War Emperor

Chapter 2109: Mountain Protection Act

He went backwards more than fifty steps in a row, and after the last step fell, he spit out a mouthful of old blood, even vomiting out bile, which was very miserable.

"Elder Participating Worker, are you convinced?" Beihuang Piaofeng sneered, his thick black hair fluttering wildly.

At the beginning, this old guy drove him out of the ancient clan, he has always held his grudge, and now he has finally avenged his old revenge, and his heart is a little cheerful.

If it weren't for the ancient Lin clan, killing the opponent caused too much sensation, he would definitely not keep his hands and behead the opponent to ashes.

The worker elder gritted his teeth and felt very frustrated. Once he had always regarded Beihuang Piaofeng as his goal and thought he was not much worse than the other party. Especially after Beihuang Piaofeng was expelled from the ancient clan, he received a lot of resources, and he was not the other party at all. Comparable.

Now this result, like a cold knife, inserted into his internal organs, making his heart bitter.

The growth of the other party far exceeded his imagination.

Right now, his eyes became fierce, staring at the Northern Emperor Piaofeng with a grinning smile: "You are stronger than me, so what? This is the ancient Lin clan, I want you to die, you still want to die! Look! See what this is!"

After finishing speaking, the withered palm of the worker elder tremblingly took out an ancient token from his arms and held it up high.

It is forged from the fateless iron, slightly heavy, with many ancient patterns and cumbersome symbols engraved on it, like a condensed universe, infinite mystery.

As soon as he appeared, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng felt a special pressure and struck him.

Not only this space, but all the spiritual soil of the ancient Lin clan, there was an unnamed "general trend" that was mobilized, and it was putting pressure on him.

He felt the smell of the rain.

"This is the decree to mobilize the mountain protection formation?" Bei Huang Piaofeng narrowed his eyes and said.

"Not bad!" The elders in the labor force laughed. There are a total of eight of this decree, which are collected by the eight high-ranking elders of the clan. The combination of the eight elders can truly open up the mountain protection formation, which is truly earth-shattering.

However, the power of the mountain protection formation is too violent, and the energy required is astronomical. Every time it is turned on, it will absorb 90% of the aura in the ancient Lin family's spiritual soil, and it will take many years to recover.

Therefore, from the beginning to the present, the guardian formation has been opened only a few times.

However, possessing one of the eight decrees can also exert part of the power of the mountain protection formation. Therefore, he is now equivalent to a mortal offering a heaven-shaking artifact, his confidence increased greatly, and he looked down on the wind of the Northern Emperor.

No matter how powerful the opponent is against the sky, how could it be the opponent of the guarding the mountain.

The eyes of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng flashed with an inexplicable divine flower, knowing that the protection of the mountain array is no small thing, one-eighth of the power is also terrifying.

However, he has been at the top of the Heavenly God Realm for so many years, and he has no opponents for a long time, and now he wants to verify his combat power.

At the moment, there was a touch of pride in his eyes, and he smiled loudly: "Okay, let me see, this great formation of protecting the mountains, how much might power is."

"Looking for death!" The elder participating workers shouted angrily. Now the Northern Emperor Piaofeng dares to fight, showing the taste of despising the mountain protection formation.

Be careful, be sure to let the Northern Emperor fly in the wind, and you can't walk around if you can't eat it.

"Youyou Taichu, the power of protecting the mountain, shows!"

At the moment, he faced the ancient token, pinched a handprint, and his lips moved, as if chanting a mantra, he said a pious word.

Like the devil in the underworld, making a noise.


The ancient token suddenly vibrated gently, and a special divine light shot out, penetrating this space and extending to the outside world.


The ancient Lin family, who had originally filled with aura, the temples were scattered, and the peaceful sight of the ancient Lin clan, suddenly began to tremble fiercely.

Under the spiritual soil, the power hidden in the years was stimulated, and the endless heaven and earth divine power gushed out, converging towards the room of the elder participating workers, and entered the ancient token.

The momentum was spectacular, and a circle of hundreds of thousands of miles appeared in the sky above the huge ancient Lin clan, filled with powerful fluctuations that shocked the world.

"what happened?"

"Elder Participating Worker, he used the Mountain Protection Decree!"

Many people were startled, looking at the direction where the worker elders lived, with a look of surprise.

What happened to the elders participating in the work?

This is the ancient Lin clan, who is worthy of his decrees to protect the mountain.

Since the decree was taken care of by eight elders, no one has urged it for at least 200,000 years.

"Go, go and take a look!"

At the moment, many people are curious and rushed out. Everyone knew that something might happen.


When everyone came to the mountain where the elder participating workers lived, they just saw the space there was broken, and two people were exposed from the special space.

An old man, wrinkled and graceful, is the elder participating in the work.

The other man is domineering side-leaky, majestic and stalwart, and his eyes are as deep as the abyss, revealing an overwhelming demeanor.

Under the powerful and mighty blood, the entire sky is changing color in the wind and clouds, and the sun and the moon are dull.

It seems that he is the only true **** in the world, who can dominate the universe.

"Who is this, so powerful?"

Many people were shocked.

The ancient Lin clan came to such a powerful person, and they didn't notice it.

Moreover, the elders who participated in the labors used the decrees to protect the mountain, which was obviously forced by the other party.

Everyone couldn't help but be full of curiosity about this valiant and heroic man.

It is the first time that I can dare to come to the ancient Lin clan to fight their grand elders in hundreds of thousands of years.

"The Northern Emperor Piaofeng, he must be the legendary Northern Emperor Piaofeng..."

The well-informed person said in surprise.

Except for the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, who has this kind of aura in the entire Heavenly God Realm.

In addition, Beihuang Piaofeng used to be the founder of a dynasty in the mortal world, with endless imperial power. This person is exactly the same as the legend, and he is naturally him.

Many people were startled.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng was a member of the Lin clan about seven to eight hundred thousand years ago. He was expelled from the ancient clan for practicing a special magic skill.

Now the Northern Emperor Piaofeng has become a super powerhouse in the Heavenly God Realm, a famous immortal realm, which is also the loss of the ancient Lin clan.

At the moment, the Northern Emperor fluttered into the wind, came to the ancient clan, and was still fighting with the elders, which was surprising.

At the moment, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, wanting to see what kind of magical powers the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, who respected in the outside world, had.

"The Northern Emperor Piaofeng, today I want you to die without a place to bury you!" The elders of the workers laughed wildly. After the decrees of protecting the mountains were put on, the momentum was much stronger than before. Ziguang fluttered towards the Northern Emperor, condensed into a thousand-mile-long killing sword, and slashed away.

With this kind of momentum, everything does not kill.

A violent wind blew up the entire ancient Lin clan, causing the mountains to resonate, the ancient trees trembling, and some lakes and waterfalls filled the sky with water vapor, as if they were about to explode.

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