War Emperor

Chapter 2554: Corpse cold

A pair of deep eyes, showing black light, reflecting the scene of the **** wheels, there are sentient beings in them, wailing, frying pan, cutting their tongues, miserable.

There was a hint of chill on Lin Han's back, this man's aura was really strong.

"The Hallmaster of the Heavenly Demon Hall..." Many people took a breath and said in awe.

The hall master of the Heavenly Demon Hall, in this area of ​​the central edge, is a fierce and famous person who often mutilates sentient beings and kills all souls. He can easily destroy a small human kingdom, causing bloodshed and resentment, even some powerful ones. Race is also the target of hunting when he practices.

In this vast area, the creatures killed by him are already countless, and there are countless more people who want to kill him.

But no one can do it. His magical powers ignoring the heavens and overwhelming the nine heavens and ten earths, which is quite self-respecting and invincible in the world.

All the people who provoked him were all dead, and they were made into corpses by him and hung at the gate of the Heavenly Demon Hall to warn the world.

If it is said that in this area of ​​the central edge, who is the least to provoke is undoubtedly the hall master of the Heavenly Demon Hall.

Many babies are just born, and his fame is enough to stop babies from crying.

"Is that the little girl in red?" Lin Han's gaze rolled, and he was startled.

Next to the main hall of the Heavenly Demon Hall, there is a little girl in a red dress, about half a person tall, with a ponytail, very cute. On the plump face, it was pale, as if it were a dead person, and the pupils of the eyes were also very hollow, revealing a touch of evil spirit, occasionally turning his eyes, as if it could be seductive, with her cute and petite appearance, extremely Does not match.

It is the little girl in red.

At this moment, the little girl in red is watching Lin Han, with a haughty smile on her mouth, as if she is saying: "You are done with you little guy. Last time you defeated me at the Portal of Sword, this time my Heavenly Demon Hall will definitely The place cannot be retrieved."

Lin Han sighed slightly. It seemed that Great Immortal Zhenyuan was right. The Heavenly Demon Hall really had something to do with the underworld.

The little girl in red is a real person in the underworld.

"Lord of the Heaven Demon Hall, why are you here to join in the excitement? Don't you think that my dear descendants are too bullied?" Zhenyuan Daxian glanced faintly.

He didn't have a good impression of this demon who slaughtered sentient beings with his hands covered in blood and countless blood.

If it weren't for the opponent's magical powers to be really extraordinary, it would not be easy to kill him, he would all want to kill the opponent, the impulse to kill all souls.

People who have caused so many killings and are entangled in karma are rare in Honghuang.

"Haha, Great Immortal Zhenyuan has misunderstood. It will allow you, the old man, the younger generation, to naturally have his uniqueness, and no one dares to despise the entire prehistoric land. It is because of this that the master of this hall is a little curious about what he is. Skills, please also Zhenyuan Daxian to complete one or two." The head of the Heavenly Demon Hall laughed loudly, his voice was as loud as a bell, mixed with devilish energy, which made people excited, as if the spirit would be disturbed, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Half of his face has no flesh and blood, only dense white bones, and his eyes are protruding. This smile makes it strange and intimidating.

"Yeah, Great Immortal Zhenyuan, if it is hidden, could it be the so-called youth supreme of this human race, but so, even the people in my Heavenly Demon Hall are afraid." The little girl in red hesitated and said with courage.

Although she was lawless and despised all souls, she was still a little afraid of the great power of Zhenyuan Daxian, which is famous for the past and present, and the level of living fossils.

In order to be able to target Lin Han, she only had to say one or two.

Moreover, as Zhenyuan Daxian, he might not care about her.

Zhenyuan Daxian gave the little girl in red a faint glance.

The little girl in red suddenly felt that the pores all over her body had shrunk, as if she was being watched by a prehistoric god, and her heart was horrified.

Although Daxian Zhenyuan didn't care about her, she couldn't stand a little bit of majesty.

Lin Han was speechless, still remembering how aggressive and arrogant he was when he first saw the little girl in red at the gate of the sword. He didn't put everyone in his eyes and wanted to overwhelm the world. Now he is in front of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, But it was like a faint little rabbit, terrified.

In an environment where there are many powerful people and masters are like clouds, even the little girl in red is insignificant.

"Lin Han, what do you think?" Perceiving the whole banquet, everyone was excited, Zhen Yuan Daxian frowned, only looked at Lin Han.

Lin Han is a resilient person. The more pressure and challenges he has, the more unexpected he can do and he can strengthen himself.

He will not interfere too much in the fight between the juniors.

"Of course." Lin Han just smiled.

The hall of the Heavenly Demon Hall laughed, and said with his palm: "You deserve to be the younger generation who is valued by the Great Immortal Zhenyuan. He is really bold. In that case, the corpse is cold, you can learn from him."

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the stiff-faced young man beside him.

Everyone's gaze turned away, and their hearts moved.

I saw that this young man was about two meters tall, with a figure of dragon and tiger, wearing a purple gold crown, walking on cloud boots, deep eyes, and a look of arrogance in his eyebrows.

There was a layer of corpse hair on the skin all over the body. It was extremely green and crippled. The whole body was also surrounded by a corpse gas, as if buried in the ground. Numerous years of dry corpses had just been pulled out of the coffin, which made people frightening.

Some people who know his name are heartbroken.

This corpse is cold, and it is a genius who is not weaker than Changsun Tian and Suqing. According to legend, it is the corpse that condenses the true spirit and cultivates again. The physique is not only like steel and iron, but also powerful. At every turn, there is a landslide and tsunami. The universe is shattered, and the fighting spirit is amazing.

And his previous life was the prince of the primordial primordial antiquity, and the prince in a certain kingdom of life.

It’s a pity that in the ancient years, life and souls were everywhere in the wild land, and the strong were even more fierce. They would kill the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon would be dark. Strong destroyed, he also suffered.

After taking it, I never thought that the corpse was actually buried in a feng shui treasure, where the corpse could be raised. In addition, it was found by the powerhouse of the Demon Hall and used a series of mysterious methods to make him come back to life again. Although he has forgotten the memory of the previous life, this is a new "personality", but it still does not affect his toughness.

In this central border area, he fought a total of more than 1,800 Tianjiao, without exception, they were all torn and killed by him, and they used extremely cruel methods to clean and eat their internal organs. His sordid name, Compared with the grandson Tian and Su Qing, it is more scary.

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