War Emperor

Chapter 2110: humiliation

I'm afraid that no one can stop this blow except for the true immortal ancestor.

However, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng smiled indifferently, his eyes gleaming, and he did not flinch.

When the palm of the hand was turned, a huge divine seal emerged from the palm of the palm, enveloping it with a primordial power and even the aura of grandeur.

The immortal seal was thrown into the sky, and it suddenly became bigger in the wind and turned into a purple and gold mountain, surrounded by special symbols, with a solid and immortal aura.

"This is... the Purple Mountain in the early days!"

Some elders of the ancient Lin clan changed drastically, and said in shock.

The Purple Mountain of the Beginning was a sacred mountain formed by the condensing of the power of the primordial beginning after the beginning of the fairy world.

The last man with supernatural power, exhausted his life's power, refining the Purple Mountain into a magic weapon, and its defensive power was astonishing.

Under suppression, the universe and space can be crushed.

Over the years, it has long since disappeared, and it has fallen into the hands of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, which is surprising.

Even if the elders of the workers used the decrees to protect the mountain, it might not be that simple to break through the Purple Mountain in the early days.


Sure enough, the splendid lightsaber that lasted for thousands of miles was cut on the purple mountain in the early days. On the surface of the purple mountain, various mysterious symbols flashed, like it can absorb all the divine power, the power of the lightsaber, and disappear without a trace, to the north. Huang Piaofeng did not cause any harm.

"Do not……"

The elder participating in the work was immediately dumbfounded, as if being struck by a divine thunder, stunned and unacceptable.

His most powerful blow was nothing but the Northern Emperor's Floating Wind.

"Elder Participating Worker, the power of your decree to protect the mountain is nothing but that." The Northern Emperor Piaofeng smiled lightly.

This was obtained from a secret place in the Heavenly God Realm, defending against the sky.

The elders' teeth are almost broken.

It is really a shame to lose in the hands of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng under all eyes.

"The Northern Emperor is blowing in the wind, Xiu is rampant, this is the ancient Lin clan, do you really think it is the place where you went wild?" At this moment, a loud shout came.

Not far away, a middle-aged man walked out and said angrily.

He is Lin Xiao, the patriarch of Lin's ancient clan. He is forty or fifty years old. His cheeks are slightly sunken, his eyes are gloomy, and he feels cold.

The elder participating in the work, his father, was defeated and humiliated, so he was naturally annoyed.

Behind him, there are many experts from the ancient Lin clan, looking like they are ready to take action against the Northern Emperor Piaofeng.

"Lin Xiao?" Beihuang Piaofeng glanced at Lin Xiao and smiled indifferently. In the eyes of others, the patriarch of the ancient Lin clan was too high to be a patriarch, but in his eyes he was just a junior.

In particular, he knew that Lin Xiao's position as the head of the patriarch used a conspiracy to frame Lin Zhentian's father and usurp it, and he despised him even more.

The tone mocked: "The patriarch of the ancient clan is really not as good as one generation. I speak, can you interrupt?"


After finishing speaking, a stare glared, and a powerful force burst out.

Although Lin Xiao said that his profound skills were profound, there was still a big gap between him and Beihuang Piaofeng.

He immediately puffed out, spouting a mouthful of blood, and took a few steps back.

"The Patriarch..."

Some high-ranking officials changed their colors and looked annoyed. The Northern Emperor Piaofeng was really domineering, and he beat the patriarch with one look, which was very humiliating.

"Northern Emperor Piaofeng, you..." Lin Xiao was also furious, his eyes bursting with fire, and he had never received such treatment.

"What I am, you are too weak. Don't think that you have the right not to put anyone in your eyes if you become a bad patriarch. There are many people who are stronger than you." The wind sneered.

Lin Xiao trembled all over, almost ran away, clenched his fists, and roared: "All the ancient people of the Lin family, all the masters, today, regardless of the cost, will kill the Northern Emperor Piaofeng!"

He almost lost his mind.

He killed the Beihuang Piaofeng, but couldn't swallow this breath anyway.

However, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng laughed loudly: "I don't have the time to play with you. Let's go on playing with you and leave!"

He noticed that in some hidden places, a lot of powerful and terrifying auras were awakening, and it was thought that the Supreme Elders were recovering.

If the eight decrees to protect the mountain were gathered to fully revive the mountain protection formation, it would be difficult for him to seek benefits.

Now naturally only retreat.

After speaking, stepped forward and left the ancient clan.

"Want to go, how can it be so easy, kill!"

Lin Xiao shouted angrily, and the face of the ancients was lost when the other party just left.

At the moment, a sacred sword appeared in his hand, facing the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, slashing fiercely.

The terrifying sword aura tears through the sky, as if it can split the sky and the earth, it is extremely tragic.


Behind him, the many powerful men of the ancient Lin clan also roared together.

The prestige of the ancient Lin family must not be insulted.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Pieces of knives, spears, sticks, halberds...the magic weapon exploded like a huge wave, covering the sky.

The brutal murderous intent made the universe tremble.

Shot together, earth-shattering.

However, Beihuang Piaofeng smiled and said: "I will come as I want, and leave as I want, and what can you do to me!"


With a wave of his sleeves, a powerful supernatural power swept the sky and the ground, directly knocking down many weapons.

A golden avenue emerged at the foot of Beihuang Piaofeng, leaving calmly.

A large number of masters fell to the ground, wailing.

The surrounding atmosphere was silent.

The faces of the senior officials of the Lin clan were ugly.

Today is indeed too embarrassing, and the reputation of the ancients will be greatly lost.

"Father, what's going on?" Lin Xiao asked, looking at the elders.

There must be a reason why the Northern Emperor Piaofeng suddenly came to the ancient Lin clan.

"It seems that a couple appeared at the gate of the ancient people because of their talents..." The worker elder frowned and groaned, telling the story of the matter, and slapped his hands with divine light, showing the scene of Lin Zhentian and Lin Xiaoyi and his wife killing Lin Ying.

"It's him?"

Lin Xiao stared at Lin Zhentian, his face changed immediately and lost his voice.

"What's the matter, dad?"

At this time, a burly man with a golden knife came and asked, it was Linye, the eldest son of the ancient clan.

"This person is very much like the elder son who disappeared strangely 100,000 years ago!" Lin Xiao stared at Lin Zhentian's face and said gloomily.

Although his face has changed, he can still recognize it from that unique temperament.

"How could it be... he wasn't..." Lin Ye's expression suddenly changed, shocked.

At the beginning, he clearly nailed the son to death on a cliff, why is he back now?

It's incredible.

"It seems that he is reincarnated again." Lin Xiao's eyes flickered, and he whispered in a low voice. If some extraordinary characters in the fairy world die, there is indeed a certain chance that they will be reincarnated in the lower world.

But the odds are very slim.

Unexpectedly, he was so lucky.

Lin Ye's heart is heavy. If this is the case, it will be a big worry. At the beginning, they used drugs to make the previous patriarch go crazy and die, and kill the son.

These Lin Zhentian will never let them go.

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