War Emperor

Chapter 2539: Shengwei

"What level of Buddhism does he cultivate?" Some people were shocked. This means that Lin Han's Buddhism practice is bound to be extremely powerful.

The heart of Ming Snake's body began to boil, and there were too many unique points in Lin Han's body.

Under the power of the saint, he felt a trace of awe.

Although it is only a very small trace, there have been qualitative changes.

This time, his incarnation may not be an opponent.

Click! Click!

Sure enough, under the sweep of that saint's might, the sixteen war spears in the incarnation of Naruto, all shattered like chopsticks.

The incarnation of Naruto Snake felt a huge sense of oppression, and was shocked to vomit blood, collapsed and flew out.

But Lin Han stepped on Xuanguang and came to the opponent at once, cut out with a palm knife, and with a puff, the head of the incarnation of the ming snake was cut and flew out, and the blood flowed long.

The world suddenly fell into dead silence again.

Many people were dumbfounded.

The incarnation of Naruto is so dead.

Too shocking.


At this moment, Mo Yu Ruyi exudes a surging black light, like an enraged beast, rushing towards Lin Han with a large flame.

This looks really like a fight to the death with Lin Han.

The incarnation of the Naruto Snake is only part of its power.

However, Lin Han's eyes were a bit cold. This Moyu Ruyi was indeed a good treasure, but compared with his four Buddha trees, the gap was too big.


The four buddha trees immediately emitted dazzling golden light, smashing the Moyu Ruyi directly and disintegrating into fragments.

Large areas of black light overflowed, making the world fall into silence again.

At this moment, beside Lin Han, the four Buddha trees glowed like golden planets, and the atmosphere of Lin Han was astonishing.

In awe!

The boundless awe hung over him.

If we say that before, many creatures in the southwest land were still a little dissatisfied with Lin Han.

Now it is undoubtedly dissipated a lot.

Lin Han possessed a Buddhist treasure that was comparable to the most innate treasure, it was too powerful.

Ming Snake's face is also extremely ugly, feeling that Lin Han's dazzling is just constantly beating him in the face. This is the first time that his face is so dull after so many years in the mighty heavens of the southwestern land.

"Lin Han, you take our Buddhist treasure, you are so bold, and hand it over!" At this moment, a loud and extremely loud shout came out, like a **** of the world, and the wind and clouds on the sky are stirring, inch by inch. Broken, a big golden hand directly pressed down, if a golden sky swept across the sky and the ground, many people felt a terrifying pressure, and couldn't help but tremble, wanting to vomit blood.

Qingfeng and Mingyue both looked astonished, and the bearing of this big hand was too strong, it was hundreds of thousands of miles in size, as if it were about to destroy this land, with no end in sight.

The average powerhouse is far from such a mighty power.

"That's the Maitreya of Lingshan!" Many people turned their gazes, and couldn't help taking a breath of air, astonished.

Maitreya, these are the great disciples of the two sages of Lingshan, Jieyin and Zhunti. They possess the supreme power of Buddhism. Within Lingshan, few people are opponents, and they are super powers who have been famous for many years in Honghuang. Unexpectedly, Maitreya actually appeared, and directly manifested his supernatural powers to suppress Lin Han.

"It's over, Lin Han must be dead now, haha, great." Many creatures in the southwest land also laughed wildly.

Lin Han slapped all the creatures in their southwest land today, and now they were shaken to death by the Maitreya Buddha, which naturally made them want to see.

"Milele, you bastard..." Lin Han's eyes also turned cold. There is naturally a huge gap between him and Maitreya such a prehistoric superpower. Even if he uses all his hole cards, he cannot be an opponent. , I never thought that the other party shot so domineering.

When he originally came to Honghuang, he heard that the people in Lingshan were very arrogant, but now it seems that it is not the case.

Under that terrifying golden hand, Lin Han's figure looked so small, and many people held their breath.

Today may be witnessed, a genius died.

"Hmph, Maitreya, are you a decoration for the original Tao?" However, just as the palm of his hand was about to hit Lin Hanzhi, Zhenyuan Daxian couldn't help but his face sank, and he made a loud shout that also shook the world and the same palm. After shooting it out, the horrible palm power, like the ten thousand zhang mountain range rising from the ground, can shake the heavens.

As an ancient powerhouse, Daxian Zhenyuan had a very high seniority. Even if he was introduced and quasi-promoted, he and he were all fellow daoists before he was sanctified.

Although Maitreya is one of the strongest in Lingshan, it is not easy to compete with such characters.


The two big hands met in the void, immediately like stars colliding, spurring a dazzling light, turning there into a cloud of dust and returning to nothingness.

Then, on the sky, a golden figure appeared, and it was a fat monk with a big belly. His mouth was always open and his earlobes were big. Although it gave a very festive feeling to the human race, it was deep in his face. This kind of indifference, it seems that the outward joy and compassion are just a mask. Within those deep eyes, there is a strong look down on sentient beings, and the arrogance of the world.

"Hehe, Zhenyuan Great Immortal, I am Lingshan and you in the view of Wuzhuang, and the water in the well does not violate the river water. Why do you prevent me from retrieving the treasure of Buddhism." Maitreya Buddha smiled lightly, and there was a golden lotus under his seat, which was in the 9th grade. Rotating steadily, endless golden brilliance fell, dazzling.

He pinched the orchid seal in his hand and sat in the clouds. His aloofness was too strong, as if he was entrenched in another world.

There is a bright Buddha ring behind it, reflecting the sky, glowing like flowing clouds, and aura spraying purple mist.

This kind of solemnity, this kind of sacredness, really shocks people's hearts.

Even if the treacherous person sees this Buddha body, he will feel a sense of awe in his heart.

Under his ninth-rank golden lotus, vaguely, as if suppressing a piece of purgatory, there are endless demons suffering there, making his aura even more magnificent.

"The most precious treasure of Buddhism? This treasure of Buddhism has long been scattered. It is now obtained by the junior Lin Han, which shows that he has a relationship with the four buddha trees. Just like you, you are indiscriminate and want to kill people to retake it, but it somewhat insults your Buddhism compassion. Daxian Zhenyuan fluttered in white clothes, sitting cross-legged on a high platform, whisking the dust on his hand, giving people an endless sense of transcendence. For Maitreya, he took a faint glance, then retracted his gaze and said indifferently.

Under this ordinaryness, there is also an atmosphere of ignoring the world.

Although Maitreya had a very strong reputation, he was only a disciple who led and quasi-promote. He was his junior according to his seniority, so he didn't care about it at all.

"Hehe, what Daxian Zhenyuan said is that I was a little reckless." Maitreya smiled modestly, but he was neither humble nor arrogant towards Daxian Zhenyuan.

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