War Emperor

Chapter 2022: Five Elements Ring

Ye Lin's eyes rolled with cold light, showing extremely fast posture, flew towards Lin Han, and pointed a finger.

Above his fingers, an astonishing force of "collapse" flows, allowing the space to collapse in an instant.

It seems that everything can be broken, and the world is resonating.

Many people were horrified, knowing that Ye Lin was using Tianzhi's fingers, his rank was very high, and it was his big hole card.

In close combat, as long as you are hit, no matter how strong your physique is, your whole body will be broken and broken to pieces.

Ye Lin's murderous aura was the heaviest among these four.

Ling Xuan couldn't help but clenched his angry silver teeth, Mei Mou showed a resentful look at Ye Lin.

Lin Hanshi didn't kill him, he was not grateful, and he still shot Lin Han now.

It's really hateful.

Then she looked at Lin Han who was under the siege of the four again, her delicate hands couldn't help tightening some corners of her clothes, and her pretty face was full of worry.

Although Lin Han broke into the Five Elements Realm, he could defeat the four to a large extent.

But now it is at an important juncture of breakthrough after all.

Can't be disturbed at all.

The four men launched such a powerful attack, it was too dangerous.

At the moment, she seemed to think of something, her tone was anxious, her beautiful eyes were slightly misty, and she said to Little Fatty and Golden Retriever: "You two think of a way, Lin Han can't have an accident..."

In fact, Little Fatty and the Golden Retriever King are also desperate now.

Looking at the four people who shot, gritted their teeth, revealing the killing intent.

Lin Han is their brother and has a deep relationship with them.

Naturally, they couldn't just watch the four of them hurt like this.

Right now, they glanced at each other, and there was a touch of firmness in their eyes.

It now appears that the only way to untie the seal is forcibly.

As a result, it may cause them to lose years of deeds, regress in strength, and hurt their foundation, but there is no other way.


However, just as they were preparing to take action, a turning point occurred in the field.

I saw that the four men’s formidable attack was about to hit Lin Han, but Lin Han suddenly rose up on the surface of his body, showing five colors of gold, green, blue, red and yellow. .


It was invincible. The attacks of a few people did not have any effect at all. It just made a definite sound, shaking the sky, and then all the attacks were resisted by the **** ring and annihilated.


When everyone saw this, their expressions changed, and they lost their voices in horror.

This is the Five Elements God Ring.

Is it just a rudimentary form, with such an amazing defense?

Little Fatty and Golden Retriever King also stiffened, and their expressions were a bit dull.

Generally speaking, when you are about to enter the Five Elements realm, the cultivator's body surface will indeed condense the embryonic Five Elements God Ring.

However, it is still very fragile at this time. If it is shattered by some powerful force, the cultivator will lose all his previous work and suffer huge internal injuries. One carelessness will break the bones and become a useless person.

Therefore, when breaking through the Five Elements Divine Ring, no one would allow it. The Five Elements Divine Ring took a little damage.

Now Lin Han has not only boldly sacrificed the Five Elements Divine Ring to resist the attack, but also successfully resisted the attack of the four people perfectly. This scene is also like a ghost in the day to them, it is incredible.

Lin Han's five-element **** ring is too abnormal.

It's just a rudimentary form, so strong. After the real formation, how terrifying is the defense?


Then, they breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a flash of joy in their eyes.

It seemed that Lin Han wanted something to happen, and it was not so simple.

Moreover, this Five Elements Divine Ring is very special, and they want to see how extraordinary it will be when Lin Han truly steps into the Five Elements Realm.

At the moment, they couldn't help but see a touch of interest and tension in their eyes.

"how can that be……"

Ye Lin's four attackers were blocked, and they all felt a strong counter-shock force. Even if they didn't react for a while, they were so shocked that they stepped back a few steps, their faces turned white, and a mouthful of mouths came out. Blood.

Then the four of them clutched their chests and looked up at the five-element divine ring surrounding Lin Han, with a look of shock in their eyes.

The Five Elements Divine Ring, just a rudiment, has such an amazing defensive power.

This indicates that after Lin Han successfully enters the Five Elements Realm, the Five Elements God Ring will inevitably become extremely abnormal...

They couldn't help but feel a sense of dignity in their hearts.

Could it be that this guy is really destined to go, no one can really kill on the road to rise?

Now they couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness deep in their hearts.

"My five-element divine ring, doesn't it taste good?" Lin Han smiled and said with a loud voice.

The Five Elements Divine Ring is based on a person's natural talent. The stronger the potential, the stronger the Divine Ring.

His talent is much more than that of Ye Lin.

The Five Elements Divine Ring can achieve this step, naturally, it is reasonable.

Right now, he was possessed by the Five Elements Divine Ring, and his eyes were radiant. He really had a demeanor that didn't put the world in his eyes.

The complexions of the four Ye Lin became extremely ugly, as if they were slapped loudly by Lin Han.

The teamwork didn't have the slightest effect, and they were shocked, which is really a huge shame to them.

At the same time, he was also aware of Lin Han's threat.

When Lin Hanzhen enters the Five Elements Realm, his methods will inevitably be even more shocking.

When they want to deal with it, it will be even more impossible.

"I don't believe it, you can really stop us, and no matter what the price you pay today, you will be killed!"

Right now, Ye Lin gritted his teeth fiercely, and a look of sorrow appeared in his eyes.

As a genius, he would never allow Lin Han to grow up.

Otherwise, these so-called holy sons will only become a joke.

This is a freak enough to eclipse people of the same level in an era.

Without mentioning grievances, for this alone, they would all kill Lin Han.

Fairy Yuelong, Zhao Shi, and Saint Child of the Nine Demons had a gloomy face, and they all had the same thought.

Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it, Lin Han is too evil, and there is a touch of jealousy in their hearts.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

At the moment, all four of them bit their fingers with their tongues, and each flew out a drop of blood, suspended in front of them, and then pinched fingerprints in their hands, and the blood instantly burned. Their breath also suddenly began to rise.

At first glance, the four of them are like four big fireballs, and each of them is several times stronger than before.

"Burning blood?"

When everyone saw this, their necks shrank, their hearts twitched, and they murmured in awe.

As everyone knows, burning the essence and blood is a cultivator, and he will only use desperate tricks when he has to.

Every drop of essence and blood is very important to the cultivator, and it takes a lot of effort to condense it.

Treat them like a bird cherishing its feathers, without wasting it.

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