War Emperor

Chapter 2542: Powerful supernatural powers

If he can get these four Buddha trees, his combat power will surely be significantly improved. Even if he is a saint by then, maybe he really has the qualifications to challenge one or two, so this Buddhist innate treasure is naturally for him. Extremely important.

"These four Buddha trees are important things in my Buddhism. Master Zhenyuan, if you let me give up because of you, it would be unrealistic. Otherwise, I am afraid that my two masters will know about it and will not let it go. Yes." The Tathagata puts his hands together, his voice is magnificent.

The huge Dharma body is extremely magnificent, a head, like a planet, crowded with the sky and the earth, surrounded by nebulae, and the scene is extremely magnificent.

There are "pimples" on the top of his head, his eyes are slightly closed, and his lips are wide, like a golden bronze statue. He is compassionate and compassionate, with an attitude of disregard for sentient beings.

Behind the circle of gods blooming, illuminating the chaotic starry sky, like reflecting one world after another, countless beings are born, old, sick, and die, and the tripod worships the Buddha.

"Two masters?" Many creatures couldn't help taking a breath when they heard the Tathagata.

The two masters of the Tathagata are the two sages who are introduced and Zhun mentioned. The names of the two sages put a lot of pressure on people.

Daxian Zhenyuan frowned, and he was undoubtedly a little worried about the lead and quasi mention. Moreover, he also knew that the treasure was too important, and it was reasonable that he would not let it go.

"What do you want?" At the moment, his face was slightly cold, and he asked in a deep voice.

He naturally wants to give one or two for the face of attracting and quasi-raising.

"Haha..." Tathagata smiled and stretched out his huge bergamot, like a golden continent, lying between the sky and the earth, I don't know how many miles. There are many complicated lines on the palm, like engraving the secrets of heaven and earth, and a mysterious world can be vaguely seen, contained in it, like the life of all souls.

"This is the magical power of the world in the palm?" Many people whispered. The magical power of the world in the palm is a magical skill of the Tathagata. The masters, all refining them alive and turning into sludge, scared many famous masters in the prehistoric period. Tathagata has been the lord of Lingshan for many years. It has long been standing in the clouds, looking down on sentient beings, and holding the world's magical powers. It has not been used for many years, so it is awe-inspiring to use it.

"Tathagata, what do you mean by this?" Zhenyuan Daxian raised his brows slightly, and asked intently.

"Hehe, the world's magical powers in my palm are divided into nine heavens. The weakest is Taihuotian, and the strongest is Taihuangtian. Back then, I destroyed many powerhouses in the Demon Sect. I used the seventh heaven and the ninth heaven. Tai Huang Tian, ​​under the primordial saint, has a proud posture. As long as Lin Han can break the world’s first heavy sky in my palm, Tai Huang Tian, ​​today’s Buddhism treasure, I can expose it for the time being, if he can’t break it. , Just attribute these four buddha trees to my buddhism, how about?"

Tathagata chuckled.

The words are like thunder rolling in the sky, shaking the vast earth.

Qingfeng and Mingyue are frightened, although they are the weakest, they are the world's supernatural powers in the palm after all, their power is still strong, and it is not easy to break them.

Ming Snake laughed happily, realizing that Lin Han was in big trouble. The power of the world's first heaven in his palm was much stronger than 10% of his power. If Lin Han entered it, his life would be in danger. , It seems that Lin Han is really in trouble today.

Lin Han frowned. Under his magnificent aura, he felt the pores all over his body trembling. Obviously, the world's first heaven in this palm is no small thing, but if he was asked to hand over the four Buddhist trees, he undoubtedly wouldn't want it. .

Then he smiled slightly, and said: "This condition you offered is not unacceptable, but your bargaining chip is too weak."

"Oh?" Tathagata said softly.

"The four buddha trees were originally collected by me. Not only will I break your magical powers, but I may also lose them. You just told me not to hand over the buddha trees, which is naturally a bit unfair." Lin The corners of Han's mouth curled up slightly.

Many people slapped their tongues, and Lin Han dared to bargain with Tathagata.

With such a lofty status and status as Tathagata, it is already good to have a chance to escape in front of him.

Lin Han felt that he still hoped to get some benefits from the Tathagata, which made people dazed.

Tathagata whispered: "Donor Lin Han, really courageous, worthy of his young age, he can reach the pinnacle in the future generations of the universe, and even be able to make an initial appearance in the prehistoric world against the sky."

There was some appreciation in his eyes, and for the first time in so many years, he had seen such a unique junior.

Then he fixed his voice: "Since Lin Han's donor has spoken, the deity, if it doesn't meet Lin Han's requirements, will seem a bit stingy."

After finishing speaking, light flashed in the center of the eyebrows, and then a delicate jade bottle appeared. Through the jade bottle, it can be imagined that there are about two squares of bright white liquid in it, which gives people an incomparably refreshing feeling. There is also the sound of Buddhism and Zen singing, which can wash the soul of a person, which is very magical.

"This is..." Lin Han's eyes flashed across the strange light.

Intuitively, this bottle of liquid is very extraordinary, and the movement of the Dharma in his body began to become agitated under the induction, as if he wanted to get it.

"This is "Buddha liquid". It is cast by the Buddhist monks condensing the spiritual power of the mountain. It takes at least a hundred years of effort for a drop in a weekday. I have two sides here. The time spent is an extremely large number. After being absorbed by one's body, the Buddha liquid can directly enhance a person's realm of Dharma, which can be said to be a dream for a person who cultivates Buddha."

Tathagata smiled.

"Buddha liquid?" Countless people are hot. Although only Lingshan has the inheritance of Buddhism, in fact, there are many creatures in the wild land and they are extremely interested in Buddhism, because once they practice, they can enhance a person's understanding. , So that you can get twice the result with half the effort in the cultivation of divine power, and Buddhism is the best way to deal with the power of evil ways. In the entire prehistoric state, there are not a few cultivators of evil ways. With it, they encounter this Waiting for someone is equivalent to one more hole card.

Therefore, many cultivators also dream of Buddha liquid.

However, in Lingshan, many monks want to get the Buddha liquid, and it is not easy.

Tathagata Buddha, took out two sides at once, making people hot.

Many masters who have been famous in the southwest land for a long time, their breathing became heavy, their faces flushed, like an old man who is still hungry and thirsty, and can't keep it when they meet their favorite beauty.

Lin Han swallowed fiercely. He also attached great importance to the realm of Buddhism, but without the superior environment of Lingshan, even if he had Chaos Buddhism, he was not weak in Lingshan's Zhenjiaobao Mahayana Buddhism. It is not easy to practice.

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