War Emperor

Chapter 2091: Kill Xuanyuanyun

Such as divine blessing.


Xuanyuanyun was immediately stunned by a punch, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, his body staggered back a few steps, his face pale, and his breath wilted.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Xuanyuanyun was actually not Lin Han's opponent.

Too absurd.

Xuanyuanyun is a realm master, and Lin Han is only the fifth level of the Five Elements Realm. How could this be possible.

"This is... Hetu Book Profound Art? Have you cultivated it?"

Xuanyuan Yun seemed to understand something, a shock came from the bottom of his eyes, and said awe-inspiringly.

It can make the big holes in the body bless the divine power, so strong, besides the legendary Hetu book profound art, what other techniques can be used.

But this technique has always appeared in rumors, and no one in the world has ever practiced it.

Lin Hanhui surprised him.

"Yes, get out of sight, otherwise be careful, my fist will smash you into mud." Lin Lian Lian smiled.

Xuanyuanyun's complexion turned red, feeling very embarrassing.

A Maotou boy, really thinks that he can be defeated by a single technique.

"Today I will break your whole body bones, and the meridians will be broken!"

He roared wildly, and finally sacrificed the Phoenix Ancestor's wings. Two golden wings appeared behind him. They were ten feet long and stretched out with sharp arcs, like two indestructible heavenly swords.

As soon as it appeared, a terrible murderous aura spread out from within the wings, and everyone felt a chilly air, as if the whole person was standing in the snow and ice, and it was bitterly cold.

A touch of awe flashed in everyone's eyes.

The wings of the ancestors of the phoenix phoenix are named after ancient and modern.

Seeing this time, I really deserve it.

Once Xuanyuanyun was launched, it was bound to shake the sky.

Lin Han's expression was indifferent, the brilliance flashed in his hand, and the Blood Falling Emperor Sword appeared directly in his palm.

The power of the Lost Sword, the Blood Cloud Sword, and the Vermillion Bird Sword are intertwined, like the emperor of the sword.

In an instant, many of the weapons in the human body were born like a lower-level person seeing an upper-level person, with a surrender and trembling taste.

Du Long couldn't help but admire it a little, it was indeed an ancient sword, on top of the divine sword, it still lingered the aura of the prehistoric sword-making furnace.

In ancient times, only that ancient artifact could fuse three weapons of this level together.

He was a little envious and jealous.


Xuanyuanyun had a fierce expression, not caring about Lin Han's Blood Falling Emperor Sword, and only had confidence in his own Phoenix Ancestor wings.

After gritting his teeth, his body rushed forward, and the two big golden wings behind his back vigorously moved, like a heavenly sword out of its sheath, making a sonorous killing sound, and slammed into Lin Han's head fiercely.

The momentum is earth-shattering, and most people will surely chop it instantly like a watermelon.


Lin Han was not afraid, directly contending with the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, and also issued a majestic sword.

This time, he directly displayed the seventh sword among the eight swords in the universe, "Destroy everything."

Originally, this trick was very powerful, and Lin Han used his current strength to show greater tolerance. At the same time, Lin Han also urged the Hetu Book of Profound Art to the extreme that he can mobilize, with 180 large acupuncture points all over his body, gorgeous. Shocking.

At this moment, Lin Han really looked like an immortal sword god, with a worldly demeanor that overwhelmed the world and eclipsed all things in the world.

Xuanyuanyun's face changed in an instant, and he sensed an irresistible attitude.

Why is this happening? Is this still an attack that can be launched by a person on the fifth level of the Five Elements Realm?

He clenched his fist, he was invincible at all.

There was a sense of sadness in my heart.

He is over.


Sure enough, this sword was finally overwhelmed fiercely, even if Huang Ancestor's wings were very strong, under Lin Han's many hole cards superimposed, he was still not an opponent.

Lin Han shattered all the rays of light emitted from Huang Ancestor's wings.

The monstrous divine power, if millions of mountains were to be settled together, Xuanyuan Yun couldn't bear it at all.

He let out a stern roar, his body broke apart inch by inch in the horrified eyes of the crowd, then exploded with a bang, and died on the spot.

The air seems to stop some flow.

Many people's expressions are frozen there, and they can't recover their minds.

Xuanyuanyun, a legend of a generation, was crushed to death by a sword.

Too shocking people's eyeballs.

The blood mist filled the air, revealing an unwilling taste of sadness.

A pair of golden wings are scattered there.

When Lin Han saw this, he was not polite, and with a stroke of his palm, he put away the ancestor Huang's wings. This is a precious treasure, and it is also of great use to him to practice it.

"Lin Han, you executioner, you just killed Xuanyuanyun like this. Don't you feel guilty?" At this moment, Zi Ming and Mo Xiao shouted sharply.

Xuanyuanyun witnessed his death with his own eyes.

They were also a little numb and feared Lin Han even more.

"What is guilt, the weak and the strong eat, this is the truth of the universe, his death is in my hands, I can only blame him for inferior skills."

Lin cold smiled and said indifferently.

He consumes a lot, but he possesses a heavenly demon body, his body recovers against the sky, and he killed Li Qing before and received a lot of healing pills, so he took out one randomly and put it in his mouth, and all the magical power in his body was restored. After coming over, it was not affected.

Both Zi Ming and Mo Xiao were a little annoyed. Fan Zhou fan was so important that they must **** it.

"Okay, let's learn about your strength so that you can understand what everyone's will is not to be violated." Zi Ming and Mo Xiao looked at each other with a cruel grin.

Before they were going to kill Lin Han together, now they just have another chance.

They were embarrassed by Lin Han's injury, and it was time to end it.

"Pick one's own humiliation." Lin Han smiled indifferently.

They just broke through the realm master realm, there is no Xuanyuan Yunqiang at all, and they are not his opponents.

Zi Ming and Mo Xiao roared, both performed unique tricks.

Zi Ming took the lead in launching an attack, pinching a cumbersome seal in his hand, a purple gourd appeared, and the purple light was shining, heading towards Lin Han's suppression.

Immediately, the mouth of the gourd produced a huge suction force, trying to **** all Lin Han's divine power away.

The purple gourd is a magic weapon that can absorb the power of people.

As long as it is locked, it is very difficult to resist.

Lin Han felt that his strength was greatly restricted in an instant, and he couldn't help being a little surprised that Zi Ming's gourd was so weird.


At this time, Mo Xiao's attack had also come to the front. He took out a large black knife, grabbed the hilt with both hands, and slashed fiercely against Lin Han's head.

The fiery light of the knife split the air into two halves, like a big wave.

The momentum is tragic.

"Break it for me!" Lin Han's eyes exuded a cold light, really thinking that they could kill him by joining forces, he underestimated him.


At the moment, he sacrificed the heavenly suit, the mad god's battle armor, and put it on his body, turning it into a **** of war, majestic and majestic.

The cloak of Daqian Xueyan, draped behind him, greatly increased his fighting spirit.

The current Celestial Suit was urged by Lin Han to become even more powerful.

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