War Emperor

Chapter 2555: Enter

"Hey, there's a good show to watch now." Many of the disciples of the grandson family sneered, obviously understanding that if Lin Han was to learn from Shi Leng, it would be difficult to take advantage.

Because of the festivals between Lin Han, Changsun Fengyue, and Changsuntian, they naturally stood on their family's side, hoping to watch Lin Han get embarrassed.

"Old rules, or half strength?" Lin Han said coldly without even looking at the corpse.

Shi Leng nodded, and there was a terrible killing light flashing in the eyes that looked like a dead person. Lin Han, a **** who dared to ignore him, was really bold.

Because of the feast between Lin Han and the little girl in red, he also has to come forward to ask for some justice for the little girl in red.

"Caitou." Lin Han said leisurely.

Shi Leng's palm took out a piece of yellow stone, and said: "This is the Dingshi. After refining, it can increase people's state of Ding. It is a rare treasure."

"Compared to what." Lin Han nodded.

"It's deeper than ours, who has a deeper level." Shi Leng's voice was hoarse.

Many people looked at each other, entering the state of concentration, which has a great effect on a cultivator, but normal cultivators are relatively shallow in entering concentration, and it is unexpected that Shi Leng is compared to Lin Han.

"I heard that corpse cold, because it is a corpse metamorphosing creature, entering the state of meditation, it is extremely deep, has reached the middle stage of meditation, and is about to approach the later stage, the younger generation is almost unmatched." Some people who know more about corpse cold are in awe. In a low voice, even the elder characters in this territory are incomparable. This is the opponent's advantage.

"How to compare?" Lin Han's expression remained calm.


Shi Leng flipped over his palm and took out a large bowl, which was lavender, with patterns on it, filled with mystery and mystery, and said: "This is entering the fixed bowl. When the cultivator meditates on it, there will be "into the bowl". The fire of concentration" rises. The deeper you enter the concentration, the longer you can persist. We will see who persists for the long time."


After speaking, the big bowl was thrown in the air by him, and it immediately became bigger in the wind. It was about two feet away, and it smelled of ancient vicissitudes. There was a strange blue flame rising out of it, and the corpse could not help but jump in. After this, as he entered the concentration, the flame wrapped him, making his whole body seem to be spraying thin blue flames, looking sacred and transcendent.

It took a full quarter of an hour before he woke up from entering the bowl and jumped out, sweating profusely.

Many people sigh, half a quarter of an hour, this is already a very dazzling achievement, although the blue flame does not give out a strong breath, but with some of their keen consciousness, they can feel the blue The flames of great interference will cause great interference when people enter concentration. If they are supported forcibly, it is easy for people to become confused.

Some heroes on the edge of the center are asking themselves, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for so long.

Lin Han just smiled, said nothing, and jumped into the bowl.

When about ten minutes passed, an astonishing scene appeared. Lin Han was surrounded by various roaring visions of Pixiu, 猊猊, 梼杌, Zhu Wei, etc., surrounded by glowing rays of light. , Looks beautiful and magnificent.

Lin Han was in the blue flame, as if he was bathing in some kind of sacred fire in the baptism, he was content, and there was no sign of being disturbed at all.

"There is a vision in entering Ding!"

Inside the manor, there was an uproar in an instant, and many people were stunned.

How is this possible? If you want to reach this step, you must at least reach the point of deep enlightenment.

Shi Leng was only close to the mid-level stage of Ding Ding, Lin Han was actually much stronger than him, and it was too shocking.

"How could it be like this..." Shi Leng's face also changed slightly, and there was a bright golden light in his eyes, which was unacceptable.

He is a corpse, so he has such a deep level of incorporation, which makes many powerful people envy, how could Lin Han be deeper than him.

There was a chill in his heart, and he looked at Lin Han with admiration.

In the end, Lin Han persisted for an hour, his body shook, and with a bang, a majestic aura exploded, unexpectedly blasting the not-weak rank into the fixed bowl, and suddenly blasted it, and then Lin Han confronted the corpse. With a sneer, "I admit it."

Shi Leng's face was gloomy, and he felt that he had been planted this time, and he looked down upon Lin Han too much.

In front of so many people, he also felt very annoyed.

"Let's compare combat power again." Then, there was a fierce glow in his eyes, and he hit Lin Han's face with a fist.

He also said that this is another physical exercise, as long as Lin Han can bear half of his physical strength, he can give Lin Han 500 body-building pills.

Lin Han was disrespectful. Although the opponent had the strength of the Quasi-Sage approaching the third rank, it was only half of the physical strength. He was not afraid at all. At the moment, his body was shaken, and the chaotic air was urged to open by him. They all spewed out the light of chaos, Lin Han resembled an ancient chaos god, reappearing the wild earth, with deep eyes, he seemed to be able to look down upon the nine heavens and ten earths, and behold the heavens and ten thousand realms, but I dominate, this kind of aura is supremely powerful.


Lin Han punched out, and the roar of the gods and demons rang out in his body, shaking the entire universe.

With these four thousand years of hard work, Lin Han’s body of chaos, almost completed by him, his whole body is like wearing a layer of chaos armor. People will win unforgettable, look up for it.


Under the horrified sights, Lin Han's fists violently collided with Shi Leng's iron fists, and the corpse immediately snorted and was directly shocked and flew out for dozens of miles, bringing this small world of manor. Among them, a beautiful mountain was shattered, smoke and dust rose, and the ground roared.

The surroundings suddenly fell into absolute silence.

Countless people were horrified beyond words.

Lin Han's physical strength was so against the sky, the corpse was cold. After years of gestation, the corpse was comparable to a **** of iron. He didn't even have the capital to resist.

Even if the corpse is cold, it only displays 50% of its power, which is terrifying.

The Hall Master of the Heavenly Demon Hall, his face was also slightly ugly, and he didn't dare to think that Lin Han's combat power was so abnormal.

Now it seems that letting Shi Leng deal with Lin Han is a little bit like picking up a rock and hitting himself in the foot.

It is estimated that if you want to really win Lin Han, Shi Leng must use his full strength.

"Haha, good physical body." Lin Han looked at the corpse cold lying in the ruins and rocks, without much damage, nodded with a smile, and exclaimed.

If it were a normal cultivator, if he went down with this punch, it would be almost impossible to say that the opponent exploded and died. Shi Leng could hold on to this step, which is extraordinary.

However, Shi Leng's face turned red when he heard this, and he almost exploded his hair. He was a strong man who was much stronger than Lin Han, and he was even commented on by Lin Han, which really made him unbearable.

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