War Emperor

Chapter 2030: Defeat the enemy with one move

The anger in Liu Tao's eyes can't help being even worse, okay, a bastard, dare to be so arrogant.

This is obviously despising him.

"Today you regret coming to this world."


Liu Tao was furious, like an angry beast, rushing towards Lin Han, with the aura he carried, like engulfing an ocean, causing the space on the street to boil violently.

In Huangyuan City, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are a lot of three teachers and nine students.

Many people with extraordinary strength can't help but turn their eyes.

Liu Tao's name is enough to rank in the top five among all the disciples of the Golden Sword Holy Land.

Can see, this kind of character shot, you can use this to measure the overall strength of the Golden Sword Holy Land.

In the city, competition is fierce, which is good for them.

There is a touch of interest in the eyes of many people.

Lin Han was ignored by them.

No one would think that an immature teenager would be Liu Tao's opponent.


Liu Tao came to the front, with murderous intent in his eyes, and took a picture of the head facing Lin Han.

In the palm of the hand, there are five energy elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth converging, like everything can be photographed.

This is the expression of the five-element **** ring that has been integrated into the palm.

Ordinary saints may not be able to do it, which shows his greatness.

However, Lin Han smiled faintly, his eyes were still waveless, and his soles slammed on the ground.


Like stepping on some kind of arteries of heaven and earth, the entire wide street is in shock.

With Lin Han as the center, the spider webs visible to the naked eye continued to spread on the solid floor, spreading for thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

Then, on Lin Han's head, a bright ring of five elements rose.

It is more dazzling than ordinary people's divine ring, Hajime appears like a round of rising sun, shining all directions.

The whole street was filled with brilliant light.

Many people habitually squinted their eyes for a while.

"The Five Elements Divine Ring..."

The faces of some geniuses changed slightly, and a touch of shock appeared in their eyes.

Above Lin Han's five-element divine ring, there are still some five-element spirits flowing, like a gray mist.

It represents the Five Elements Divine Ring, which has reached the highest level. In history, there are very few people who can achieve this step in this state. Lin Han can do this step, and it is too abnormal.

They were awe-inspiring, and the boy in front of him was too simple.

This kind of five-element divine ring is at least dozens of times stronger than ordinary people.


In the end, Liu Tao's palm hit Lin Han's ring of five elements, and suddenly a loud sound erupted, like hitting metal, sparking a splendid spark.

Lin Han's Five Elements Divine Ring is very strong, perfectly resisting Liu Tao's palm strength.

"how can that be?"

When Liu Tao saw this, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his face changed drastically.

His palm, even an ordinary Saint Child, may not be able to take it, and it didn't hurt Lin Han half a point.

He also feels like **** in the day.

How could this boy be so powerful.

"Liu Tao, is this your strength? But so."

Lin coldly smiled, and the ring of the five elements above his head bloomed with brilliant brilliance, like a world-famous **** descending to the world, illuminating the streets.


When the voice fell, Lin Han's face sank again, and a magnificent force was emitted on the ring of the five elements, sweeping towards Liu Tao like a mountain.

Liu Tao naturally didn't have the time to react. He let out a scream, and his body immediately flew out like weeds.

The force was very strong, and after hitting the ground, he directly smashed the floor into a large hole with a depth of seven or eight meters, and the surrounding cobwebs were covered with cracks.

Liu Tao lay there, like a dead dog, covered in blood, with disheveled hair, pale and embarrassed.

Needles dropped on the street.

one move!

It was just a trick to label Liu Tao, a well-known man, like this.

Lin Han's strength is really shocking.

Before everyone felt that this young man would suffer.

They were completely wrong.

Those soldiers have numb scalp, and their body is weakened.

No longer dared to have any hostility towards Lin Han, only fear.

I'm afraid that only Big Brother Huangpu Haoran can defeat it with confidence.

"You..." Liu Tao lay on the ground, clutching his chest, feeling as if his internal organs were torn apart, his expression was painful.

He looked at Lin Han with a touch of fear in his eyes!

It was unexpected that Lin Han would be so perverted.

"You should be Lin Han?"

Then, he seemed to understand something, gritted his teeth fiercely, and said with a grimace.

"Lin Han?"

Everyone was relieved. In the entire fairy world, besides Lin Han, the famous descendant of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, who else could achieve this in their twenties?

Known as the first evildoer in history, only him.

"Yes, Huangpu Haoran, let him get out!"

Lin Han's expression was gloomy and said coldly.

He didn't intend to hide his identity. He came to Huangyuan City just to settle accounts with Huangpu Haoran.

Hearing this, many people can't help but get a sigh of relief.

Huangpu Haoran is located in the top ten saint children, ranking third, among the many geniuses of the heavenly **** realm, they are all looking forward to.

He let it get out, it was amazingly bold.

Liu Tao couldn't help clenching his teeth again. Huangpu Haoran was their faith, and Lin Han was so annoyed by him.

"Big brother is right above the city gate, Lin Han, I advise you to leave quickly with your tail clipped, otherwise, when the big brother arrives, even if you have three heads and six arms, you will definitely be dead today."

Liu Tao said with a vicious smile.

Even if Lin Han is very strong, he would never believe that he would be the opponent of Big Brother.

There are too many legendary deeds of the big brother, and there is an insurmountable gap between Lin Han's strength and him.

"Really?" However, Lin Han smiled lightly.

If he was really afraid, he would not take the initiative to find Huangpu Haoran.

He is now much stronger than when he confronted the Shiye Lin four people before.

Just want to use Huangpu Haoran to verify.

Therefore, some pride and fighting spirit passed in his eyes.

"Huangpu Haoran, get out of here!"

At the moment, he looked up at the tall gate tower, took a deep breath, and then spit out a sentence.


Under the blessing of divine power, every word is very magnificent, like nine days of thunder, resounding throughout the entire Huangyuan City.

Passing on, endlessly.

Some magnificent buildings reverberated, causing the space to shake a few times.


In the great Huang Yuancheng, everyone who heard this voice breathed in air-conditioning.

This city is dominated by the Golden Sword Holy Land, Huangpu Haoran, more like the existence of the earth emperor, most people talk about him, full of jealousy and fear.

Someone blatantly called Huangpu Haoran.

It's almost like dreaming.

More people couldn't help but rush to here.

Today there is bound to be lively watching.

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