War Emperor

Chapter 2062: A group of beasts


In the end, Lin Han's breath finally climbed crazily, and his whole body burst into light.

A pair of eyes are shining, sharp as a sword.

Five Elements Realm Five Floors!

His realm suddenly reached the fifth level of the Five Elements Realm.

Jumping in five small realms, if others know about it, I don't know what it will be like to be jealous.

At this moment, the power of his five elements is truly united, and the five rays of red, blue, yellow, gold, and green bloom on the surface.

This kind of power is not something that ordinary Five Elements realm divine power can contend.

Once urged, it can definitely sweep the same level.

Lin Han clenched some fists, felt the divine power in his body, couldn't help but laugh with satisfaction.

The Five Elements Defying Heaven Pill is indeed the **** pill coveted by countless strong people in ancient times.

Most of them are in his body, and when he breaks into the main territory, it will exert a key effect.

It will be much easier to break into the main border in the future.

This time the progress is indeed too great.

"Exit?" At this moment, Little Fatty, Golden Retriever King, Li Ling and others gathered around and chuckled.

They have been protecting the Fa during Lin Han's three days of retreat.

At this moment, seeing Lin Han's aura strengthened a lot, they were also happy.

"Yeah." Lin Han nodded and smiled, his gaze swept away, without seeing Lingxuan, he couldn't help but said, "Where is Lingxuan?"

A hint of doubt appeared on the little fat man's face, and said: "We are not very clear. She said that she took Xiaolan to play for a while. It has been a whole day and has not come back."

Neither Lingxuan nor Xiaolan could sit still.

The scenery here is good, and it's normal to go around.

At this moment, they were about to look for it, but Lin Han finished his cultivation.

"Let's find it, maybe something will happen." Lin Han frowned, a haze rose in his heart.

Within the Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace, his enemies are quite a few, and in addition to the many treasures on his body, many people are arguing about him.

If someone with evil thoughts sees Lingxuan, it is normal to catch it and use it to threaten oneself.

The little fat guy nodded.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to let the spirits declare something wrong.



At this moment, in a mountainous area about seven or eight miles away from this waterfall.

A group of people were surrounding a young girl, smiling unkindly, looking at the girl, her graceful body showed a touch of desire in her eyes.

It is typically a pack of hungry satyrs.

"What do you...want to do..."

The girl is Lingxuan, her pretty face is white at the moment, and she is on guard.

She and Xiao Lan found a treasure fruit here and looked for it.

At the moment when the treasure was picked, the group of people rushed out and surrounded her.

She was naturally a little scared.

Xiao Lan also screamed, flapping his wings, warning.

"Hey, little sister, you are the only one who dare to show up here. It's so bold. I heard that you have a good relationship with Lin Han. Hurry up, where is Lin Han now?"

Someone sneered.

Ling Xuan felt a chill in his heart, and secretly thought that this group of people turned out to be directed at Lin Han.

Out of the corner of her eye, she couldn't help looking at it. Not far away was a man sitting on a rock. The man was very powerful, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura, like a mountain, majestic and heavy.

This is a super strong, Lin Han may not be able to deal with it.

She knew that when Lin Han was in the critical moment of retreat, she naturally couldn't tell these people. Otherwise, if he rushed past it, it disturbed Lin Han and might have a huge impact on Lin Han.

"I don't know, I'm separated from him." Ling Xuan's beautiful eyes turned and said.


However, this group of people laughed out loud, as if they were saying, are you treating us as children?

They are from the Du family.

The man not far away was Du Pengfei.

Lin Han killed the three young masters of the Du family, and they were all looking for Lin Han.

"Little girl, do you dare to deceive us, believe it or not, we will strip you off all your clothes, so that you can have a taste of serving many men."

One of the men with a mole on his face said gloomily.

Lingxuan slapped the spirit slightly, knowing that she was definitely not the opponent of these people, and their aura was too strong, she and Xiaolan started their hands, but they were just like a car.

If you really fell into it, being by them... would be more uncomfortable than killing her.

"What I said was true, and I didn't lie to you..." She could only say that, and she couldn't make her betray Lin Han.

"What a loyal girl, since that's the case, then we're welcome."

"Haha, brothers do it!"

"Yes, play with her first. When she appears here, Lin Han must be not far away. Let's go to Lin Han for revenge!"

The children of the Du family burst out laughing. As members of the hidden family, they have strict restrictions with the outside world, so most people have never touched a woman.

Lingxuan is so full of aura, young and beautiful beauty.

It is a dream for them.

Du Pengfei sat cross-legged on the sidelines, watching with cold eyes, and had no objection to the actions of his men.

Lin Han killed his third brother. He hated Lin Han so much. Now that he takes revenge, the people around him should be right.

Not only did he want these people to insult Lingxuan, but also throw Lingxuan in front of Lin Han and make Lin Han furious, so that he would be happy.

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth aroused a sick smile.


Amidst the harsh and obscene laughter, Lingxuan's clothes were finally torn apart.

The children of the Du family are indeed extraordinary, and the resistance of Lingxuan and Xiaolan is completely useless.

In the silent mountains and forests, scenes full of evil were staged.

Not surprisingly, a young girl in season was really going to be insulted by these beasts.

"You..." There was a tear in Ling Xuanmei's eyes, knowing that she was in danger today, and a touch of despair appeared in her eyes.

Even if they die, they will definitely not make people who are inferior to these animals.

Amidst the lightning and flint, she took out a dagger from the magic treasure in the storage, and thrust it towards her neck like lightning.

The speed is too fast, and no one would have thought that the Spiritual Vision Society would choose to commit suicide at this time.

The children of the Du family were dumbfounded, and their faces were full of regret.

Such a plaything is so ruined.

Many people have a sense of determination in their hearts, even if the spirit is declared dead, they will not let go of their bodies.


Just when everyone thought that Lingxuan would definitely die, suddenly a young boy's deep shout sounded in the mountains and forests.

Then, a stream of light suddenly appeared, and with a sound, the dagger in Lingxuan's hand fell off and fell to the ground.

Then, a powerful aura broke out, and the children of the Du family all flew out like weeds.

Lingxuan naturally did not expect that someone would save him.

As if realizing something, the delicate body trembled, and suddenly opened his eyes, and he was surprised to see the figure of a young man standing in front of him like a demon.

The look was extremely terrifying, looking at the children of the Du family, as if looking at a group of dead people.

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