War Emperor

Chapter 2092: Du Long


A palm knife crossed the past, and Lin Han's palm turned into the strongest sword in the world.

Unbreakable, cut everything.

The attacks of Mo Xiao and Zi Ming were instantly cut in half, and a blazing light suddenly appeared, like the aurora of heaven and earth, expanding in the pupils of Zi Ming and Mo Xiao.

Both of them were surprised and yelled in amazement.

Their attack was instantly broken by Lin Han, which surprised them too much.

Right now it felt like death was attacking them, making them cold and smelling despair.

Everyone around was also shocked.

Lin Han was so powerful that he killed Zi Ming and Demon Xiao like a chicken.

It's abnormal.

Thanks to the Celestial Suit.


Two poignant blood flowers bloom.

Both the heads of Mo Xiao and Zi Ming were cut and flew out, and blood sprayed four or five feet high from their necks.

After a while, their bodies fell straight and died completely.

Many people were completely shocked by Lin Han's power.

He is like an immortal killer, fighting power against the sky.

"Who else wants to shoot, there is only one word in the end-death!"

Lin Han's eyes were indifferent, with long hair fluttering, staring coldly at the rest of the people, and said solemnly.


Those people felt like the devil was staring at them. They all couldn't stop backing a few steps, swishing cold all over, and their scalp numb.

Zi Ming, Mo Xiao, Xuanyuan Yun, which one is not a peerless genius that everyone looks up to, Lin Han's ferocity has already made them desperate.

Du Long's face also became ugly.

Before, he hadn't put Lin Han in his eyes at all, and now he really felt like being beaten in the face.

Lin Han's eyes were already on him at the moment, he knew he couldn't persuade, otherwise he would lose face.

As the top genius of the Hidden Family, he has a lot of confidence in his methods. Even if Xuanyuanyun, Zi Ming, Mo Xiao and others are already dead, he still thinks he is sure to kill Lin Han.

By then, he will become famous, and he will completely become the number one in the Heavenly God Realm.

The reputation of the Du family has also been greatly enhanced.

At the moment, there was a sense of excitement in his heart, his eyes fixed on Lin Han, like a poisonous snake, and grinned and said: "Boy, you are really ruthless, don't think that no one here can punish you, I will completely punish you. Kill!"


When the voice fell, his body shook, and a violent breath immediately swept out of him, like a hurricane that blew the entire hall, rumbling, as if he could not bear it and would explode.

People with low strength immediately flew out like weeds.

Too tyrannical, they couldn't resist it at all.

Even some of the holy sons have solemn expressions and shocked faces.

Du Long's realm has reached the peak of the two-tier realm master realm.

The difference between each level of the master realm is even greater than the previous great realm.

Xuanyuanyun, Zi Ming, Mo Xiao and others are just worthy of entering the realm master realm, and they are not in the same world as the two peaks of the realm master realm.

Du Long has such a strong state, it is really surprising.

Even if Mo Xiao, Zi Ming and Xuanyuan Yun join forces, they may not be Du Long's opponent.

Lin Han also raised his brows and was a little surprised. He had already noticed that Du Long was not easy. He didn't expect that it was the second level of the realm master realm, and it did give him a lot of pressure.

With this breath locked in, he felt as if he was being stared at by a predatory behemoth, his whole body a little hairy.

"Lin Han, are you still rampant now? Kneel me down!" Du Long laughed wildly. The purpose of hiding the realm was to make the opponent by surprise and get the greatest treasure.

Right now, he couldn't restrain himself.

Under the strong divine power in his body, he was full of pride, facing Lin Han like an ant.

The speech is also very rude.

He needs to humiliate Lin Han in front of everyone to have a sense of accomplishment.


Lin Han sneered, and directly punched him in the face, just slamming it.

Even if the realm is high, it is obviously impossible to make him surrender.

Knowing that Du Long's is not easy, Lin Han didn't keep his hands, and directly used Fu Hai Fist!


Behind him, if there is a sea, with huge waves surging into the sky, endless, Lin Han stands on the sea, like a master **** who can manipulate the sea, with superb aura, deep eyes, and dominates the earth.

Many people were shocked, and Lin Han came up to perform the ancient Yuan magical skills, which shows that he attaches great importance to Du Long.

A touch of solemnity also appeared in Du Long's eyes, but he quickly sneered. Gu Yuan's celestial skills are indeed very strong, but it is obviously impossible to defeat him with such a big difference in realm.


Right now, he squeezed his fist, the strength of the two peaks of the main realm in his body was fully utilized, and he punched out, the light is flooding the sky, and he has a feeling of overwhelming the world.

Around him, there is still a flow of time and space power flowing.

This is the sign of the realm, which can affect time and space.

However, he is not yet deep into this state, and his impact on time and space is still very weak.

This is so, it also has a crushing bearing on the lower ranks.


The two fists collided fiercely in the void.

The space immediately cracked a terrifying crack, as if to swallow everyone in.

Lin Han and Du Long both felt the overwhelming power and attacked them.

The realm of the two peaks of the realm master realm is too strong, even if Lin Han is blessed by the aura of the Celestial Suit, he is still no match.


He was so shocked that he took five steps back, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

Everyone sighed, obviously still not working. Even if Lin Han had more cards, he couldn't surpass this gap.

"Are you aware of the reality? If you don't surrender and beg for mercy, you really want to die?" Du Long sneered.

Although the surface was calm, the palms hidden behind his sleeves couldn't help but tighten slightly.

He felt that his arm was shocked so much that it was unimaginable.

He was so much stronger than Lin Han, how could he be injured in Lin Han's hands.

There was a killing intent in his eyes.

This kid is a big problem, and it must be solved today, otherwise, he will be an opponent in the future.

Lin Han took a healing pill from his arms and took it, and in just a few seconds, he recovered himself again, looking at Du Long with a sigh.

Not surprisingly, he is really not an opponent now.

Fortunately, he has other ways.

At the moment, a sure smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and when he flipped his palm over, a purple pill appeared in his palm, the size of a baby's fist, and a strong fragrance of medicine.

Many people were shocked and noticed the majestic energy.

A touch of horror appeared in his eyes. Unsurprisingly, this pill was very high-level, and ordinary people could not see it.

"What kind of pill is this? Do you think you can be saved with a pill?" Du Long smiled contemptuously, he was so much higher than Lin Han's realm, so he didn't worry at all.

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