War Emperor

Chapter 2015: Powerful duel

The bottle is very white, cast like white jade, and the texture is very delicate, but the whole body is flowing with a great atmosphere, as if it can evolve all things in the world and all living beings.

At the mouth of the bottle, there was a terrible light that seemed to be able to swallow everything and melt everything, looking terrible.

As soon as this bottle came out, a special pressure immediately swept the world, making many people feel a huge sense of mental oppression, a feeling of shivering.

"This is... Aquarius on the Avenue?"

Someone seemed to recognize something, their voices were horrified and lost their voice.

"What? Avenue Aquarius?"

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar in the surroundings, and many people changed their colors one after another, with a touch of horror on their faces, shaking their mouths.

The Daobao Ping is a great treasure of the Burning Sea Holy Land. According to legend, it is an ancient treasure of Buddhism, left in the Burning Sea Holy Land.

The ancestors of the Holy Land have realized a lot of Buddhism in the Aquarius on the Avenue.

The Great Aquarius Seal is one of them.

The ancestors of Burning Sea Holy Land, relying on this seal technique, established a reputation in the heavenly **** realm, which is extremely expensive.

The aquarium body is naturally a heavy treasure. Generally speaking, only the true high-level people of the Burning Sea Holy Land are qualified to hold it.

Unexpectedly, Ye Lin actually had a great bottle on his body!

It can be seen that the Burning Sea Holy Land attaches great importance to Ye Lin.

The power of this bottle is not under the weapon of the immortal ancestor, possessing it is equivalent to possessing a big killer.

No wonder Ye Lin was so confident that he dared to take action under Lin Han's display of Dayu Hengzhong.

Upon seeing this, Lin Han narrowed his eyes, and a shock appeared in his heart.

The power of this aquarium is indeed very strong, and under the wisps of fairy spirit, he feels the vast majesty.

If you want to break out, you will inevitably cry.

He sighed that he was worthy of being a holy son, and the means he possessed were really extraordinary. Once it came out, it was also shocking to the world.

However, he didn't have much fear.

The fame of Daewoo Hengzhong is more than that of Daobaoping.

No matter how weird the Avenue Aquarius is, it may not be like his Daewoo Hengzhong.

Therefore, his slender figure, standing in mid-air, with a brilliant brilliance in his eyes, still looks like a sea of ​​war.

"Lin Han, your strength is too low. I'm so much higher than your level. You will never be my opponent. Now if you are conscious, you will have time to hand over all the treasures on you, otherwise you will be careful. , Today’s Avenue Aquarius, will receive you in it, turn into pus and blood and die."

Ye Lin chuckled lightly, his expression free and easy, and warned.

His realm has reached the fifth level of the Five Elements realm, and the average Five Elements realm is not his opponent at all.

Lin Han said that it is only that there is a fundamental gap between the peak of the Four Elephants Realm and the Five Elements Realm.

The gap with him is naturally greater.

Everyone knows that realm is fundamental.

Even if the two of them have strong weapons at the same time, the power of those with high realm will naturally crush the other.

Therefore, he now looks down at Lin Han.

What about Daewoo Hengzhong? Still have to be pressed by him.

After seeing Lin Han's Daewoo Hengzhong, the heat in his heart became stronger.

In the entire fairy world, among the same age, there is no one who is more "fat" than Lin Han.

Search him, the benefits are beyond imagination.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it." Lin Han smiled calmly and said calmly.

He also wanted to see whether Daewoo Hengzhong and Xianzu level weapons were stronger or weaker.

There was pride in his eyes, and he believed that he would not lose.

Ye Lin's face sank, no more words, and he was determined to pay attention to Lin Han today and establish his majesty.

With Lin Han's current reputation, even a figure of his level, after defeating him, his reputation will be greatly enhanced.

"The Avenue Aquarius, swallow the sky and the earth, suck!"

At this point, his face became cold, and he took a deep breath, his eyes were cold, and a cold voice came from his mouth.

Like the sound of death from hell, without the slightest emotion.


The next moment, on the Avenue Aquarius, a blazing white light was emitted, like a sleeping divine weapon resurrecting.

It slowly rises to the sky, becomes bigger in the wind, and is a hundred thousand meters in size, covering the entire sky.

Then, the mouth of the bottle turned upside down and a huge suction force was generated against Lin Han.

In an instant, Lin Han felt that his body was out of control, and he wanted to fly into the mouth of the bottle.

In the mouth of the bottle, the light surged, and a deep wave came out, like a terrible world connected.

This is very strange, such a sacred and peaceful bottle will give people such a dangerous taste.

"The power of smoking?"

When many people saw this, they looked in awe and surprised.

One of the most terrifying attack methods of this bottle is the power of sucking. According to legend, it can absorb everything in the universe, and even the stars in the sky can be swallowed and turned into energy.

Since ancient times, there have been many savage figures who died tragically.

Lin Han only had the pinnacle of the Four Elephants realm. If he really entered, even a hundred lives would not be enough to die.

Many people's eyes became tense.

Dayu Hengzhong is not a simple thing. I want to see how Lin Han can resist Daewoo Hengzhong.


However, Lin Han's expression remained unchanged, but his mind moved, urging Daewoo Hengzhong, and a clear, distant loud noise came out.

Resounded throughout the world.

Above the Daewoo Heng Clock, a dazzling golden glow exuded.

Lin Han stood under it, his whole body shrouded in a golden mountain, indescribably detached and sacred.

Then, Lin Han looked indifferent, with his hands in front of him, pinched a knot, like double cranes ringing together, Daewoo Hengzhong immediately began to tremble.

A kind of aura of deterring the heavens, from the ancient bell body, overwhelmingly magnificent.

At this moment, many viewers around, suddenly thumped, like a mountain and a sea, bowed down and bowed, surrendering to Daewoo Hengzhong.

The momentum is amazing!

If an immortal ancestor standing in Judian, really appeared in the world.

Can't compete at all.

"The power of the heavens?"

Fairy Yuelong put her delicate hands together, suddenly stiff, her expression was full of solemnity, and a trembling voice sounded in her heart.

Legend has it that within Dayu Hengzhong, there is the power of the heavens and all realms. It is a very noble power in the universe. Once Daewoo Immortal Ancestor swept an era with it, even if other Immortal Ancestors were in front of him, they would be jealous. .

According to legend, Daewoo Xianzu also shocked and killed Xianzu.

The horror of this power can be seen.

In the past so many years, this power has long disappeared in the universe.

She didn't expect that Lin Han could communicate with such high-level power within the clock not long after he got Daewoo Hengzhong.

"It seems that he is the real master of Daewoo Hengzhong."

Zhao Shi's complexion was slightly stiff, and he shook his head, feeling a little complicated in his heart, and sighed lightly.

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