War Emperor

Chapter 2082: Golden python

Someone said with a trembling tone, full of fear.

Immortal ancestors have taken too much weight in the history of human cultivation.

Throughout the ages, once someone has become an ancestor, it is synonymous with an era of Megatron, sweeping away all wastes and overwhelming the world.

Countless people are pursuing this goal in cultivation.

Even if they are already very strong, they are as weak as an ant facing the galaxy in front of the immortal ancestor's level.

Right now, they encountered an immortal ancestor-level creature. How big was the shock that this brought to everyone?


Lin Han's heart was beating frantically.

This scene is too unexpected.


The sacred beast, standing on a towering mountain, roared to the sky, the stars on the sky were blown up one by one, the galaxy rolled back, and time and space reversed.

There are also many visions that have emerged in the world.

The wisps of electric light all over it seem to destroy a world, the scene is terrifying.


What's amazing is that it didn't make any attacks on everyone. It just looked at the top of the sky-reaching giant tree, turned into a stream of light, and flew upward.

Coming soon!

Go fast too!

The intrepid coercion dissipated like a tide.

Everyone looked at each other, a little unclear.

Suan mythical beast, what does this mean.

"It must be a treasure house above the giant tree. Something has changed that alarmed it. Let's go and see!"

Someone guessed.

Many people nodded, thinking it was possible.

In the entire Phoenix Palace secret realm, only the treasure trove left by the ancestor of the Phoenix is ​​the one that can make the Divine Beast of Sushen love.

In the ancient times, the ancestor Huang was a world-renowned existence, and the items it left behind were too shocking and horrifying, and made the Divine Beast's heart normal.

Lin Han sighed. Originally, within the Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace, there was already a mixture of fish and dragons, and there were many disputes.

Now it has appeared again, a 狻猊 comparable to the immortal ancestor level.

The way forward is really unpredictable.

However, when they are all here, naturally they can't just retreat.

At the moment, everyone turned into streamers and flew towards the top of the giant tree.

Even if he died, this mixed water would still flow.



Everyone flew all the way, after about half a day, they finally came to the top of the giant tree.

When I came here, I didn't know how many miles into the clouds. It seemed that there was the sky cover, surrounded by sea of ​​clouds, and I couldn't see anything.

The stars in the sky can be touched as if you stretch out your hand.

At the top of the tree canopy, there is indeed a huge palace standing there, full of years of wind and frost, as if it has existed for thousands of years.

The whole body is vague, and the space overlaps, which also gives people an unreal feeling.

As if it stood in another time and space.

"This is... Huang Zu treasure house?"

Countless people saw this scene, their breathing became heavy.

Even Lin Han, the blood in his body has become hot and hot.

This is an ancient creature, a treasure trove left over. It is too shocking in the world that no one can keep calm when they see it.


However, just when everyone wanted to get closer, an astonishing scene suddenly appeared.

I saw that the huge canopy, trembling gently, seemed to have some creature crawling out of the canopy.

Then, the golden light was dazzling and dazzling.

In the shocking sight of the crowd, a golden python climbed up from below. It was tens of thousands of miles long and as big as a mountain. It was winding and winding, entangling the entire Huangzu treasure house.

The huge snake head is raised high, and the eyes are full of vicissitudes, and it is like living endless years.

At the center of its eyebrows, there was a wave of waves.

"Huangzu treasure house, no idlers should enter, leave quickly, otherwise, die!"

The voice was loud, if the **** thunder exploded and passed, everyone felt a burst of blood boiling, their hearts trembled, and they wanted to vomit blood.

"The blood of the golden python is terrifying..."

Everyone regretted that there was still such a huge golden python guarding the Huangzu treasure house.

Inside the thick snake's body, it seems that there are ocean-like laws of divine power, even if it is not revealed, it is shocking.

If the big snake gets angry, everyone has no doubt that everyone will be crushed directly by the other party like dust, the gap is too big, and it is not a creature on the same level.

Lin Han also rubbed his stiff face.

Judging from the breath of the golden python, it seems that it is another existence that can be compared with the immortal ancestor.

Too bad, I saw two immortal ancestors in one day.

In the vast history, many cultivators have never had a chance to meet in a lifetime.

He was also a little embarrassed. He was guarded by a golden python, and everyone wanted to get close to the treasure house of Huang Zu. It was a dream.

All geniuses are somewhat at a loss.

"Oro, for so many years, you are still guarding the treasure house. What's the point? It's better to open it, and let the opportunity in it be made public."

At this moment, a dull voice spread, and then endless thunder and lightning rolled in, dark clouds billowed, and the sacred beast came, and a pair of eyes exuded a light that could eclipse the universe, and said in a deep voice.

Its four hooves are treading on the flames of the world, its fur is bright and beautiful, and its words also carry a long-lasting taste.

Obviously, it and the golden python are old knowledge.

"Huh, Sui, have you forgotten that you were just a pet that Huang Zu picked up. If you hadn't been saved by Huang Zu, you would have died. For these years, you have been coveting Huang Zu's treasure. Are you worthy of Huang Zu?"

The golden boa constrictor glanced at the sacred beast coldly, and shouted.

"Haha, this has been a matter of many years, and why do you still mention it? The ancestor Huang is already dead, and his treasure, spreading out, is the most important thing." Divine Beast Suan sneered.

When Huang Zu was shocked, he was indeed still very weak.

After so many years, he has grown up, and now its combat power has shocked the world.

Nothing can stop.

It must get the treasure of Huang Zu, so that it can be horizontally and horizontally outside, famous for an era, and in time, it will become the same existence as Huang Zu. He has been waiting for this opportunity for many years.

"Don't think about it, as long as I live for one day, you will never succeed." The golden python said coldly.

He was Huang Zu's servant back then, and his strength was extremely high.

The sacred beast, after several shots, was beaten back by it.

He clearly knew that an unimaginable horror figure was also sealed in the Huangzu treasure house.

If that character were to be born, it would be a catastrophe for thousands of creatures in the universe.

In any case, it cannot cause a catastrophe.

"Haha, now you, your blood and energy are dry, I am afraid that you can't stop me." The sacred animal laughed, his eyes bursting with terrible divine light, the reason why he chose to take action at this time was that he had already noticed the golden python. The amount of energy is exhausted, and within these few days, he will inevitably die.

This is its good opportunity, no one can stop it.

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