War Emperor

Chapter 2629: The Power of the Avenue of Shock

The true profound meaning of the Three Thousand Great Dao, even a saint cannot completely evaporate.

However, under Lin Han's urging, one of the "shock" traces radiated a brilliant light, like an indescribable recovery of a dragon, a tremendous energy, overwhelming the sky and majestic nine days.

The trace of the shock finally moved, and with a bang, it collided fiercely with the golden sword of the three-legged golden crow in the sky. The original golden sword was shining brightly, like the strongest gold in the world, and it was extremely bright. But under this not-so-ornate-looking "trace of shock", it was immediately like tofu, split into two halves, and fell from the sky.

Moreover, the "Trails of the Earthquake" continued to slash at the three-legged golden crow in the sky. Beyond everything, it is not an opponent.

puff! A large blood flower blooms.

The face of the three-legged Jinwu changed greatly, and it was too late to make any response. The huge body was split into two pieces from the middle, and fell from the sky. Blood, internal organs, and bones were scattered all over the ground, and the picture looked extremely bloody.

The severe pain caused the three-legged Golden Crow to let out a shrill scream, and the two halves of the body rolled on the ground in pain.

quiet! The surroundings became deadly silent in an instant.

Many people stared at this scene dumbfounded, their bodies were slightly a little bit, and there were signs of petrification.

The scarlet monkey was also dumbfounded, and his body was a little stiff.

Even if Lin Han owns the Prehistoric Sword Furnace, which is beyond his expectations, he never imagined that the power that erupted from the Prehistoric Sword Furnace was so shocking. The earth, all tangible matter in the world, becomes fragile in front of it.

This is the Great Desolate Sword Furnace, is the Three Thousand Avenues powerful?

At this moment, the sound of madly swallowing saliva continued to sound all around. Many people were also frightened by the power of Lin Han's sword-casting furnace. Their faces turned pale and their scalps shivered. The Prehistoric Sword Furnace, my God, could it be said that he is the master of the Prehistoric Sword Furnace?

The master of the prehistoric sword-casting furnace?

Thinking of this, everyone was even more shocked, and they felt that their bodies were about to explode.

How is this possible? Throughout the ages, whoever is qualified to be the master of the Great Desolate Sword Stove, even the Six Saints and the Daozu of Hongjun, may not be able to do so.

According to some extremely ancient and untraceable sporadic records, even if the Great God Pangu and the Prehistoric Sword Furnace were only in a "cooperative" relationship, Lin Han actually became the owner of the Prehistoric Sword Furnace?

How scary this is! This can simply shock the history of ancient and modern ah.

"No, how is this possible, how can this become the master of the Great Desolate Sword Casting Furnace."

Everyone was shocked. The three-legged Golden Crow lay on the ground with two halves of his body. After a period of painful mourning, those **** eyes stared at Lin Han, and the same tone added a touch of disbelief, and shouted hoarsely.

It is impossible to recognize anyone as the master of the Sword Furnace in the Great Wilderness. It is too advanced. Most people are satisfied with the mysteries of the scale and half the claw when they get it. This is something that everyone in the Great Wilderness knows about.

However, the prehistoric sword-casting furnace recognized Lin Han, a lowly human youth! This is too subversive to his cognition. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that such absurd things would happen in this world.

"There is a legend that when an item has reached a certain level, it has nothing to do with its strength if it wants to recognize it as its master. The most important thing is the fate. Is it true that Lin Han's fate is so unbelievable?"

In the distant sky, Miss Miao'er was also watching. At this moment, her pretty face was also a little frozen in shock. The muscles on her face were pulled for a while before a somewhat startled voice came out of her mouth, in a low voice.

In some special cases, such a thing does happen.

For example, some lucky people get some terrible weapons, soar into the sky, and become a legendary powerhouse.

Under the passing of the majestic years, the number of times such things happened is not small.

However, it is surprising and helpless that even the prehistoric sword furnace needs such "blessings".

In other words, Lin Han has the help of the Great Desolate Sword Furnace, and his rise is inevitable.

After all, the prehistoric sword-casting furnace is so special that if it can be recognized by it, Lin Han will definitely be extraordinary.

Thinking of this, even the red-red monkey and the three-legged golden crow silently accepted it. The former shook his head and chuckled. He was pleased with Lin Han's blessing. After all, it was he who valued Lin Han. This trump card is naturally a good thing.

As for the Three-legged Golden Crow, his face was extremely ugly.

For him, this is naturally great bad news. Lin Han has a vast sword furnace with endless power. The threat to him is too great. It won't be a big fatal injury, but no one knows whether Lin Han can still burst out other terrifying powers of the Great Desolate Sword Casting Furnace. If it is stronger than this force, I am afraid that even his life will be in danger.

Moreover, the impact of this blow on him is also extremely large. He feels that his origin has suffered a lot of trauma, and the vitality in his body is rapidly fading away. If he wants to return to his peak state in the future, there is almost no hope. .

This made him grit his teeth, and his heart was full of resentment. He had been dormant for so many years and saw the light of day, but he had eaten such a big deflation in the hands of a despicable human boy, and he could not take revenge. This really made him unable to swallow this breath.

puff! However, just when he thought of this, he suddenly stood on the spot, his body was like a javelin, and his tall and tall figure was like a deflated ball. The blood was red, and the complexion became pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, with profuse sweating and a feeling of weakness.

"what happened?"

After such a change, many people looked at each other in dismay, and there was a dazed look on their faces, and they muttered to themselves in amazement.

No one would have thought that Lin Han, who had the absolute upper hand and was in the limelight, would pull his hips down so quickly.

"It must be the impetus of the Great Desolate Sword Casting Furnace. It requires too much energy. Lin Han's realm is far from keeping up. He has suffered a strong backlash."

Someone sighed and analyzed.

It is also true that the prehistoric sword forging furnace is so advanced that Lin Han can get it, it is already very shocking. The real bottomless pit, even if it is activated by a saint, is absolutely extremely difficult. Although Lin Han only exerted the power of the tip of the iceberg, due to the distance requirement, the difference is too much, and he will be injured, which is reasonable.

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