War Emperor

Chapter 2108: Elders

The old man's pupils shrank, a little surprised.

He is an elder of the Lin clan, a superb elder, pedantic, and there are few people older than him in the entire immortal world.

Lin Xiao is his son.

I didn't expect to encounter the Northern Emperor Piaofeng.

Although the ancient Lin clan said that the defense is tight and it is difficult for outsiders to enter, the strength of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng is at the top of the immortal world today. No one can stop wherever he wants to go. It is normal to appear here.

Besides, he was originally from the Lin clan.

"Yes, Elder Participating Worker, it's been a long time." Bei Huang Piaofeng smiled lightly, his eyes a little melancholy.

He used to be of the same generation as the participating elders, but unfortunately, the participating elders and several elders jointly expelled him from the ancients.

He always remembered this account.

Because at that time, he practiced a magic "transcendence tactic".

In the end, his main body became a famous super power in the outside world, and he was born.

And the transcendence tactic is quite like a golden cicada's shell, his talent is even more enchanting than the main body, so he can swallow the main body, the profound art is great, and he has the current achievements.

The detachment technique helped him a lot.

This is a very ancient and mysterious method of the fairy world.

"Hmph, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, you practiced magic arts, you have already violated the taboos of the ancients. It is only natural and righteous for our elders to expel you from the ancients. Now you are no longer a member of our ancients. What are the clan doing, aren't you afraid that our old guys will use the mountain protection formation to take you down?"

The elder participating in the work had a sharp look. Back then, he and Beihuang Piaofeng were quite at odds. This guy is one step ahead of others in his cultivation, which is the sorrow of his peers.

So after grabbing his handle, they united and drove him away.

The current Northern Emperor Piaofeng is already standing on the top of the universe. Even with his strength, it will not be easy to win it. It will only be useful if the "Mountain Protection Formation" is moved out.

This is the true foundation of the ancient Lin clan, containing Lin Zu's consciousness, which can sweep the world.

Lin Zu was the first group of strong men who grew up to the peak when the fairy world was born. At that time, there was a grandeur in the universe, and it was even stronger.

The strong in later generations are not at the same level at all.

As long as the great formation of protecting the mountain is presented, it is absolutely not a problem to crush the Northern Emperor's Piaofeng.

Sure enough, there was a sense of solemnity in the Beihuang Piaofeng's eyes, no matter how strong he was, he would be a little afraid of the Lin family's great mountain protection formation.

In today's fairy world, this is almost a taboo formation.

However, since he is here, he naturally has a certain amount of confidence, and chuckles: "Don't use the mountain guard to press me down. Although I am afraid, it is not that simple to kill me. I appeared because of the Shicai couple. They have some connections with me, and I don't want to die at the hands of your ancient Lin clan."

There was a domineering tone in the plain tone.

It seems that he alone can stop everyone in the ancient Lin clan.

"Arrogant!" The elder participating in the work yelled, if the Northern Emperor's wind stopped him, wouldn't it be laughed at by the ancient Lin clan.

At the moment, he stared at Beihuang Piaofeng's body, his eyes gleaming with an icy color, and he smiled sensibly: "It's all about how your Beihuang Piaofeng is now. We haven't played against each other for so many years, now I will watch. See how you have grown over the years and whether you are worthy of your reputation."


After he finished speaking, his body shook, and a majestic and powerful aura immediately burst out of his old body, like a vast ocean, filling the entire room.

The room that was originally guarded by the formation was rumbling at this moment, as if it could not bear it anytime and would explode.

The elders of the workers understood that the room was limited in size and was not suitable for battle. At the same time, with a wave of his sleeves, the space in the room immediately turned into an endless starry sky, vast and boundless, with a taste of ancient desolation.

Both he and Beihuang Piaofeng stood in it.

This is the magical power of "dissolving the room with one's hands", which is very advanced on the cultivation path, and normal cultivators are very far away from this realm.

Lin Han will be eye-opening when he sees this scene.

If people in this realm have the heart, wouldn't they be able to break people into another time and space at will, eternal exile, too bad for the sky.

The Northern Emperor smiled faintly, standing in the starry sky, his clothes fluttered automatically. Although his figure was small, he had the majesty that overwhelming the universe.

Indifferently watched the worker elders ascend his momentum, as if he was about to take action at any time, he looked calm and smiled calmly: "Elder worker, now you are old and dry, I am still in the prime of life, who is strong and who is weak? , At a glance, do you want to make a move and ask for trouble?"

When the two are about the same level, whoever is in good physical condition will naturally have the advantage.

Just like the old and middle-aged among ordinary people.

"Humph, not necessarily." The elder participating workers sneered. As long as his Taoism is exquisite enough, he can crush the Northern Emperor Piaofeng.

These are the real competitions between the two.

"watch out!"

Right now, he drank coldly. Inside his old body, there were chains of order, extending from them, like big dragons, each of which was as long as hundreds of thousands of miles, instantly locking the sky in this starry sky.

He drank again, the vicissitudes of eye pupils burst out with a thick divine light, and he did not look old at all, like a middle-aged man with great vitality, unparalleled fighting strength and fighting spirit.


Next, an amazing scene appeared.

This starry sky was pierced by him at once, and then under the pull of the chain of order, it fell fiercely from the sky and smashed towards the Northern Emperor.

Shattered in vacuum, Dao boils.

This blow was even more terrifying than a million mountains and a town together.

Thousands of ordinary realm master realms will die miserably.

"Huh!" However, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng smiled indifferently, without fear, raised it with one hand, and with a thud, like the ancient giant who is struggling to pull the mountain out of the world, one hand lifted the collapsed Tianyu.

The terrifying divine power raged in him, and the roar of landslides and tsunami was heard.

"What?" The elder participating in the work was in a daze. This blow condensed all of his Taoism, which was so easily resolved by the Northern Emperor's Floating Wind. It was like a basin of cold water was poured on his head, and his whole body was cold. The opponent is really now. Is it so powerful?

"Participate in work, you are old!" The Northern Emperor smiled, his eyes exuded a divine light that could illuminate the ages of the past, the divine power in his body was spurred, and in his palm, it seemed that millions of volcanoes erupted together, with a click on the top of his head. I don't know how many tens of thousands of miles of the sky, instantly like a big rock, was smashed to pieces, turned into pieces, and splashed into all directions of the universe.


The worker elder uttered a painful scream. In the sky, most of his divine power was injected into him. At this moment, he was destroyed. He received a strong backlash. He felt that his chest was like being punched invisibly, and his internal organs were twisted. , Blood Qi surge is very uncomfortable.

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