War Emperor

Chapter 2084: God Killing Array

When the sacred beast saw this large array of lights lit up, he was shocked and sucked in a cold breath, shocked his eyes, and lost his voice.

The God Killing Array, in ancient times, was also regarded as Huang Zu’s fame and fame. Once it was besieged by the three powerful immortal ancestors. When it was about to be endangered, Huang Zu will display the God Killing Array, and suddenly turn things around. , Behead the three great immortal ancestors one by one.

The First World War shocked the entire ancient times.

At the level of Immortal Ancestor, everyone is a genius, and there will not be too much difference between who and who.

It is easy to defeat a fairy ancestor, but it is too difficult to kill a fairy ancestor.

With this formation, Huang Zu killed the three immortal ancestors of the same level, which shows how terrifying the power of this formation is.

Since then, many powerful people in the ancient times have been very taboo against the God Killing Array.

In the past so many years, it thought that the Great God Killing Formation had long since returned to the dust from its follower Huang Ancestor, or was left in the treasure house by it.

It never occurred to him that he was hidden in the periphery of the treasure house.

After thinking about it, it also understood that it must be the safety of the treasure house of Huang Zu's heart, and it was arranged here to guard it.

This made it gritted its teeth secretly. With such a change, the situation is not easy to control.

This big formation is so powerful that it is not a problem to kill the ancestor, it is very jealous.

"Shenzhen divine beast, I didn't expect it, this is exactly what Huang Zu stayed to deal with you back then." The golden python sneered.

"What?" The Divine Beast shook his body, and there was a sense of inconceivability in his eyes. He stepped back two steps: "How can Huang Zu deal with me?"

As Huang Zu's pet, it still has deep respect for Huang Zu.

When Huang Zu died, it was also sad for a long time.

Today, the ancestor Huang that it respects and worships the most, has left a hand on it after death, and it feels a little uncomfortable in his heart as if it had been cut.

"Hmph, Ancestor Huang has already seen that you are untamable. When he is alive, he can still control you. After it dies, the wildness in your heart will only get stronger and stronger. At that time, I will rely on me alone. It will become more and more difficult for you to restrain you. Therefore, it has left the God-killing formation, saying that if you are wrong, the treasure house will produce any coveted thoughts. If you really want to fight the treasure house, when necessary, Only get rid of you."

The golden python's eyes grew sharper and he shouted.

In the past few years, it has not used this big formation because it was not bad for seeing that Huang Zu had once faced the sacred beast, and didn't want to do everything.

Right now it can’t take care of so much. When Huang Zu died, he solemnly instructed that the treasure house must not be lost. The existence of the seal is related to the safety of the universe. If it is released, even if Huang Zu underground knows it, it will not Will squint.

It is the servant of the ancestor Huang, who listens to the imperial decree and obeys it with all his heart.

The sacred beast couldn't help but shed blood and tears in his eyes, and there was sadness in his heart. Unexpectedly, before his death, the ancestor Huang could predict countless years after his death.

It lived up to Huang Zu's expectations.

Huang Zu also left behind to deal with himself.

However, it does have great ambitions. The treasure left by the ancestor Huang possesses the mighty power that sweeps through an era. For it, it is too attractive.

If it can't reach the outside world, it will stand on top.

With its militant character, sooner or later, it will die in the hands of others.

In any case, it must get the treasure.

At the moment, its eyes stood up suddenly, drawing a mad look, and its face became a little sassy, ​​and said: "Since Huangzu is ruthless to me, then stop blaming me for being unrighteous. I don't believe it. You are about to die in this battle. The old snake, how powerful can it be, break it for me!"

After speaking, it yelled, and the whole body was radiant, and its momentum instantly rose by a large amount, becoming warlike like a sea, and its mighty power is overwhelming.

Suan sacred beast, bloodline against the sky, reaching a true peak state, ordinary ancestors may not be opponents.

It is very confident in itself, and the God Killing Array can't stop it.

The golden python sighed, and then the light in his eyes became sharp, like a sword light, his head was raised a little high, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, I have kept my hands all these years. Today, I will completely Kill you forever!"

"God Killing Great Formation, Kai!"

The shouts fell, the huge and ancient formations, divine light, seemed to be able to illuminate the eternal time and space, the ancient and the present and the future.

In the formation, there is still a mysterious aura that envelopes the giant python. The original giant python's blood and energy were dried up, and the aura was wilted. It suddenly seemed to usher in a big supplement, and the body was bright and gorgeous, illuminating the world.

It is even stronger than it was when it was full of life.

Lin Han was speechless, killing the gods, really powerful.

If the golden boa constrictor has been connected with the aura of the killing of the gods, I am afraid that even the life span can be extended.

The general formation is far from having this effect.

Right now, his eyes became more tense, and he wanted to see how the battle between the golden python and the sacred beast turned out.


The golden python aura is connected to the God Killing Array, the combat power has greatly increased, and the state is countless times younger.

It yelled, controlled the God Killing Array, and immediately landed a kill!

This killing is light blue, not dazzling, very inconspicuous.

Only some powerful people can feel the terrifying divine power contained in the killing, which is not calculated by the "quantity" at all, if it can kill all living creatures in the world.

Even the immortal ancestor would be in great danger.

The pupils of the sacred beast shrank suddenly, naturally knowing that the blow was very strong.

The breath rising on it made the fur all over its body stand up slightly.

At the moment, it gritted its teeth fiercely, pouring all its divine power into the front paws, making the front paws extremely strong and unbreakable.


It's a pity that it still doesn't work. The God Killing Array is famous and powerful.

The cyan killer came, and the mask formed on the stubborn front paws immediately resembled tofu, shattering away, killing all but slashing away, and slashed on its flesh and blood.

A large swath of snowflakes bloomed.

The sacred beast uttered a miserable scream, and two **** wounds were cut out on its front paws. It was seven or eight meters long and one meter deep. The flesh and skin were rolled up, and the white bones were exposed.

Many people slap their tongues, the skin surface of the sacred beast is densely covered with scales. The sharp blades of ordinary sacred soldiers are hard to damage, but they are so fragile when killed.

It is worthy of the God Killing Array, everyone can still feel that the golden python exerts only the power of the fur.

It is even more regrettable how terrifying it would be if the God Killing Array were to be fully mobilized.

"Shen, give you one more chance, go back quickly, and swear by your soul that you will never get closer to the treasure house again, and I will let you go."

Golden boa constrictor, yell.

It is full of golden light and dazzling flames, like the strongest ancient beast from the upper realm to the world.

The sound is like thunder, shaking the wasteland.

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