War Emperor

Chapter 2016: Fenhaitianhuo

Being able to push Daewoo Hengzhong to this step in such a short period of time shows that Lin Han and Daewoo Hengzhong have a high degree of compatibility and are truly recognized by Daewoo Hengzhong.

He didn't understand.

If Lin Han only owned Daewoo Hengzhong by good luck, it still makes sense.

With a weapon of the level of Daewoo Hengzhong, how can a boy be fancyed?

Even some of the world's greatest figures may not really surprise Daewoo Hengzhong.

This guy's fortune is really a bit against the sky.

Naturally, he didn't know that Lin Han could do this step because of the prehistoric sword-making furnace that helped Dayu Hengzhong eliminate the Demon Venerable Gaitian.

Now Daewoo Hengzhong treats him like the former Daewoo Immortal Ancestor.


In the end, the power of the heavens that burst out from the Daewoo Heng Clock, and the power of the sucking above the Aquarius of the Great Dao met fiercely.

The void was like a boiling ocean, immediately set off a violent shock.

Thick cracks emerged, like spider webs all over the world. At first glance, it seemed that the whole world was about to be shattered, and the scene was horrifying.

In the entire Death Canyon, countless stone cliffs are shaking, as if to be destroyed.

Fortunately, there are special prohibitions and protections on the stone cliffs, and the shining brilliance at this moment is not really damaged.

Otherwise, it would be a distressing thing for anyone to see so many amazing combat skills.

The collision lasted about three or four minutes, and finally there was a result. Daewoo Hengzhong is worthy of being the ancestor of Daewoo, the supreme artifact that deterred an era, even if the sucking power on the great aquarium still failed to gain the upper hand.

In the end, the power of sucking was completely resisted, and there was a fierce counter-shock force coming out mightily, causing the De Dadao Aquarius to be shaken back a bit, and the light above was a little dim.


At the same moment, Ye Lin immediately spouted a mouthful of blood, and his body retreated a few steps in embarrassment. With each step, he stepped on the ground into a deep hole.

He used his profound arts, gritted his teeth fiercely, his footsteps glowed, and he stopped this retrogression.

The palm of his hand was covering his chest, and a touch of pain appeared on his handsome face.

Looking at Lin Han, there was an incredible shock!


His great treasure bottle could not crush Lin Han.

This result, like a basin of cold water poured on his head, made him feel a bit bitterly cold.

The body couldn't stop it, shaking gently.

He has a five-element realm, and Lin Han still has a big gap with him, how could he lose.

In front of so many people, he felt it was a huge shame, his face was hot.

"Ye Lin, are you convinced now?" Lin Han had the upper hand with one blow, and a trace of comfort passed in his heart.

The power of Daewoo Hengzhong did not disappoint him.

In the clock, the power contained is too advanced and shocking.

He feels like a treasure, and with the excavation, there will be greater surprises waiting for him in the future.

Therefore, there was a smile on his delicate face, his eyes looked at Ye Lin, somewhat condescending.

Right now, with the Daewoo Hengzhong on Lin Han's head, the golden light circulated around his body, like a peerless **** in the lower realm, so grace and demeanor that many people look up to.


Ye Lin's face was hot again, only to feel that Lin Han's words slapped his face like a loud slap.

His entire head was red, like a hairy crab, with some signs of smoking.

As the saint son, the wind is calm and calm, pointing the country, let the world look up.

For the first time so ashamed.

Secretly clenching some palms under his sleeves, his handsome face became slightly distorted due to the irritation and unwillingness in his heart. In the star-like eyes, there was even a glimmer of light, and he gritted his teeth and said sharply: "Lin Han , Don’t get too proud of it too early, how can my method be beyond your imagination? Next, I will make you regret it!"

In any case, he must find this place back.

Otherwise, this will be a shame to his fame.

He is worthy of being a top genius with an extraordinary disposition. Even under such irritation, he quickly adjusted, took a deep breath, and his complexion returned to calm, but the cold on his face was like frost!

"Fenhai Jieli Secret, kill!"

Leng's faint voice was spit out from his mouth, and then, with his hands on his chest, as if playing a certain rhythm, the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger connected to each other to form a cumbersome seal.


In an instant, on top of his head, the Dao Aquarius, which had been somewhat dim, once again emitted a dazzling divine light.

The light emitted this time was extremely crimson.

The temperature between heaven and earth began to rise sharply, as if it was about to transform into a huge furnace.

A feeling of scorching madness swept around, making many people sweat.

Some vegetation and streams in the mountains also withered and evaporated.

"What kind of power is this?"

Many people were horrified, the breath that overflowed from the treasure bottle on the road was too hot.

It's like a sun that will erupt from it.

This lingering prestige makes people a little unbearable.

If it did appear, how amazing would it be?

Many people looked pale, looking up at the treasure bottle that was turning red like blood, their voices trembled, and said in awe.

"This is... the breath of Fenhaitianhuo, it seems that there is Fenhaitianhuo within the treasure bottle of the Great Dao!"

Fairy Yuelong also watched the Daobao Ping carefully, her beautiful eyes filled with light. After a long while, she seemed to realize something, her tone was slightly shaken, and she lost her voice.

"What, Fenhaitianhuo?"

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Hearing this, many people around immediately slammed their hearts, their scalps felt numb, their eyes were shocked, and they screamed.

Fenhai Tianhuo's reputation in the Heavenly God Realm is very famous.

According to legend, one and a half million years ago, the northern region of the Heavenly God Realm was a sea of ​​heaven, endless and vast.

Many star fields and celestial bodies are covered in it, and the area has reached an astronomical figure.

It is very weird!

It will spread at an alarming rate every year!

Over 70% of the area of ​​the Heavenly God Realm is covered by the Heavenly Sea!

If all the starry sky is really submerged, waiting for the end of all human beings, only to lose their homes and be drowned...

This is an imminent disaster.

There are a lot of world-famous figures who have taken action, casting a lot of earth-shattering magic and magical powers, trying to prevent the expansion of Tianhai.

It is a pity that it is useless. The sea water in the sky and sea has a strange corrosive energy. No matter how strong it is, after being washed by the sea water, it will be completely corroded and then washed away.

Some famous people are helpless.

At the most critical juncture, a man covered by the sky-fire appeared, like a prehistoric **** descending to the earth, carrying the eternal divine fire all over his body, illuminating the universe.

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