War Emperor

Chapter 2537: Jin Guangyao Shi

The atmosphere in the square condensed again.

Many people are a little dumbfounded, Lin Han, this guy has eaten the bear heart and leopard.

His 10% strength, how terrifying, even the leader of the top race, he may not be an opponent.

Lin Han's doing this is no less than dying.

Zhenyuan Daxian was startled. This is not a joke. If facing the younger generation, Lin Han may still have some opportunities, but facing the strongest like Naruto, it is almost impossible for Lin Han.

Within 10% of its strength, it also contains a certain amount of combat experience and vision, which is not comparable to the younger generation.

"Really ambitious little guy." Ming Snake narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of insidiousness in his eyes, Lin Han agreed, and he was also somewhat disrespectful to him.

"Then let you see, the power of my strength." He smiled indifferently, and didn't say much. With the palm of his hand, the Moyu Ruyi in his hand suddenly flew into the air, and the black light soared, and then, there Amidst the black light, a "snaking snake" appeared unexpectedly. Its appearance was similar to that of a snake-snarling fierce god. His figure was a bit illusory. A pair of eyes exuded a terrible black light, which also gave people a very gloomy feeling.

"The incarnation of the Naking Snake..." Many people are in awe. This is an incarnation of the Naking Snake. Although it has only 10% of its power, its fierce aura is too strong, and it is much more terrifying than the ordinary 10% of its power.

With his appearance, many creatures felt a sense of heaviness in their hearts. It seemed that this fierce snake, with every step out, stepped on their hearts, causing their hearts to keep contracting.

The pure white woman's soul laughed cruelly, and the power of the incarnation of the fierce croaking snake was much more powerful than her. She undoubtedly felt Lin Han's next miserable end, and waited and see for a while.


There was hardly any verbosity, the incarnation of the fierce snake, staring at Lin Han, a terrible black glow shot out from the bottom of his eyes, like a sharp sword, piercing the sky, and the sole of his foot slammed into the void, and the void immediately seemed to explode like a big lake. Throwing up a huge wave, the fierce snake incarnate turned into a black light and rushed towards it, the palm of the hand pushed out, the boundless and terrible strength, like a tsunami flooded the front.


Many creatures took a cold breath, backed up a few steps, and their faces were full of horror.

The Snake Snake God, although he is a famous top master in the Southwest, because his status is too lofty, no one dared to yell at him, at least hundreds of thousands of years have not shot. Many creatures don’t know how powerful he is. They undoubtedly understand one or two at this moment. Just like the palm of one percent of the power, it can destroy a galaxy, and how terrifying it is for ten percent of the power to urge all of them. Beyond their knowledge.


Lin Han's expression was also a little solemn, he only felt that the palm strength, before coming to the front, the wind blew his face with a fiery pain like a knife scrape. Lin Han took a deep breath, resisting the tension in his heart because he faced such a prehistoric giant like Naking Snake, a cumbersome fingerprint formed in his hand.


The four Buddha trees on the surface of the body immediately emitted bright golden light, like four perfect Buddhist works of art, bursts of mysticism, even a seat of Buddha sitting in the void. The world is spectacular.

The four buddha trees surround the surface of Lin Han's body, forming a golden light mask, full of solidity and invincibility.

Snaking snake turned into a terrifying palm, and finally hit the mask, making a shocking sound like Hong Zhongda Lu, shaking the void around it, splitting terrible black cracks, and the weather was terrifying.


Lin Han's figure flickered, a blood qi was tumbling, and almost a mouthful of blood came out of his throat, his complexion was a little pale, but he still resisted the blow, and the soles of his feet did not take the next step.

Many powerhouses are stunned. Even the powerhouses who have reached the rank of Quasi-Holy One will resist it directly without paying any price. It is not easy to block it. Lin Han was only the peak of the late taboo realm, and he was far from this realm. It was only blocked by a slight movement of his figure. All the creatures felt a little weird, and some of their eyes were so straight that they were about to fall.

The incarnation of the Snaking Snake was also a little surprised. He felt that his surging palm power was almost completely absorbed by the golden light vacated by the four Buddha trees on the surface of Lin Han's body, and it did not cause much to Lin Han. s damage. He was a little frightened. After the four buddha trees were fused together, was the power that exploded so strong? Lin Han was just a small test, and his defense was so powerful. If he mastered more power, how could he get it?

At this moment, there was a chill in his heart, and he seemed to underestimate the power of the four Buddha trees.

The most important thing is that he is puzzled. The four Buddha trees need to be moved by the people of Lingshan to be the most powerful.

Lin Han does not practice Buddhism, his power should be limited, which is somewhat absurd.

This is why, he is confident that he will be able to crush Lin Han's place.

"Hehe, this is the power of your 10% strength, but so." Lin Chong smiled, eyes sharp. He was very satisfied with the defensive power of the four Buddha trees. It was almost impossible for him to do this step on his own.

Then, Lin Han's eyes suddenly cold, and he didn't mean to delay the incarnation of the Snaking Snake. With a pinch of the Buddha seal in his hand, the golden light from the four Buddha trees became more eye-catching, like four golden volcanoes erupting. A series of terrifying Buddhist runes rippled out of the Buddha tree and bombarded towards the incarnation of the singing snake. Each rune seemed to have turned into a golden star, majestic and powerful, and the heavens resonated.

"Buddhist treasure rune mark?" Qingfeng and Mingyue were frightened.

The runes of Buddhism are also divided into three, six or nine.

Lin Han's Buddhism rune is already very advanced. In the entire Lingshan, there are probably not many that can spur this step, and every one of them is an eminent monk who is famous in the land.

Lin Han is not a Buddhism person, doing this step really makes people move.

The pupils of the incarnation of Ming Snake shrank. Most of the power of his incarnation was condensed with the incarnation of evil. The power of Buddhism would originally form a lot of restraint on him, not to mention that Lin Han also displayed such a strong Dharma rune. He felt a sense of danger not weak.

At the moment, his hands were rounded into a shield, forming a huge black five-element light shield in front of him, exuding the power of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, with mysterious symbols, which are very sacred.


But the power contained in many golden runes is too magnificent, hitting them, it is like a golden mountain bombarding the earth, the five-element light shield, splitting terrible cracks, breaking into pieces, and falling down.

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