War Emperor

Chapter 2063: Angry

"Lin Han..." Lingxuan laughed.

With a teenager, she felt like a big mountain standing in front of her, no matter how heavy the wind and rain, she could resist her, she was at ease.

"Lin Han?"

The sudden appearance of a powerful aura made the Du family's children also startled. After hurriedly getting up from the ground, they were also taken aback when they saw the teenager in front of them.

Although I had heard that Lin Han was extraordinary, he did not expect that he would be such a young boy.

This is much younger than they thought.

If it is placed in a crowd, no one will notice.

It is such a young guy who has such a reputation, which naturally surprised them.

"Are you Lin Han?" Du Pengfei also stood up from the huge boulder, and raised a powerful momentum all over his body, staring at Lin Han as sharp as an electric light, with a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth, his expression vicious.

"Who are you?" Lin Han frowned and asked.

I was a little surprised, this young man's so strong aura was not at all under Li Lingling and Xuanyuanyun.

In him, he also felt an aura of the same origin as the three young masters of the Du family, and it seemed that he was also a member of the Du family.

"I am Du Pengfei, the second young master of the Du family. You killed my third brother." Du Pengfei smiled grimly, swallowing the stern light in his eyes.

The Du family has a very strong reputation. In the Heavenly God Realm, no one has ever dared to bully, and now it is a great shame that the three young masters are killed by others.

Therefore, Lin Han is like a prey in hand, his expression is full of joking, and he is thinking about how to torture Lin Han.

"That guy is arrogant and domineering, and he's dead." Lin Han nodded and sneered.

To kill is to kill, he never denies.


The people of the Du family were all angry, and they dared to be so arrogant after killing their three young masters, and they really didn't put them in the eyes of the Du family.


Du Pengfei smiled and slapped his palms, the icy color in his eyes became more intense, and said: "Since you killed my Du family, you should know the end, now kneel down, give me a hundred beeps, and then Abandon the cultivation base and be loyal to me like a dog from now on, I may leave you a sordid life, otherwise I will let you die today from the most severe pain in the world."

Lin Han smiled, if he was watching an idiot.

These people almost blasphemed Lingxuan and killed him, and they dared to tell him this.

A cold light flashed across his eyes and said: "This should be what I said to you."


After finishing speaking, Lin Han waved his sleeves, a large expanse of divine light exploded, and streams of light, like a hilt-killing sword, flooded towards the children of the Du family.

In the streamer, it is extremely sharp, even if the gold stone is in front of it, it is like tofu, and it will be cut into pieces in an instant.

Lin Han suddenly showed such a hand, it can be said that he has the heart to kill.


Those children of the Du family naturally didn't expect Lin Han to act so aggressively.

Before they had time to react, they screamed one by one, their bodies like a sieve, they were pierced with blood holes and died on the spot.

The bones and viscera were shattered, and no one had a breath.

Lin Han killed more than a dozen elite children of the Du family at once.

Lingxuan clenched some Xiu fists tightly, feeling very relieved.

These guys are more than guilty of death, otherwise in this Phoenix Palace secret realm, I don't know how many girls will be harmed.

"you wanna die!"

Du Pengfei was angry.

He didn't even react. He was unreasonable and dared to kill his people in front of him.

It was a naked ignorance of him.

"The dead, not only them, but also you Du Pengfei." Lin Han looked cold and buzzed, sacrificing the blood falling from his body to the Emperor Sword, raised his arm and pointed at Du Pengfei.

If the other party does not come to him for revenge, he is not ready to trouble him.

To dare to do such a thing is naturally seeking a dead end.

"Haha..." Du Pengfei laughed wildly, an outside kid dared to be so arrogant, too arrogant.

"Boy, today I will let you know that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world!"


Du Pengfei gritted his teeth and roared. After speaking, his body shook, blooming like a mountain, and slapped Lin Han vigorously.

In the palm of the palm, there appeared one after another huge stars, like a vast starry sky with a palm, there was an aura of refining the world and everything into nothingness.

This is the "Starry Sky Palm" that he has worked hard for many years, using his palm power to evolve the dazzling starry sky, magnificent and suppressing everything.

Enough to sweep one side, no one can stop.


However, Lin Han's expression remained unchanged. He raised the Blood Falling Emperor Sword and slashed with one sword. The fiery sword aura seemed to condense endless magma, burning everything.

Du Pengfei's palm was instantly split into two, splitting in half.

Du Pengfei also felt a strong sword aura coming, which made him step back a few steps.


"Second Young Master..."

There were some children of the Du family not far away, and their expressions changed drastically at this moment.

The Second Young Master was actually not Lin Han's opponent in the first confrontation.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

The Second Young Master is in the Five Elements Realm, and there is rarely a rival.

"Five elements of the five elements...Your boy's strength has broken through again?"

Du Pengfei clutched his aching chest and looked at Lin Han, his eyes a little shocked.

He heard that Lin Han had just broken through the Five Elements Realm, and this was where he despised Lin Han the most.

At the moment, he has the strength of the fifth level of the Five Elements Realm, which really makes him dazed.

Could it be that in just a few days, Lin Han jumped into five small realms?

If this is the case, it would be too abnormal.

"You find me now, you are really unlucky." Lin Han smiled cruelly, and the Blood Falling Emperor Sword in his hand gently swiped in front of him.

On the surface of his body, there are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the power of the five elements surrounds each other, each emitting a different light, which is extremely gorgeous.

At a glance, it looked like there were five big dragons, accompanied by him, set off his majestic momentum, stunned the world, and looked down upon the world.

Du Pengfei's heart twitched. This is likely to be the power of the five elements in the legend.

Even though many famous figures in ancient times, they all yearn to have it.

How did Lin Han do it?

There is only one possibility!

His eyes flashed!

Five Elements Against Heaven Pill!

To achieve the unity of the five elements in the Five Elements Realm, you can only eat this pill.

In other words, Lin Han really got the Five Elements Defying Heaven Pill.

"Boy, you have eaten the Five Elements Against the Heavens Pill. It is really a violent thing. Today I will refine you into a big potion, and even extract the essence of the Five Elements Against the Heavens Pill for my use."

He licked his lips and laughed loudly.

It didn't take long for Lin Han to just take it, and some special refining methods could indeed extract those medicinal powers again.

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