War Emperor

Chapter 2628: Prehistoric Sword Furnace Now

"Not necessarily."

However, Lin Han's black hair was flying, his robes were hunting, and he calmly watched the huge golden sword slash down at him, his face was indifferent, and he said with certainty.

Although relying on his normal means, it is indeed impossible for him to be the opponent of the Three-legged Golden Crow, but he has a lot of hidden means, and it may not be without a chance to actually display it. What's more, the Three-legged Golden Crow has been dormant for so many years. In the battle of the dragon and lion beast, he was injured, and he still had great hope.

boom! After speaking, Lin Han flipped his palm, and a small stove appeared, showing an ancient meaning of vicissitudes, like an old utensil dormant in the years, countless years of old utensils appeared, an ancient atmosphere, Immediately spread out, making many people smell a heavy smell, as if some kind of terrifying object appeared before the opening of the world, giving people a feeling of traveling through history and returning to before the opening of the sky.

"This is the Great Desolate Sword Furnace!"

Many people stared, stared at them carefully for a long time, and then realized something, their bodies shook violently, and they gasped and hissed.

boom! The simple five words also sounded like thunder in the mind of the red-red monkey. He stared at the small stove in Lin Han's hands dully, and his face became slightly pale, and even his lips trembled a little, okay After a long while, there was a trembling voice.

"The Great Desolation Casting Sword Furnace!"

This name is really amazing. There are countless powerhouses throughout the ages, as long as they have some knowledge, who does not know that this is the important item of the great **** Pangu when he opened up the world and killed three thousand chaotic devil gods. Those three thousand chaotic devil gods all have The unparalleled divine might guarding Chaos is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even the Great God Pangu experienced **** battles. With the help of the Great Desolate Sword Casting Furnace, he successfully eliminated them. Otherwise, whether the Great God Pangu succeeded in those years. The opening of the sky, the establishment of prehistoric times, and the achievement of great achievements are still unknown.

It is precisely because the Prehistoric Sword Furnace has such a splendid and mysterious past that countless powerhouses in the Prehistoric Desolation coveted it.

There are even rumors that whoever can get the sword-casting furnace of the Great Desolation will have the opportunity to reach the height of the Great God Pangu.

You must know that the great **** Pangu, as the first ancestor who created the world, has evolved over the years, and there is no strong person who can stand up to him. His realm is so high that it has long been spread out of the scope of normal people's imagination.

Even if it is as strong as Hongjun's road resistance, it is a burst of admiration for the great **** Pangu.

Today, the Great Desolate Sword Stove actually appeared like this. The shock it gave people was naturally indescribable.

Boom! The heart of the Three-legged Golden Crow also beat fiercely, and even the pair of bright pupils, the light shrank sharply, became dim, and the face was unprecedentedly solemn.

This utensil is unparalleled in the past and present, and it makes the saints look up to it.

Lin Han displayed it like this, and it really shocked people too much.

After a long time, he took a deep breath, suppressed the boiling in his heart, added a touch of fiery color to his tone, and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, okay, okay, it seems that God has taken care of me too much, even letting Honghuang The sword-forging furnace appeared in front of me, and today this wild sword-forging furnace is bound to be mine, and I will create a legend."

The voice is full of joy and excitement.

If he comprehends the mystery of the sword forging furnace in the wild, his future achievements are indeed limitless.

There are so many strong men in history who want to see the sword furnace of the Great Desolate and cannot. Now in the hands of Lin Han, it is naturally no different from sending it to the door in vain. The excitement in his heart is of course extremely intense.

At the moment, his eyes were full of greed, he stared at the sword casting furnace in Lin Han's hand, and said with a grin, "My dear, hand it over to me."

boom! After finishing speaking, the golden divine sword suspended in the sky slammed towards Lin Han and slashed it down.

The speed was much faster than before, and a large golden flame burned, like a golden Tianhe, falling from the nine heavens.

Under this vast murderous aura, even if Lin Han owns the Great Desolate Sword Stove, he still feels insignificant without displaying his power.

Like an ant before the sea overturns, it will have a doomed end at any time.

The scarlet monkey couldn't help but squinted his eyes, resisting the sense of oppression, his eyes locked on the prehistoric sword furnace in Lin Han's hands, and he was also full of curiosity, wanting to see if Lin Han was real It can motivate the prehistoric sword-casting furnace. After all, this furnace is of such a high level. Even if Lin Han is lucky enough to have it, it must not be an easy thing to motivate it.

Everyone knows that when an object reaches a certain level, it will have its own majesty. If it is not recognized by it, forcibly urging it will only bring disaster to the destroyer.

With this kind of thinking in mind, he still doesn't have much optimism about Lin Han's fate.

However, even in the face of many doubts, Lin Han smiled faintly, his thick black hair fluttered in disorder, and a stern look flashed on his young face, he smiled and said, "Then let you take a look. , Is it something you can covet."

This sword-forged sword furnace has been by his side. For so many years, it has already reached the point where he is at one with his heart and mind. Even if he can't mobilize the true power of this furnace now, once it is displayed, it is not something that normal creatures can imagine. , These three-legged Golden Crows are not only not afraid, but also snatch, in his view, they are undoubtedly asking for trouble.

In the state of the other party, he may not be afraid of casting the sword furnace in the wild.

"Three thousand avenues, avenues of shock, kill!"

As soon as he thought about it, Lin Han's eyes became sharp, like an unsheathed sword, shining for nine days.

boom! As soon as the words fell, the majestic mana in Lin Han's body was injected into the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, and the prehistoric sword-forging furnace suddenly emitted a boundless auspicious light, like a volcanic eruption, illuminating the sky.

Immediately afterwards, under the sight of everyone's pupils constricting, the Honghuang Casting Sword Furnace became larger in the wind, reaching a hundred feet, suspended in mid-air, and an aura of suppressing the eight wastes of the universe and the eternal blue sky permeated out.

Then, on the surface of the Sword Casting Furnace, three thousand traces lighted up. Each trace seemed to carry the most original imprint of the universe.

This is the Three Thousand Great Dao, which belongs to the true origin and profound meaning of the universe.

Even the Six Sages have incomparable admiration for the Three Thousand Great Dao.

Hongjun Daozu is also comprehending this level of Daoism.

It is too far away from the world, and every one of them can help a person become a saint.

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