War Emperor

Chapter 2004: Death canyon

The most important thing is Death Canyon.

There are also the little fat man and the Golden Retriever King beside Lin Han.

With his eyesight, you can tell at a glance that these two people are Buddhists.

Although the Buddha light on his body was sealed, it was also very strong.

If anything comes out, it might make him suffer a lot.

At this juncture, he did not want to delay.

"Okay." The people in the Nine Devil Palace only nodded their heads, a little unwilling, so they let Lin Han happy again for a while.

The Son of the Nine Demon looked deep at the Dark Demon Mountain Range, and a glow of heat surged in his eyes.

Waiting for him to get some powerful ancient Yuan fairy abilities in Death Canyon, it was when he swept the burial of the fairy phoenix.

At that time, all the geniuses here will be his prey.



Among the vast mountains, there is a huge gorge with a width of seven or eighty miles, and an unknown length of it. It is very magnificent.

The mountain is steep, strange stones are lined up, and the valley is surrounded by clouds and mist, revealing a mysterious charm.

This is Death Canyon, surrounded by a breath of death.

Lin Han and the others hurried for about three days before finally coming here.

Lin Han was taken aback by the sight in front of him when he came closer.

I saw the white bones all over the canyon, like a layer of snow, flattening the ground.

There are human bones and animal bones. I don't know how many years they have died. Most of the bones have been turned into bone meal, swaying in the wind, glowing with a decadent breath.

You know the area of ​​the gorge is very vast, and the sights are all like this. You can imagine how many creatures have died here.

"This is Death Canyon?"

Lingxuan said in shock.

This scene is also amazing.

She had never seen so many bones.

"Yes, when the Xianyuanhuang burial was fully opened last time, many people who entered here were left behind after their deaths." Li Ling sighed lightly.

This matter is very far away so far.

The funeral of Xian Yuanhuang was opened, causing a sensation in several nearby realms.

There are many big forces here.

The number is more astronomical.

Because it is too dangerous, almost all of the people who came here are dead.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Lin Han gently shook his head and looked at the canyon in depth. You can see that in the depths of the canyon, there are stone cliffs. On the stone cliffs, there are many words engraved on them, even if they are far away. Feel the smell of profound martial arts.

Far from being comparable to ordinary fairy skills.

Come to think of it, it is the many high-level fairy skills recorded in Death Canyon.

There are ancient Yuan fairy skills in it.

However, due to the distance and the special power on the cliff, standing here, it is impossible to see exactly what is on the cliff.

If you want to know, you have to get closer.

"Oh my god, these are those amazing fairy skills!"

At this time, many explorers have gathered in the mountains and valleys.

After seeing those words, many people's eyes became hot instantly.

As a cultivator, no one is eager for advanced magic skills.

This is the capital that most directly affects personal strength.

Now their hearts are hot.


At the moment, many people are like chicken blood, crossing the canyon, wanting to rush deep and watch.

There are many geniuses here, there are tens of thousands of them, and the scenes are extremely spectacular if they act together.


However, at this moment, a woman's babble sounded from heaven and earth.

In the stunning eyes of countless people, a woman like a fairy descending to the earth, with her clothes fluttering down, landed in the air, with her rosy lips, spitting out a sound like a natural sound.

Her skin is white with snow, jade bones and muscles, and her appearance is peerless. There is a colorful circle blooming behind her faintly. She is more aloof, like a fairy flower on the mountain, which can only be looked up and cannot be profaned.

Many men showed admiration and awe.

It would be worthwhile to be able to happen some wonderful things with this woman.

However, just think about it, she is Fairy Yuelong!

This is a top genius at the Saint Child level.

In the entire Celestial Realm, like a bright star, illuminating the endless starry sky.

The gap between ordinary young people and her is too big, and there is no possibility of intersection.

"Fairy Yuelong, you stopped us, I don't know why?" At this moment, a young man in Tsing Yi, Qi Yuxuanang, walked up and smiled.

He is also the top genius among a large force, although he is not as famous as the Holy Land of Taiyuan, but he is also regarded as one of the most famous.

When speaking, he deliberately kept his figure upright and straighter, and the smile that curled up at the corner of his mouth was also perfect, and he wanted to leave a good impression in front of Fairy Yuelong.

It’s a pity that Fairy Yuelong didn’t pay the slightest attention to this. He just stroked the black silk lightly with a slender jade hand, and said with a chuckle: "Don’t you forget, this is a place where many famous masters have died. , The endless bones below are the most true portrayal. You just rushed over so hastily, are you not afraid to repeat the same mistakes and lose your lives?"

The sound is like a pearl falling on a jade plate, crisp and sweet.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and suddenly remembered.

Fortunately, Fairy Yuelong reminded.

Otherwise, maybe something has happened.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, so many masters died here, and the danger ahead is unimaginable.

"Then what should we do now, can we all just stay here and see if we can't make it?" The man in Tsing Yi looked slightly embarrassed, and then smiled.

Everyone nodded.

They can't wait.

If you don't watch it up close, it will be a torture for them.

Fairy Moon Dragon smiled, with her bare hand raised, and within her white palm, an object similar to a disc appeared, and smiled: "Before this, let me explore what is dangerous in this canyon. Everyone enters again. It's not too late."

"That's... Moon Dragon Plate?"

Everyone kept their eyes and lost their voice.

What Fairy Yuelong held in her hand was a white plate that was as white as jade, and the texture was very delicate, as if polished from the most precious jade in the world, flawless and slender.

Although it looks exquisite, in fact, it is a treasure famous in the heavens!

According to legend, it was polished from a powerful silver dragon skull millions of years ago.

The strength of the silver dragon has reached the point where the starry sky is crisscrossed, and the mana contained in the skull is extremely powerful.

The Moon Dragon Plate, after being refined by the ancestors of the Taiyuan Holy Land, became a great treasure of the Taiyuan Holy Land.

Because this treasure is too weird, no one can surrender.

After many years, no one has become its real master.

Until Fairy Yuelong appeared.

At that time, Fairy Yuelong was just a very ordinary female disciple in the Holy Land.

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