War Emperor

Chapter 2020: defeat

The spot of light is not large, only the size of a fingernail, and it is very small, but the light that comes out makes the world fall into a fiery red, like a world of flames, very magnificent.

Especially the temperature in it is even more appalling.

As soon as Hajime was on display, everyone around felt the heat coming, and the heat was unbearable. Some people with low strength began to dissolve at a speed visible to the naked eye. The severe pain made them scream. .

"Go back, go back!"

Suddenly, a touch of horror emerged on countless people's faces, and the magic weapon to be controlled quickly left this area.

Even after retreating forty or fifty miles, it still felt like a heat wave around a big stove.

Fortunately, they can barely bear it here.

They were all in a bit of a panic, touching the sweat on their foreheads, swallowing their saliva, and murmured:

Is this part of the fire of Fenhaitianhuo?

It's too scary.

The temperature can really burn the sky and boil the sea!

Moreover, what they feel is just the aftermath, it is unimaginable, the temperature locks people, how terrifying is the high temperature that they endure?

Fairy Yuelong, Zhao Shi, and Saint Child of the Nine Devils were all dignified at this moment, with their hands erected on their chests, forming a Dharma seal, and a gorgeous mask rose on their body to resist.

At this temperature, even if they were a little unbearable, there were tiny beads of sweat on their foreheads, unconsciously flowing down.

However, after all, they are Saint Sons, with extraordinary strength and outstanding cards, and they have not regressed.

He only looked at the crimson fire the size of a nail, and his heart was full of attention.

According to legend, the size of Fenhaitianhuo was ten feet in size, like a big flame ball, containing the most powerful flame origin power in the universe.

Compared with the body, this kind of nail-sized fire is just a drop in the bucket and is insignificant.

The high temperatures that broke out were so appalling.

It is hard to imagine how earth-shattering the power of the real Burning Sea and Sky Fire would appear.

They couldn't help sighing in their hearts. It is indeed the strongest flame of the Burning Sea Holy Land's reputation in ancient and modern times. It really deserves its reputation.

Then, turning their heads to look at Lin Han again, they coincided with each other, and a slightly gloating smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Lin Han will face such a powerful attack next, and the end is naturally predictable.

Therefore, there was a sense of joy in their hearts, and it seemed that Lin Han's good fortune was about to end.


Under the nervous gaze of the crowd, Lin Han looked extremely serious at this moment.

Standing in the most central area, the temperature he felt was stronger than everyone else.

I just felt like I was in a pill refining furnace, being burned by the most amazing divine fire in the world, with my limbs, corpses, and internal organs.

The air he breathes, like a hot knife, enters the body, causing burning sensations in the blood and flesh of the meridians.

He squeezed some palms tightly, and his dry lips could not help but tighten.

I don't know how many hardships and dangers I have experienced along the way.

As it is now, it is still relatively rare to give him such a heavy pressure.

Right now, his delicate face is a bit flushed.

"Lin Han, how about it? Part of the fire in the Fenhaitianhuo is so powerful that you are like an ant. You still don't kneel down to me and beg for mercy."

Ye Lin burst into pride, laughed loudly and said loudly.

After launching the Fenhaitianhuo, he was full of confidence, like an immortal holding a terrorist killer, looking down on mortals.

If you show off your power, you can make it impossible to recover.

With this kind of fire, the power that bursts out, even if the veteran Five Elements Realm expert sees it, they will frighten and retreat.

Lin Han didn't even enter the Five Elements Realm. Even if he relied on many secret treasures, he wanted to contend with the power of this level.

After all, on the basis of realm, no matter how abnormal, there will be a limit.

"You think too much, this kind of fire is strong, but if you want to really kill me, you may not be able to."

However, Lin Han had a cold face and smiled coldly.

The bearing between the eyebrows was as sharp as a peerless heavenly sword about to be unsheathed.

If others face this almost mortal oppression, they might really bow their heads in order to save their lives.

But naturally he will not.

The prehistoric sword-forging furnace is the treasure of the fire system, which can smelt everything.

It is just right to devour part of the fire from the Fenhai Skyfire and strengthen the origin.

At the moment, Lin Han took a deep breath, with a look of expectation in his eyes. He pointed both fingers together like a sword, horizontally in front of him, his eyes were cold, and a voice resounded through the world.

"Honghuang Casting Sword Furnace, out!"


When the words fell, Lin Han's dantian area was emitting blazing divine light.

Like some kind of heaven-defying treasure, the king is in the sky, and the ancient chanting sounds suddenly sounded in the void, and the sound of blowing Dafa snails and the mighty sound of immortals were very solemn.

Next, in the eyes of everyone in awe and awe, a simple stove flew out of Lin Han's dantian!

At the beginning, it was only the size of a fist. After coming to the outside world, within a few breaths, it became two feet high, suspended in front of Lin Han, with a thick, vicissitudes of life.

Like some kind of prehistoric, mysterious artifacts, buried for countless years, broke ground, anyone can feel a sense of history.

"This is...the Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace!"

Many people were shocked, their eyes widened and lost their voice.

A great sword forging furnace!

These five words can be said to run through the entire history of the fairy world.

Since the birth of the fairy world, many peak powers in history have been studying the prehistoric sword-making furnace!

Because it comes from the prehistoric!

Primordial is the last era!

In this era, no matter how monstrous the ancient man is, he will not be able to know the information of the prehistoric years.

They all feel vaguely that "Honghuang" has a more advanced way.

The first method to practice was derived from some ancient stone carvings, oracle bone inscriptions.

This has created a brilliant and prosperous cultivation civilization in the immortal world of future generations.

Some remaining methods can be like this. How high-level is the true cultivation method?

As expected!

Over the years, this furnace has changed many owners.

Some of the world-famous figures who have shocked the past and the present have indeed been on it, and have obtained amazing prehistoric secrets.

Leading to its immeasurable profound power, disregarding ancient and modern times.

For example, the most famous person-Honghuang Xianzu!

This is a long-lasting strong man, born in the world longer than Dayu Immortal Ancestor, the first demon master.

In the beginning, he was just an ordinary old man in the village. In his twilight years, he would be buried in the dust soon.

In a coincidence, he accidentally got a prehistoric sword-forging furnace enclosed in stone.

He vaguely felt that this furnace should be extraordinary, so he studied it every day.

Since then, his spirit has become better and better, and his life span has become longer and longer.

Soon there were even signs of rejuvenation.

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