War Emperor

Chapter 2029: Liu Tao

Lin Han's strength was so strong that they wondered if they were dreaming.

"Do you want to stop me now? Get out of me!" At this moment, Lin Han's eyes were like electricity, and he shouted at the rest of the soldiers.

All the soldiers shuddered in excitement, Lin Han's eyes were too terrifying, and it felt like being stared at by a peerless beast.

The whole body is cold.

Goose bumps all fell to the ground.

You know, they are people from the Golden Sword Holy Land, how can they be persuaded in front of so many people.

Otherwise, the reputation of the Golden Sword Holy Land will be a big stain.

At the moment, several soldiers gritted their teeth quickly, adding a fierce look on their faces, and said with a murderous tone to Lin Han: "Do you know that we are from the Golden Sword Holy Land, you do it, it is equivalent to us The Golden Sword Holy Land is the enemy, can you afford the consequences?"

They could already guess that Lin Han must be a genius who came out of his influence.

Only sacred places and sects with extremely strong energy can have a chance to teach such evildoers.

But no matter what the background, when you encounter them "Golden Sword Holy Land", you must be a little jealous.

The Golden Sword Holy Land, in the Heavenly God Realm, is a great overlord.

Even the top ten holy places, few dared to challenge them.

When referring to the Golden Sword Holy Land, these four words, these soldiers were once again full of confidence, raised their heads, and looked arrogant.

However, Lin Han shook his head and sneered. Even the "Xuanyuan Holy Land" ranked first in the top ten holy places, he was still not a bird. He was never a fearful force.

If people do not offend me, I do not offend others. If anyone offends me, the king of heaven and I will move in the same way.

At the moment, his eyes were indifferent and said: "Do you think the Golden Sword Holy Land is great? Today I will let you know that the Golden Sword Holy Land is in front of me, not even a fart, even if your holy son comes, I will ask him to count Afterwards!"


At the moment, Lin Han waved his sleeves and burst out a large amount of divine light, like a torrent, rushing towards the front.

With his current strength, although these soldiers are considered good among young people, they naturally have no resistance in front of him.

So the torrent rushed past, and even if the soldiers all changed their colors and used all their strength to resist, there was no effect. The armor on their bodies exploded one after another.

The body flew upside down like weeds in the torrent, and was embarrassed on the ground.

The sturdy floor was smashed to open a spider-web-like crack. They lay on the ground, wailing in pain, sweating profusely, and there was no human form in pain.

There was silence around, and many people were secretly surprised.

The Golden Sword Holy Land has been in charge of Huangyuan City for a while, and during this period of time, they have always been arrogant, like the overlord of the earth, high above them, and no one has dared to provoke them.

Today, being packed up like this by an unknown young man, it makes people stunned.

At the same time, many people feel relaxed.

After all, the Golden Sword Holy Land is so arrogant, and many people are offended.

"Do you want to stop me now?" Lin Han's expression remained as usual, as if he had dealt with some cats and dogs around him casually, glanced at them coldly, and smiled lightly.

A few soldiers shrank their necks, no more shouting in their eyes, only awe.

At this point, as long as they are not fools, they can see that Lin Han is far from what they can handle.

They all felt very embarrassed and unwilling to be bullied by Lin Han in this way.

"What happened?"

However, at this moment, a deep drink spread, and then above the tall city gate, a glowing figure, like a **** descending from the earth, descended on the street and said in a deep voice.

This is a man, wearing a blue shirt, tall and thin, with a pair of shining eyes, with a sharp color, like a sword light, which makes people look at him with a touch of fear.

The street suddenly became extremely quiet, and many people felt as if they were being pressed onto a heavy stone, which was very uncomfortable.

It can be seen that this man's courage is so strong that he did not deliberately release it, and it exerted such a great pressure on everyone.

"Brother Liu Tao?"

Seeing this man, all the soldiers were shocked, and there was a light of surprise in their eyes.

Brother Liu Tao is also a man in their Golden Sword Holy Land. Although there are still some gaps compared to Huangpu Haoran, the real strength is also very strong.

According to legend, his combat power is much stronger than the average Saint Son.

It's just a low-key person. Under the brilliance of Huangpu, it is much bleak, and foreigners rarely pay attention.

It really broke out, enough to alarm the Quartet.

At this moment, Liu Tao arrived, and they felt like seeing a savior.

With his patience, Lin Han was taken down, completely grasping.

A soldier resisted the pain on his body, stood up, overjoyed, bowed his hand to Liu Tao, and reported: "Brother Liu Tao, this kid is forcibly making trouble here. Not only does he not give us the Five Elements Pill, but he also fights. It hurts our brother and doesn't put our Golden Sword Saint Land in our eyes at all."

"Yes, Brother Sun Ming, he was beaten to death by the palm of his hand!"

Other soldiers also said.

The tall soldier before was named Sun Ming.

It was specially appointed by Liu Tao to guard the head of the city gate.

Walking with Liu Tao is also extremely advanced, Sun Ming tragically died, Liu Tao will definitely fall into rage.

Sure enough, Liu Tao heard this, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. Looking at Lin Han, his complexion became slightly sullen, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Bold, where did you guys dare to pick things here? Yet?"


The voice fell, and within his body, a vigorous momentum like a mountain suddenly burst out.

Everyone felt a great mental pressure, and couldn't help kneeling down.

Some people even shivered, with liquid flowing out of their crotch.

There are so many people on the street, more than 90% of them are like this, the scene can be described as extremely spectacular.

"Five elements of the five elements?"

Perceiving this momentum, Lin Han couldn't help but change his face slightly, a little surprised.

This realm was already stronger than Ye Lin, Fairy Yuelong, and Zhao Shi.

Liu Tao is not the holy son of the Golden Sword Holy Land, he has such strength.

The Golden Sword Holy Land ranks in the top three among the top ten holy places, and it is really amazing.

"Boy, kneel down on your own, knock a hundred times, and I will give you a happy one, otherwise I will let you survive and die today."

Liu Tao's eyes throbbed with the color of coldness, and he said coldly.

Sun Ming is his confidant.

He had to humiliate Lin Han severely to vent his hatred.

Lin Han smiled faintly, the expression on her delicate face did not change at all, as if facing an ordinary passerby on the side of the road, calmly said: "By you? It's worth it too!"

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