War Emperor

Chapter 2543: Too dirty

If there are these Buddha liquids, the cultivation of his Dharma will inevitably lead to a huge improvement and progress.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try. How about the world's first heaven in your palm." At the moment, Lin Han smiled faintly, and his eyes flickered.

Daxian Zhenyuan opened his mouth, and in the end he only shook his head helplessly. He didn't say much. Although he and Lin Han had known each other for a long time, he could see that this guy is a person with no taboos. As long as he is good, he will Bite the scalp to come up, there will be unexpected performance every time, and now only relying on Lin Han.

After all, how many methods Lin Han had, even he couldn't figure it out.

Unconsciously, there was a sense of curiosity in his heart, wanting to see how Lin Han broke the first heaven.

"Get into the palm." Zhenyuan Daxian chuckled lightly.


Lin Han didn't delay too much, and jumped into the palm of the opponent.

As if experiencing the cycle of time and space, the surrounding scenery is constantly changing.

Lin Han came to the "too dirty sky", which was a gray earth, and there was a gray air floating between the sky and the earth, with an extremely evil and dirty feeling, and occasionally a wisp of gas came to him. In contact with the skin, Lin Han immediately felt that his soul was filthy, and he wanted to burst out and be violent.

"This is..." Lin Han was taken aback, this greyish aura could pollute the soul of a person.

You must know that his spiritual power is already extremely strong, if a normal creature, maybe the soul has been filthy and fell into the devil's way.

"This is the power of pollution, the soul who specializes in dealing with people." Hong reminded.

There are so many kinds of energies in the predominance, and he is not surprised.

Lin Han took a deep breath, and within the center of his eyebrows, a divine light appeared, forming a special mental mask, enveloping his body, and the dirty power came to the body's surface and was immediately isolated.

However, his spirit still seemed to be greatly eroded, and a big hole appeared in the mask.

"This dirty power, eroding mental power, is so strong." Lin Han moved slightly.


The scene of Lin Han's discoloration appeared, and I saw that in this gray earth, there were countless filthy powers, like snakes, flying towards Lin Han, as time passed, more and more The density of the forest will soon be like a gray flood, which will submerge Lin Han.

Among them, Lin Han could feel the power of the dirt, majestic and majestic, if it were covered, no matter how strong his primordial power was, I am afraid that it would be overwhelming.

Lin Han cursed secretly, it seemed that this was too filthy, indeed abnormal.

Without knowing it, he ran away.

It can't be hard at all.

Unable to resist.


However, in all directions, there is a gathering of dirty power.

It's like siege Lin Han.

Lin Han's stature, even if he was fast enough, was staggering and very embarrassed.

"This is too dirty power, it is so majestic." Outside, many people were horrified.

I'm afraid that even if a quasi-sage second-turner enters, he won't be able to hold on for a few minutes, and he will be filthy into a mass of flesh.

Lin Han has been able to hold on for more than ten minutes by virtue of his swiftness, which is considered extremely good.

"If you want to break it, it's too dirty, you can't rely on dodge." The Tathagata Buddha's voice was leisurely.

call out!

Within days of being too dirty, Lin Han dodged for more than forty minutes, and came to the center of the too dirty sky. There was a mountain in front of which was not too big, it was a hundred feet tall, bare without a vegetation, and the surrounding land was very desolate and flat. There is a mountain abruptly, slightly strange.


Just in Lin Han's doubts, the mountain suddenly split.

A huge pupil was exposed in the mountain, dark green, like a mouthful of deep water, and the endless power of pollution emanates from it, and it smells like the "king of a hundred pollutions".

"Is this too dirty eye?"

Lin Han was surprised that "too dirty" was a kind of ancient behemoth, which was said to have long been extinct.

As early as in the ancient times, there were many strong men who hated them deeply, and joined hands to slaughter the behemoth "too dirty". Nowadays, it is almost invisible in the land.

Never imagined that there was a too dirty eye in a day.

This too dirty eye gives people the feeling that it is much more majestic than the too dirty beast pupils recorded in ordinary books.

The sense of uncertainty is stronger.

"It seems that this was condensed with many too dirty eyes. The Tathagata child, in order to refine this too dirty sky, it took a lot of effort." Hong Dan smiled.

The Tathagata has risen from the ancient times. Collecting the corpses of many too dirty giant beasts and refining secret treasures with their pupils is not a big problem.

The means to condense many too dirty eyes to this step is also considered extraordinary.

The corner of Lin Han’s mouth twitched. As far as he knew, the behemoth was too dirty, even if the general quasi-sage-level powerhouse encountered it, he would be afraid. The eyes were the essence of the behemoth too dirty. The eyes of the dirty beast were cast, and it was natural to encounter him.

call out!

The next moment, the huge dirty eyes blinked, and within the pupils, there was a touch of human greed, like a long-hungry beast. When encountering delicious food, a ray of divine light splashed, and it was within a hundred feet of a radius. Inside, a huge mask was formed, which enveloped Lin Han. If it were a cage, Lin Han could not escape.

The corner of Lin Han's eyes jumped, and now he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"It's okay, this is also your opportunity. As long as you can break this too dirty eye, this too dirty sky will collapse on its own, and you will be successful." Hong said with a light smile. This is the core of Tai Di Di Tian.

Lin Han frowned, how could this be broken, this too dirty eye, so invulnerable and intimidating, it was not a person of his realm, it could be contaminated.

"Spiritual power." Hong only revealed these three words.

This kind of too dirty eyes is most afraid of mental power.

Lin Han has the mental power of the third stage of the taboo, and there may be a glimmer of opportunity.

And the spiritual essence of Too Dirty Eye is a great tonic to the spirit, if Lin Han's mental power is inevitably strengthened.

Lin Han nodded, his eyes a little solemn, now it seems that this is the only way to go.


"Lin Han, this kid is over. When encountering such a strong eye that is too dirty, even if it is a quasi holy creature with the third, fourth, and fifth rank, it may have a green face."

Many living beings in the outside world are in awe. Just the first heaven is too dirty, and there are such strong levels. I can't imagine how abnormal the Ninth Heaven in the palm of the Tathagata will be.

Ming Snake laughed heartily, Lin Han let him eat too much today, he was the most gloat.

In the sky, Maitreya also grinned.

Previously in the hands of Zhenyuan Daxian, he was humiliated and brought home.

The anger was transformed into Lin Han.

If it weren't for this humble boy to take the treasures of Buddhism, he wouldn't be like that.

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