War Emperor

Chapter 2003: Shattered Lord

Now that the black coffin had absorbed the Tianshen Banner, it became stronger again.

Lin Han could feel the aura inside, much stronger.

This gave him a touch of intuition.

Maybe one day, when the energy absorbed by the existence in the coffin reaches a certain level, it can really break the coffin and reappear the world.

If it is really a corpse, can he resist it?

Is it a blessing or a curse for him?

He had no idea.

However, the seal of this coffin is very powerful. If you want to open it from the inside, even the evil corpse is very extraordinary, and the energy required is an astronomical amount, and it will never be possible in a short time.

Thinking of this, Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief.

With his current skills, no matter what, it is impossible to parry this level.

If the evil corpse appears early, I am afraid he will also have a catastrophe.

The Lord of Thunder's complexion became extremely ugly, as if being slapped in the slap, the master of a great holy land, even if it was just a ray of spirit, had supreme majesty.

Casting the Tianshen Banner suffered a big loss in the hands of a hairy boy.

Even the Tianshen Banner was absorbed by the weird coffin.

His face was flushed, which was a shame to him.

But the injury he received was indeed too serious, and this wisp of energy was about to dissipate.

His fists couldn't help clenching for a few minutes, wishing that the real body would come here and completely wipe out Lin Han.

In the end, only the tone was full of unwillingness to say: "Boy, you are lucky today, but don't be proud. You offend my thunder and lightning sacred place. You will not end well. Let's wait and see, wait for you to leave Xianyuan Phoenix Burial, my thunder and lightning holy land allows you to travel anywhere in the universe without a place to stay..."

The voice was full of viciousness, resounding between heaven and earth like a vow.

The icy murderous aura made many people icy, like falling into an ice cellar.

A holy lord's words like this are a disaster for anyone.

Many people looked at Lin Han's gaze and couldn't help feeling a little pity.

Although Lin Han did a sensational event today, the cost was huge.

"Be accompanied at any time, maybe it is your holy land of thunder and lightning, and suffer a big loss." Lin Han smiled, his expression as usual.

He heard too much of such threats.

"Now you can roll." Then, Lin Han's eyes were cold, and he was not polite, and he waved his hand directly, and a large expanse of divine light burst out, like a torrent, rushing towards the Lord of Thunder.

The Thunder Lord's current state is extremely bad, even if Lin Han doesn't make a move, he can't insist on dissipating between heaven and earth.

What's more, Lin Han attacked?


Therefore, without the slightest accident, the torrent hits the body of the Thunder Lord, making his body instantly like a tile, exploding directly between the heavens and the earth, turning into pieces of energy.

The Thunder Lord uttered a roar, full of sorrow.

Asshole, this kid is so shameless.

He wanted to kill Lin Han and climb to the extreme.

This is shameful.

In the end, he could only watch, this body turned into nothingness.

Everyone was also amazed, as expected to be Lin Han, dealing with the lord of a great holy land without respect at all, just like treating an ordinary person.

This alone is not common people dare to do.

Many young people with arrogance and arrogance showed a touch of admiration for Lin Han.

Although he is young, he is extremely tough.

"Next, is there anyone who wants to take action against me." Lin Han's face was flat, and he looked around and smiled lightly.

The sky was silent.

Even the Son of Thunder died in Lin Han's hands, now who dares to be an enemy of Lin Han.

He has become a super character comparable to the Son of God.

In the eyes of everyone, the status is lofty.

In the entire Xianyuanhuang burial, there are only a few holy children who can fight him.

Many people looked at the top of the mountain not far away.

Ye Lin, Fairy Yuelong, and Zhao Shi stood there!

Their fame is still higher than that of the Son of Thunder.

Although the Thunder Son was defeated, everyone felt that Lin Han might not be their opponent.

"Lin Han, you are very strong and you are indeed qualified to be our opponent. However, you consume too much now, lest you lose the tongue even if you win. If there is a chance in the future, let's compete fairly."

Ye Lin is dressed in white, like a banished immortal, and black hair like a waterfall.

With a faint smile, the temperament rushed.

Li Ling sighed lightly, as expected to be Ye Lin, it seemed that even if Lin Han returned to his peak, he would not care about it.

This is the real strength of the strong.

"I'll see you later." Fairy Yuelong also spoke indifferently, with her slender fingers as white as jade onions, her hair gathered together, and Yan Ran said.

Zhao Shi left here without saying a word.

They all have their own arrogance, it is impossible to take advantage of others.

Lin Han smiled and nodded.

Secretly thinking that these three people's dispositions are pretty good, no wonder they have such status.

In them, the degree of threat he felt was indeed much stronger than that of the Thunder Son.

If you encounter it in the future, you must be careful.

"Okay, spread it out, let's find Death Canyon."

At this time, I don't know who said a word, and the people around left one after another.

The fiery atmosphere gradually weakened.

Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief, and the consumption of this fight was indeed extremely large.

After some training, he went on the road again with Li Ling, Little Fatty, Golden Retriever King, Ling Xuan, and Xiao Lan.



Not long after leaving, on a tall mountain in the south, a group of people in black were looking at Lin Han's back, their eyes gleaming with cold light.

"Holy Son, he is Lin Han, and it seems that the one who killed Wuya's commander is him."

A man in black said respectfully to the tall and tall young man at the front of the team.

The man is the Son of the Nine Demons.

"Well, it can't be wrong, the great Brahma Prajna secret method is on him." The Nine Demon Saint Child nodded, his deep eyes flashing with light.

This is a terrible young man.

Standing on the cliff with negative hands, the whole body stands tall in another piece of time and space.

The wisps of devilish energy evaporated from him, leaving him with an immortal smell.

Far from being comparable to that of ordinary magicians.

In Lin Han, he could indeed feel the vast and profound Buddha nature of the Great Brahma Prajna.

"Then what should I do now, do you want to catch him, kill him, and **** the great Brahma Prajna magical technique?"

The man in black licked his lips and smiled sensibly.

The Great Brahma Prajna power is of vital importance to the Nine Devil Palace.

Right in front of him, anyone in the magic way would be excited.

Others are also fierce. If they crack the flaws in the magical power of the Great Brahma Prajna, it means that their Nine Devil Palace will be prosperous.

"No hurry, let's go to Death Canyon. More and more people are rushing there. If we are late, we might not even be able to drink some of the soup residue." The Nine Demon Saint shook his head, and Lin Han agreed. I didn't care much, and I felt that sooner or later I could handle it.

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