War Emperor

Chapter 2005: Moon Dragon Plate Power

In an ancestor worship ceremony, Fairy Yuelong unexpectedly resonated with Yuelong Pan and became its owner.

At that time, this incident caused a sensation throughout the Taiyuan Holy Land.

Even some of the old antiques who were unable to get out of the retreat were alarmed and happily accepted Fairy Yuelong as his disciples.

In their ancestors, there is a prophecy, if one day a disciple can conquer the Moon Dragon Plate, their future achievements will be limitless.

Taiyuan Holy Land can be carried forward.

After so many years, some people have forgotten this ancestral motto.

The appearance of Fairy Moon Dragon naturally made them extremely excited.

Fairy Yuelong became the treasure of the entire Holy Land for a time.

With the superior cultivation resources, the progress was naturally rapid, and because of the Moon Dragon Plate, she seemed to be reborn, and it only took her eight thousand years to become a holy son.

In the entire history of the Sky God Realm, it was considered extremely fast.

Some saints even took 100,000 years to reach this point.

Fairy Moon Dragon can have where he is today, and this Moon Dragon Plate is inseparable.

Just like Fairy Yuelong is too strong and rarely has the opportunity to make a move, everyone has only heard of the power of the Moon Dragon Plate, but has never really seen it.

At this moment, seeing Fairy Yuelong want to display the Moon Dragon Plate, made many people feel a little excited and excited.

"Fairy Moon Dragon, want to use the Moon Dragon Disk to detect the danger of the canyon?"

Ye Lin was also there, dressed in white, not stained with dust, and handsome, with a smile like a spring breeze on the corner of his mouth, with a refined temperament.

At this moment, seeing the Moon Dragon Plate, he couldn't help but condensed his eyes, surprised.

The top ten saints all have hole cards that no one knows, and once they are taken out, they are no small matter.

But among these hole cards, Fairy Moon Dragon's Moon Dragon Plate is a relatively famous existence.

He has also admired the Moon Dragon Plate for a long time, and at this moment, he saw that his heart was a little uneasy.

"Yes, the Moon Dragon Plate is made of the silver dragon skull at the beginning. It has the function of detecting all dangers and exploring the Death Canyon. What is the path? We can prescribe the right medicine and figure out a way." Fairy Moon Dragon nodded slightly. Said with a chuckle.

She has a slender figure, her hair is like snow, and her voice is sweet, standing in mid-air like a fairy in the dust.

"Then there will be Fairy Lao." Ye Lin thought for a while, clasped his fists and smiled.

The Moon Dragon Plate has this ability, and it is a good thing that Fairy Moon Dragon can do this for everyone.

Many people also cast admiring glances at Fairy Yuelong.

Such a woman is really what everyone dreams of.

Lin Han was a little interested, just want to see what kind of way the Moon Dragon Disk has.

Fairy Moon Dragon is also one of his potential competitors.

Get to know it, and if you really fight it in the future, you might be more confident.

"Everyone, then show your ugliness." Fairy Yuelong smiled without any delay. After speaking, she raised her bare hand, and burst into the moon dragon plate with a large milky white light in her palm.


The next moment, on the moon dragon plate, there was a masterpiece of brilliance immediately, and then a small silver dragon wandered on the plate, just like the ancient silver dragon in the legend appeared, the dragon's horns are vigorous, the dragon body is powerful, and it is very godly.

The Moon Dragon Plate, the majesty exuding at this moment is also very majestic, covering the sky and covering the surroundings, and people can't help but want to kneel and surrender.

"The power of the dragon?"

Lin Han raised his brows, feeling surprised.

Dragons are divided into many levels, and the most common are just some alien beasts with dragon blood.

Above, there are Yalong, Yinglong, Tianlong, Shenlong... level!

Yalong, in the immortal realm, can become a great master, horizontally and horizontally.

Ying Long is an existence that can be disregarded. It is not uncommon to live millions of years. It is a veritable antique and terrifying.

The target of Zhi Tianlong is the world-famous figure of the human immortal ancestor. Once it enters, it will be able to shock the past and shine through the ages.

In the history of the dragon clan, dragons that can enter the Heavenly Dragon Realm are rare.

As for Shenlong... it is even more legendary!

The fairyland has a long history, and there has never been a dragon.

According to legend, the first generation of Longzu may have reached it.

But now, it is too far away to be verified.

Therefore, Tianlong is the most powerful person recognized by the world.

What the Moon Dragon Disk exudes at this moment is the power of the Heavenly Dragon, vast, sacred, powerful and magnificent!

He was a bit eye-opener.

"The power of the dragon, commands all directions, many mysteries, all appear."

Fairy Yuelong has a solemn face and knots in her hands, constantly changing. The little silver dragon wanders frantically on top of her head and beside her.

The silver light on his body became brighter.

The breath of Tianlong was fully displayed.

When the voice fell, Yinlong let out a dull roar again.

Tianlong breath swept fiercely.

Next, the entire Grand Canyon of Death was shaking like crazy.

Stacked on the ground, countless bones cracked, and a broken bronze spear appeared, inserted in the middle of the canyon, filled with the breath of time.

"A broken spear?"

Many people were stunned. Could all the dangers here come from this broken spear?

This is incredible.

"This bronze spear..."

Lin Han was a little surprised. He felt an extremely terrifying bearing on the bronze spear, and could vaguely see that on the spear tip of the broken spear, there was rune power flowing, killing infinite intent, and breaking the sky forever.

This kind of murderous aura, he has almost never sensed it in other weapons.

It came out naturally, making his whole body as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, cold and biting.

It is hard to imagine how powerful the Broken Spear would be if it were really powerful.

"What weapon is this?"

Ye Lin, Zhao Shi, and the Son of the Nine Demons were also there, and their faces were shocked at this moment.

The rank of the bronze spear must be very advanced, and there are still blood stains on the spear's front, with the aura of an immortal ancestor!

This bronze spear hurt Xianzu!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but take a breath, their scalp numb.

Xianzu is so powerful, almost synonymous with invincibility.

Bronze broken spear, wounded the ancestor of the immortal, how abnormal the power is, it is impossible to imagine.

"Peerless soldier, this must be a peerless soldier..."

Many people's eyes became hot, and their hearts were hot.

Everyone knows that a powerful weapon can greatly increase the fighter's combat power.

If the weapon is powerful enough, you can kill more and protect your life.

The repairers have always been in droves for powerful weapons.

Naturally, they cannot remain calm.

"Come on, grab the treasure..."

Some people who were inspired by greed instantly lost their minds, roared with red eyes, and rushed towards the broken bronze spear.

Who can get it first, maybe it can sweep all the geniuses here.

For ordinary people, the temptation is too great.

There were so many people who took the shots, all over the mountains and plains gathered around, like a vicious dog grabbing food.

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