War Emperor

Chapter 2217: Spicy

At this time, Du Feiyang stared at Lin Han for a while, and suddenly a sneer broke out at the corner of his mouth, said.

"Yes, I think this proposal is good." Lei Wuji also laughed. Whether Lin Han is comprehending or not, it should be at a critical moment now. If the coffin is buried, it will definitely have a big impact on him.

Naturally, they don't mind falling into trouble.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help sighing secretly, Lei Wuji and Du Feiyang were still dishonest, and they wanted to target Lin Han.

"What are you doing, you want to be disadvantageous to Lin Han, you have to ask me." Sun Lingling saw that the two came with bad intentions, her pretty face suddenly became cold, and she stood in front of Han, facing them, and took out a blue handle. Warned the sword.

Du Feiyang glanced at Sun Lingling and sneered: "You alone are our opponent. I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!"

After speaking, the palm of his hand was slowly raised, and a large amount of divine light broke out in his palm, revealing an extremely dangerous smell.

Lei Wuji also had cold eyes and a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth. Although he didn't say anything, his expression had undoubtedly indicated that he would attack Sun Lingling.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to deal with Lin Han, and since they encountered it, they naturally had to take it well.

"You..." Sun Lingling couldn't help biting her silver teeth. The two were so shameless, but she and Lin Han had gone through a lot of tribulations, so naturally it was impossible to watch Lin Han's accident. His face became cold, and his eyes were firm and said: "If you insist on doing this, then we only have to see the truth under our hands."


"court death!"

Du Feiyang and Lei Wuji each sneered, then stopped talking, turned into two rays of light, and came to Sun Lingling.


Du Feiyang took a palm shot, and a large blue light burst out from his palm, hitting Sun Lingling's face.

Blue Palm!

First-class ancient yuan fairy skills.


Lei Wuji clenched his fist, enveloping the thunder and lightning, and blasted towards Sun Lingling's abdomen.

Thunder God Fist is also a first-grade ancient yuan fairy skill.

The two of them now burst out with dazzling divine light all over their bodies, exerting all their strengths, wanting to take down Sun Lingling as soon as possible, and then attack Lin Han.

From a distance, it looks like two luminous gods are attacking.

Many people can't help but turn pale.

Although Sun Lingling said that she had good strength, she obviously couldn't be the opponent of the two.

So they all showed a touch of pity in their eyes looking at Sun Lingling, and if nothing else, this beautiful girl might die away today.

Seeing the two men rushing so aggressively, Sun Lingling also changed her pretty face, then grasped some of the cyan long swords in her hand, bit her silver teeth, and the long sword slashed down with a powerful sword in front of her.

This sword was majestic, and immediately formed a majestic sword in front of her, like a big cyan bowl, covering her.

Right now she is also exerting all her strength and defending.

Click! Click!

The palm of the fist blasted, two dazzling divine lights burst out, Du Feiyang and Lei Wuji's aura was too fierce, like two luminous meteorites rushing.

At the first moment of the collision, cracks appeared on Sun Lingling's mask, and then the cracks grew bigger and bigger, and finally exploded with a bang, and energy fragments flew in the sky.

Sun Lingling immediately changed her face and wanted to defend again, but unfortunately it was too late, and the fierce reaction force of the two charged directly.

Sun Lingling touched her sturdily, a mouthful of blood spurted from her ruddy small mouth, and her soft body flew upside down.

A sigh suddenly sounded all around.

Sun Lingling obviously couldn't stop it.

There were also many people looking at Du Feiyang and Lei Wuji, with a touch of unbearable expression in their eyes. These two guys were so cruel to a girl, and it was really cruel.

"You guys are looking for death!"

However, just as everyone was pondering, a young boy's voice of rage sounded from the mountains and forests.

Then, the young man who had closed his eyes closed his eyes with a brush, and he opened his eyes, suddenly as if a heavenly sword had been unsheathed, two sharp divine lights shot out from his eyes.

Upon seeing this, many people couldn't help but change their expressions. Lin Han's current aura has risen a lot. Obviously, this comprehension has gained a lot.

Lin Han saw Sun Lingling flying backwards, his eyes also flashed a ray of anger, but without any hesitation, he swept forward when he moved, holding Sun Lingling in his arms.

Feeling that she had entered a warm embrace, Sun Lingling couldn't help but opened her beautiful eyes, and then the young, delicate and slightly angry face came into view.

"Lin Han..." she said in a daze, with a smile blooming at the corner of her mouth. The young man finally woke up. He stood there for a long time, and she thought that something would happen, and there was undoubtedly a boulder in her heart falling. .

Lin Han looked at the red corners of Sun Lingling's mouth, and the anger in his eyes was almost unstoppable. Then he put Sun Lingling aside, took out a golden healing medicine and gave it to Sun Lingling, and said in a cold tone: "These two people will hand me over. Up."

Sun Lingling nodded with a chuckle, knowing that Du Feiyang and Lei Wuji would not end well when the teenager woke up.

"Lin Han, you..." Du Feiyang and Lei Wuji couldn't help but their expressions changed. They stopped there, and there was a deep fear in their eyes.

They had all experienced Lin Han's strength, and at this moment they really had a taste of something bad.

Lin Han turned his head and walked towards Du Feiyang and Lei Wuji with killing intent flashing in his eyes. Leng Sen smiled and said, "You two really think that your lives are too long. If that's the case, I will see you off."

Originally spared the two lives, but didn't cherish it, which undoubtedly made him angry.

When the words fell, Lin Han's body shook, and a blazing light broke out on his body, like the sun dazzlingly bright.

Du Feiyang's eyes changed a bit and grinned grinningly: "Lin Han, don't be proud, even if you wake up, so what, if we two join hands and take you down, we still won't waste any effort."

Lei Wuji also clenched his fists, his eyes as cold as a knife and said: "Yes, we will return the shame you inflicted on us a hundredfold."

The three eyes intertwined in the air, full of murderous intent.


Lin cold drinks, without the slightest nonsense at all, directly turning into a divine light and rushing forward, the brilliance in his hand flashes, the blood falling emperor sword appears, and the sword slashes towards the two of them head-on.

At this point, only killing two people can make his heart happy.

When he shot, Lin Han's body surface also lit up with three hundred spots of light, urging the Hetu Book of Profound Art to open, suddenly raising his aura by a large amount.

When Du Feiyang and Lei Wuji saw this, their eyes were cold, and they punched Lin Han, respectively.

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