relying on many amazing methods to defeat him, he was too frustrated.

He also knew that this method was also a manifestation of the strength of the practitioner.

Even if he loses, he can't blame it.

As the saint son of the thunder and lightning sacred place, his methods are much better than normal people.

"If you don't agree, then you go to hell." Lin Han looked indifferent. Since the hatred with the Son of Thunder is insoluble, he is not prepared to show mercy.


At the moment, the Blood Falling Emperor Sword in his hand draws a terrifying sword light, as if death is attacking, it is a fierce sword towards the Thunder Son, and it slashes away.

On the sword light, a strong murderous aura glowed.

If it hits, the body of the Son of Thunder will inevitably explode like a puddle of mud, leaving no bones.

Lin Han's sword is really too fierce.

"You... actually want to kill me!"

Son of Thunder stared wide, his eyes straightened, shocked.

Many people are also hairy. This is the saint son of a great holy place. For any holy place, it is a treasure, and there is no room for loss.

Even if many older generations of powerhouses do not dare to mess with them.

Lin Han actually wanted to kill one, Saint Son is too scary.

Isn't he afraid that the Holy Land of Thunder and Lightning will go crazy?

"Brother Lin Han, please think twice." Li Ling's expression also changed and reminded.

As the descendant of the Celestial Race, he clearly knows that the Holy Land is the overlord of the Celestial God Realm, dominating the endless starry sky, and masters like clouds.

For the Nine Wonders, it is a huge monster.

Provoking them is no less than provoking "Heaven".

Although Lin Han is nominally the descendant of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, in order to sharpen him, he would not interfere with Lin Han unless necessary.

Therefore, Lin Han is no less than helpless.

If you are hated by the Holy Land of Thunder, it's over.

"It's okay." However, Lin Han smiled confidently and calmly. He never shy away from others' identities, otherwise, there would be no achievements today.

Along the way, he provoked too many people.

Those forces have become stepping stones on his path to a stronger path.

What about the Thunder Holy Land?

The Son of God is not wrong!

The Son of Thunder last time, injured him so badly, he had already made up his mind.

Now is the time for revenge.

Therefore, his sword is still sharp and firm, with an indomitable attitude.

As if perceiving Lin Han's determination, Ye Lin, Fairy Yuelong, and Zhao Shi looked at each other and looked moved.

This guy really has no taboos.

Ask yourself, if you are replaced by them, they don't dare to do so absolutely.

A little carelessness will cause a war between the two holy places, which is too involved.

Lin Han didn't have any power to protect him, so he was really bold.

"No, Lin Han, you really think you live too long..."

The Son of Thunder also screamed heartbreakingly, adding a touch of terror to his tone. He never thought that someone would kill him in the burial of the Immortal Yuanhuang.

Still Lin Han.

Generally, becoming a saint is equivalent to having a death-free gold medal.


Unfortunately, Lin Han didn't care at all. In the end, the majestic sword finally landed.

There was no surprise in the end.

The body of the Son of Thunder instantly exploded on the ground, turning into endless pieces of meat, splashing around.

The bones, meridians, and viscera were all blasted into debris.

The soul was completely wiped out.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and within 100 meters of the body of the Son of Thunder and Lightning, a large hole was punched out, which was a thousand meters long and unfathomable.

This shows the power of Lin Han's sword.

There was silence all around.

Many people have big beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Shocked, shocked, various expressions appeared on everyone's face.

The Son died just like that.

Everyone felt like dreaming.

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