War Emperor

Chapter 2219: Arrogant

In the mountains and forests, the atmosphere is tense.

Lin Ye was full of light surging, looking down at Lin Han condescendingly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

In the square, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, and a cold smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth.

Lin Han is too weird. He has a hunch that when he takes the miraculous medicine of Rank Nine, and digests the things he has learned from the ancient coffin, his strength will definitely increase a lot. Now Lin Ye is coming at the right time. Beheaded, all hidden dangers will be solved.

Not far away, Lin Zhentian and Lin Mengyi, staring at the scene in the scroll, also frowned.

Now that Lin Han has spent a lot of money, his face is pale, and the arrival of Lin Ye is indeed very detrimental to Lin Han.

"Don't worry, Xiao Jiu, Ji people have their own natural signs, and there should be no accidents." Perceiving Lin Mengyi's slender hands clenching some of his palms, Lin Zhentian tilted his head to look at Lin Mengyi's worry on her face, and chuckled lightly. Patted the back of her hand and said.

Lin Mengyi bit her red lip with her teeth, the concern on her face remained undiminished, but her beautiful eyes stared at the picture scroll closely.

Lin Han is her heart. She has been imprisoned in the Nine Immortals for so many years. She lacks the company of her son, and she blames herself.

He didn't want to see Lin Han's accident.

At this time, the atmosphere in the square was also a little heavy.

The masters of countless great forces looked at the picture scroll, but also a little nervous.

They also wanted to see how Lin Han faced this murderous forest.

In the mountains, Lin Han looked up at the forest where he was looking at him with a grin. There was no wave on his face, and he said indifferently: "Lin Ye, what do you want?"

Lin Ye smiled, with a cruel look in his eyes, as if looking at a dead person, and said to Lin Han: "You and our line have forged so many beams, what do you think I am going to do?"

The corner of his mouth raised a abusive smile and said: "If you abandon your cultivation and give away all the treasures you have on your knees, I can consider it and save you a dog."

Many people couldn't help but slap their tongues, Lin Ye made it clear that he wanted to humiliate Lin Han.

If Lin Han really did this, he would be shameless in the future.

This is more heartbreaking than killing him.

Sun Lingling couldn't help biting her silver teeth, this **** was simply deceiving people too much.

Lin Han was expressionless, just staring at Lin Ye indifferently, and smiled coldly: "Are you sure you have this ability?"

"Hmph, just with your weak appearance, I can suppress you with one hand." Lin Ye's face showed a touch of anger. In his opinion, Lin Han was so calm, but it was a humiliation to him.

After all, with this huge gap, he felt that Lin Han should kneel down and beg for mercy.

Lin Han smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, "Then you can do it."

After speaking, he took a deep breath and his eyes became colder.

Although he does consume a lot now, if he thinks that he really doesn't have the slightest fighting power, it is not so complete.

Even if Lin Ye wanted to kill him, he would have to make the other party pay a painful price.

"Okay, it seems that you still don't know whether you live or die until now. I will send you on the road." Lin Ye smiled cruelly, and a look of sorrow appeared in his eyes. Lin Han's appearance threatened his and his father's status, and this guy also killed him. Killing a lot of geniuses in his line is a naked face slap for him and his father.

There was no chance to clean up this kid in the past, but now he finally has it.

The murderous intent in his eyes, like running water, was about to overflow.

"go to hell."

A ferocious shout fell, and a brilliant divine light was emitted from Lin Ye's palm, and he slapped Lin Han's head with a palm.


The void trembled, and a huge depression appeared.

In the horrifying eyes of countless people, they saw that the palm of the hand grew larger in the wind, reaching the size of a hundred meters, covering Lin Han.

The murderous aura overflowing from above is very strong, and the space is like boiling water, bubbling.

Upon seeing this, a touch of fear emerged in the eyes of many people. If such a palm hits them, there is no possibility of survival at all.

What's more, Lin Han is still in a weak state now?

They stared at Lin Han and couldn't help feeling a little pity.

Could it be that this young man who has repeatedly created miracles in the immortal world is going to drink hatred here today...

Looking at Lin Ye's palm, the bigger his pupils were, Lin Han's face was also extremely solemn.

The strong wind whizzed in, making it very difficult for him to breathe, and cracks appeared on the ground under his feet.


The sole of the foot slammed on the ground.

Lin Han's body surface suddenly burst out with brilliant divine light.

Then, under the moving eyes of many people, on Lin Han's slender and tall body, there was a red, dignified and domineering armor covering it.

Behind him, there is a long blood-red cloak, fluttering in the wind, the cloak is surrounded by strong flames.

"God suit?" Looking at the cloak and battle armor, many people's eyes showed a touch of envy and awe.

The Celestial Suit was also a famous artifact of the Immortal Ancestor in the Immortal Realm back then. It was lucky when it fell on Lin Han.

There was also a solemn touch in Lin Ye's eyes, and then he sneered.

Although the Celestial Suit had added a lot of breath to Lin Han, there was undoubtedly an unspeakable gap between him and him.

Besides, Lin Han was injured...

In his current state, he still couldn't find any waves in his hands.

"He Tu Book Profound Art, now!"

However, just as he thought of it, he saw Lin Han's body surface, once again, there were three hundred and twenty acupuncture points emitting dazzling light, like stars covering his body.

In an instant, Lin Han's temperament rose again a lot.

Seeing the light bursting out of Lin Han's body, Lin Ye couldn't help but straighten his eyes. This guy had too many cards to improve his aura.

Right now he really felt that Lin Han could threaten him a little bit.

"It seems that at this moment, Lin Han is under pressure, Hetu Book Profound Art, and the bright acupuncture points are a little more." Many people looked at the many light spots on Lin Han's body and said to themselves in shock.

In the previous battle between Lin Han and Du Feiyang, only three hundred large holes lit up.

Now there are twenty more.

"Slaying the world under the palm!"

When the boundless light burst, Lin Han's eyes were cold, and he slapped out again.


Resplendent palm strength appeared in the void, and a black handprint measuring ten feet in size slammed toward Lin Ye's big hand.


Countless light poured out, and the void oscillated.

Lin Han stepped back a few steps, his face turned pale, but he looked ahead.

I saw that the big handprints in the forest there were full of cracks, like cracked porcelain, which burst to pieces with a click.


Suddenly, many people were shocked that Lin Han actually blocked Lin Ye's mortal blow.

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