War Emperor

Chapter 2001: Thunder Lord

Li Ling also gave a wry smile and shook his head.

It can be expected that the Thunder Holy Land will be furious after learning this news.

This is no less than not taking their entire holy place to heart.

Once, there was a case of a holy son being killed by others.

As a result, that holy land directly poured out all its masters and killed the forces where the murderer was. After fighting for ten days and nights, it finally wiped out all the forces where the murderer was.

Killed millions of disciples.

Shows the importance of the Son to the Holy Land.

Lin Han has completely provoke the Holy Land of Thunder.

"Who is it that killed my Holy Land Saint Son, so bold."

At this moment, an amazing scene appeared.

I saw that a piece of jade pendant was also broken in the broken body of Saint Thunder Son.

Then, a group of mysterious aura overflowed from the jade pendant, and as a result, a terrifying shadow appeared on the sky.

It was an old man, wearing an emperor's crown, wearing a capital robe, with deep eyes, looking down at the world, full of unparalleled tolerance.

He just sat cross-legged on the nine heavens, like a god-king of the world, descending into the mortal world, letting people kneel to surrender, and bow down piously.

The voice is also very loud, spreading across the vast land of millions of miles.

"This is... Holy Lord of Thunder?"

Someone exclaimed in horror.

Holy Lord of Thunder, this is a great hero in the Heavenly God Realm.

Such a character is an unattainable mountain for ordinary cultivators.

On weekdays, like the sun, only looking up.

It's exciting to see it.

"It's not really the Lord of Thunder and Lightning, but just a wisp of spirit and energy that rests on the Son of Thunder and Lightning."

Someone has eyes like torch.

Obviously, it was the Lord of Thunder and Lightning, who deliberately placed it above the Son, so as to avoid any accidents to the Son, so as to learn the methods of the murderer.

Of course, even a ray of spirit, strength is bound to be terrifying.

Seeing its manifestation, everyone felt a little nervous.

"You are the Lord of Thunder?"

Lin Han narrowed his eyes and asked.

This old man is indeed very strong. He has already left the Five Elements Realm and has officially entered the Main Realm!

It is another world.

It is understandable that people who are not in this realm can show a corner at will.

Seeing the Lord of Thunder and Lightning, he couldn't help feeling a little awe-inspiring.

In the God Realm, this is a figure like faith.

"Yes, boy, you are so brave, even the holy son of my thunder and lightning holy land dare to kill, who are you? What force do you come from?"

When the Thunder Lord saw Lin Han, there was a murderous look in his eyes, and he asked angrily.

The terrifying anger made this whole world seem to be burning, red.

The powerful breath swept all spaces.

Many practitioners, under its cover, are like ants.

If the Lord of Thunder and Lightning shows off his might and moves his mind at will, more than 90% of the people here will die directly.

Supernatural powers are too strong, and they follow them like ants and Haoyue.

When speaking, the Lord of Thunder was also a little surprised.

He originally thought that the person who killed the Son of Thunder must be a middle-aged generation in a certain strength, or even an extremely strong person of the older generation.

It never occurred to him that he would be a teenager in his twenties.

A hairy boy in his twenties, even if he practiced in his mother's womb, he couldn't achieve such an achievement.

You know, the saint son of the ten holy places, it is not that he has cultivated for tens of thousands of years and has undergone various training to achieve success.

After a thousand years of cultivation, if they can take ten moves in their hands, they are already considered talented evildoers.

Lin Han is only in his twenties, and he is really the evildoer among evildoers.

He has lived for a long time, has witnessed many geniuses, and has never seen such a junior.

"My name is Lin Han, and I don't have any influence." Lin Han smiled and said calmly.

"Lin Han?" The spirit of the Thunder Lord's eyes skyrocketed.

This is the descendant of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng.

He even knew that the Northern Emperor's wind was fierce.

This is the existence that is comparable to Master Huijing in the current world.

"Okay, even if you are the descendant of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, no one can save you who killed my thunder and lightning sacred land, and let you die here today."

Then he grinned.

The barrier of the Xianyuanhuang burial was constructed by the ancient power, the stronger the strength, the greater the imprisonment.

He killed Lin Han here, and the Northern Emperor had no choice.

Besides, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng had a festival with them in the Thunder Holy Land.

In doing so, it is considered to give a sigh of evil to the Holy Land of Thunder.

At this point in his thought, he no longer thought about it, and now he put out a big hand and moved towards Lin Han, covering it.

You know, he is a super strong who has entered the level of the realm master, and in any realm, there are rare opponents.

Even a ray of energy, young people can't resist.

Many people couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring. It seemed that Lin Han would die today.

It's not a level of characters at all.

"Want to kill me, how can it be so simple."

However, Lin Lian laughed, no matter how strong the opponent was, he couldn't wait to die.


At the moment, he poured all the divine power in his body into the black coffin, making the black coffin more flaming, like a **** fireball, burning.

The breath of the fairy ancestor is majestic and amazing.

The Thunder Lord's power slapped a heavy palm, pressing the cover on it, and immediately with a click, it was directly transformed into sky fragment energy and dissipated.

And there was a strong counter-shock force that made the phantom of the Thunder Lord dimmed.


Everyone was in a daze again, and the Holy Lord of Thunder was invincible.

The Thunder Lord was dumbfounded, with some doubts in his eyes, staring at Lin Han's black coffin, and wondering: "What is this?"

The black coffin feels too weird.

It's like burying the world, some kind of terrifying thing.

"This is the coffin of Daxu Immortal Ancestor. If you dare to mess around, you might as well think about the consequences." Lin Han smiled and said calmly without concealing it.

Daxu Xianzu!

Many people paled.

This is the Great Thousand Realm, a famous figure in the immortal realm.

The methods are equally shocking.

No one thought that Lin Han was buried in this weird black coffin.

"Impossible, Immortal Ancestor Coffin Coffin, which is so easy to touch, how can you kid, be able to push it." The Thunder Lord said coldly.

The immortal ancestor's means to reach the sky, even after death, its coffin is sacred to the world.

Legend has it that once, the Heavenly God Realm had a great strength, and with good luck, he obtained the coffin of an ancient fairy ancestor.

They exhausted everything and wanted to have it.

Unfortunately, in the coffin, there is part of the potential left by the ancestor of the immortal, directly destroying the superpower.

Everyone is refined by the coffin.

This incident shocked the entire Celestial Realm.

Everyone also knows the horror of the coffin of the immortal ancestor.

But Lin Han was able to master a coffin in peace, he would naturally not believe it, it was too absurd.

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