War Emperor

Chapter 2064: Obliterate

This is equivalent to Lin Han giving him the Five Elements Defying Heaven Pill.

This is also of great use to him.

As long as he swallows it, he will immediately break into the main realm, and within this Phoenix Palace secret realm, he can definitely sweep.

At that time, Xuanyuanyun and Li Lingling would all surrender under his feet.

Thinking about that scene made him feel hot.

"Foolish people say dreams!" Lin Han sneered.

After swallowing the Five Elements Defying Heaven Pill, he has undergone a completely reborn change, and Du Pengfei poses no threat to him at all.

I want to refine him, really thinking too much.

"Now let you see the power after the unity of my five elements!"


Lin Han said indifferently, and then moved his mind. The power of the five elements in his body was immediately mobilized by him. On the surface of his body, the five brilliant lights turned into five big dragons, condensed on the blade.

Then, Lin Han swept away with all his might, with a five-color light, and immediately moved towards the impact.

Du Pengfei's face changed drastically. He never thought that the five-color light would be so terrifying, and he could not resist it.


Even if he tried his best to form a thick mask around his body, it was still useless, and was instantly shattered. Du Pengfei was split from his left shoulder to his belly button, and a **** wound appeared, with blood flowing long.

He fell to the ground, clutching his stomach, and screamed.

"Now you want to refine me?" Lin Han sneered, and said coldly to Du Pengfei.

Du Pengfei didn't speak, his eyes were vicious, just staring at Lin Han like a poisonous snake.

"It seems that you still hate me very much. If so, you can go on the road." Lin Han's expression was indifferent, and he didn't intend to talk nonsense with Du Pengfei. The Blood Falling Emperor Sword in his hand was raised with a pop. A big head was cut and flew out in an instant.

Du Pengfei died tragically here.

The mountains became silent.

The children of the Du family were trembling all over as if they were facing a murderer, unable to speak.


There is only this word in their hearts, Lin Han is so perverted, if you don't run away, it will only be a dead end.

Without the slightest delay, they fleeing around frantically like frightened birds.

How could Lin Han let them go? These guys are all beasts, and they are dead.


At the moment, the blood falling emperor sword in his hand was raised, and the sword energy flooded forward like a torrent.

Those people screamed one after another, and their bodies fell in a pool of blood.

All those killed by the sword qi became fleshy.

Lin Han solves everyone.

"How's it going?" At this moment, Little Fatty, Golden Retriever King and other talents chased over, seeing Lingxuan ignore them, and they were also relieved.

If there is something wrong with the spirit, they will feel guilty for a lifetime.

"It's okay." Lingxuan smiled and pulled La Linhan's arm. Lin Han rescued her again. In her mind, her image became even taller.

Lin Han just shook his head and smiled without paying attention.

Needless to say about his relationship with Lingxuan.

"What's going on outside now?" Lin Han asked, looking at the dense forest.

In the past few days, he has been in retreat, and he has also instructed Little Fatty, Golden Retriever King, Li Ling and others to pay attention to the outside situation.

After all, information is very important in the Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace.

Otherwise, they don't know what treasure is out, and naturally it is impossible to get it.

"It's reported that Xuanyuanyun got the Phoenix Ancestor wings two days ago. Li Lingling and a mysterious girl from the Witch Clan did not kill them. After Xuanyuanyun refines the Phoenix Ancestor wings, his strength is bound to increase. Increase, it will be more difficult to deal with." The little fat man frowned.

The enmity between Lin Han and Xuanyuan Holy Land was already extremely large, the stronger Xuanyuanyun was, the more disadvantaged it was for Lin Han.

When encountering Xuanyuanyun, he would never let Lin Han go.

"Huangzu wings?"

Hearing this, Lin Han felt a little surprised.

He had also heard about it. The ancestor Huang's wings contained monstrous divine power. If anyone got it, he would use unparalleled divine power to sweep the surroundings.

Xuanyuan Yun was already very powerful, and obtaining such a treasure would be even more powerful.

It is indeed harder to deal with it in the future.

As for the mysterious witch girl, he could also guess that it should be Xiaolan.

"Okay, is there any other news?" Lin Han asked again, since all this has happened, it doesn't make sense to care about it.

The most urgent task now is to explore greater opportunities and treasures.

"Not for the time being..." Little Fatty and King Golden Retriever looked at each other, and both shook their heads. Li Ling frowned upon seeing this and said, "However, a very strange phenomenon has occurred in the past few days. Many geniuses are rushing north. Go north, maybe there will be some chance."

There are many treasures in the Secret of the Phoenix Palace.

In addition to the Five Elements Defying Heaven Pill and Huang Ancestor Wings, there are others.

It is heard that the royal family once left a treasure house in the secret realm.

Whoever can get that treasure house is the real big winner.

There are many ancient gods in the treasure house.

"North?" Lin Han looked in the direction of the north, a light flashed in his eyes. He had the Eye of Soul Eater, and he was more able to perceive some special auras between heaven and earth.

Under the observation of Eye of Soul Eater, the aura in the north is indeed stronger.

The terrain there is even more mysterious.

If there are any secrets and treasure houses there, it is normal.

"Okay, let's go to the north to take a look." Lin Han smiled, with a touch of pride in his eyes.

With his current strength, he already has the capital to truly compete with top talents like Xuanyuanyun and Li Lingling.

Now is the time to really fight those people.

Moreover, he can also foresee that some geniuses of the hidden family will also meet.

The road ahead is bound to be very exciting and turbulent.

He is a young man with a toughness to challenge in his bones.

The more so, the more he expected.



As Lin Han and others left here, the forest became silent.

Even the nearby ferocious beasts and birds of prey were shocked by the previous battle and flew away.

There wasn't even a trace of movement around.

Whoosh whoosh!

However, in less than five minutes, a group of people flew here, glowing all over, with extraordinary aura, like a **** descending from the earth.

The head of the man was dressed in gold clothes, golden crown and hair, handsome face, with a long-standing high, extremely noble bearing.

On his body, there is a royal atmosphere, which is very extraordinary.

If anyone saw him, they would be horrified.

This man has a very strong aura, even more powerful than Du Pengfei, naturally appearing here, making the universe resonate, the road trembling, as if the whole world is going to surrender to him.

As for the followers around him, they are more energetic, calm and relaxed, with extraordinary demeanor.

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