War Emperor

Chapter 2021: Breakthrough opportunity

Then, he embarked on the road of cultivation, singing along the way, and finally became a great ancestor!

In terms of fame, among all the immortal ancestors, few people can compare with him.

Legend has it that he has reached the end of the road to the immortal ancestor, and because of the predicament of forging a sword furnace, he has also taken a "higher road."

Therefore, countless immortal ancestors in later generations are very enthusiastic about Honghuang sword-making furnace.

Unfortunately, ten thousand years ago, the prehistoric sword-forging furnace fell into the lower realm, and was acquired by the Northern Emperor's Floating Wind, and was against the incarnation of Sanqing. In that battle, it was unexpectedly broken and disappeared.

It is really enviable that Lin Han has obtained it now.

This is something that many immortal ancestors can't reach.

"Honghuang Sword Furnace?" Ye Lin narrowed his eyes when he saw this. The shadow of the famous tree of man, the Honghuang Sword Furnace was so famous in the fairy world, he naturally did not dare to underestimate it.

Inside the vigorous furnace, he felt an indescribable breath.

It seems that there is a universe!

Anyone is as small as dust in front of him.

However, he could also see that this furnace was broken due to the war that year, and it has not yet fully recovered. In addition, Lin Han, whose strength is limited, may not have much power.

Then he felt a little relieved.

He also heard that 10,000 years ago, when the Northern Emperor Piaofeng and the incarnation of Sanqing were fighting, there was a secret shot by the supreme figure, which caused this furnace to be broken!

Otherwise, with their strength at the time, they would still be far from reaching the point where they would damage this furnace.

However, this is the most advanced secret of the fairy world...

He only listened to a few words, even the Holy Master of Burning Sea Holy Land would be very taboo about this matter.

I dare not think too much.

At the moment, he shook his head, pressed these down, his eyes looked at Lin Han again, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Lin Han, the prehistoric sword-making furnace, you are really a violent thing, today I will obliterate you. Let Honghuang cast the sword furnace and keep it for me!"

The prehistoric sword forging furnace is mysterious.

If he gets it, he might be able to start a road against the sky like the ancestor of the primordial ancestors, and leave a name in ancient and modern times.

For any cultivator, it is a dream and dream.

He owns part of the fire of Fenhaitianhuo and is confident that he can do this.

"Stop talking nonsense, in the future, who wins and who loses is not certain." However, Lin Han smiled coldly and said indifferently.

Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace, under his current strength, the power that bursts out is much stronger than before.

He didn't think it was a problem to deal with some of the fires of Fenhai Tianhuo.

"Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace, Devour!"

At the moment, Lin Han didn't delay, a touch of pride exuded in his eyes, and he snorted.


In the next moment, the Sword Casting Furnace burst out with a dazzling divine light, like an activated supreme fetish.

It continued to zoom in between the heaven and the earth, covering the entire heaven and earth, and the mouth of the furnace was like a big mouth swallowing the sky, trying to swallow the flames of the burning sea and sky fire.

Inside the furnace mouth, the wave that spreads out is very deep and vast, like a whole universe squeezed in, trying to turn into nothingness.

All beings are weak and weak in front of them, like dust.

Seeing this, many people couldn't help shivering and wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads.

This kind of fluctuation is really terrifying.

Even if the veteran Five Elements Realm is strong, it will be difficult to encounter.

If it is not, it is really hard to imagine that this is an attack from the pinnacle of the Four Elephants Realm.

Fairy Moon Dragon, Zhao Shi, and Saint Child of the Nine Devils were all shining brightly in their eyes, and they were heavy in their hearts, secretly assessing whether they would be able to parry if they faced them.

Lin Han's strongest method is truly extraordinary.

"Fenhaitianhuo kind of fire, kill me!"

Ye Lin looked up at the overwhelming furnace mouth, and there was a sense of awe in his heart, knowing that if he couldn't resist it, he would surely be overwhelmed.

However, he still has confidence in himself.

Right now, gritted his teeth fiercely, a crazy look appeared on his face, and he shouted fiercely.


The divine power in his body was also unreserved, and all was poured into the burning sea and sky fire.

The light emitted by the fire became more dazzling, and the temperature rose more linearly, reaching a terrifying point.

Like a star, it can be smelted.

Because of the large number of people here, Ye Lin was heartbroken and innocent, so that the temperature of the fire was all restrained, only having an effect on Lin Han.

Otherwise, if it spreads out, it will be completely destroyed without any blade of grass.

The killing was too big, and it also hindered his reputation.

Because the temperature is restrained, the temperature is stronger.

It can be seen that the void has been burned to ashes, falling down rustlingly.

Space is distorted.

It's like melting the prehistoric sword furnace into a liquid!

However, the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, as a treasure of ancient and modern times, is naturally unparalleled in strength. Even if the real body of Burning Sea and Skyfire comes, it is unknown whether it can damage the prehistoric sword-forging furnace.

Therefore, for this level of temperature, the whole body of the sword-making furnace still has a deep and firm taste.

I am immortal by letting you go.

Then the mouth of the furnace produced a huge suction force, and a little bit of burning the sea and sky fire, swallowing it in...

"Do not……"

Ye Lin was completely cold, his eyes widened, and he lost his voice in shock.

Obviously, he is no match.

The flames of Fenhaitianhuo couldn't even be shaken under the prehistoric sword-making furnace.

This result, to him, was like a cold knife inserted into the hot heart, extinguishing the enthusiasm, and stinging intolerable.

This was his strongest method, and it was easily defeated.

His face slowly poured out a pale, as if the whole person had been old for tens of thousands of years, there was a feeling of despair.


There was a sound of inhaling cold air around, and many people's eyes were also filled with a strong surprise.

The great sword forging furnace is really terrifying.

Even if the power that Lin Han exerts is not enough to be one billionth of his peak period.

There is also such a terrifying power.

Burning the sea, the sky, and the fire, can't make a splash.

The eyes of everyone looking at Lin Han were also full of envy.

Lin Han's chance to have such a heaven-defying baby is really jealous.

"Ye Lin, are you aware of the reality? You are the one who will lose." Lin Hanlang smiled.

Such a stimulus was extremely costly to him. I only felt that the divine power in his body had been drained by at least 70% to 80%, and there was a sense of weakness, which made his face a little pale.

However, just crushing Ye Lin like this made him feel more excited.

Ye Lin's fame was much stronger than the Thunder Son.

Defeating him means that he can defeat at least three or four of the ten saints.

It is also an excellent verification of his combat power.

Ye Lin was a little bit ashamed, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

Promoting the Burning Heaven Flame Seed was too expensive for him, and he was no longer able to fight.

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