War God Supreme

Chapter 1063: Phoenix Phoenix

Seeing the Nangong Mingyue opposite, Li Lingtian's face was stunned.

It’s okay not to be broken, but I didn’t expect Nangong Mingyue to speak out in front of him, how embarrassing it was to call him.

"The last time I returned to Tianhe, I didn't see you."

"Why are you here?"

Li Lingtian shifted the topic and spoke out his curious questions.

This Jiuzhong Mountain is in Shenzhou, and it is still a very mysterious space.

Listening to the beginning of Nangong Mingyue, he said he waited here for several years.

But when I returned to the Tianhe region last time, I didn't see the Nangong Mingyue. I didn't expect the Nangong Mingyue to be in this place.

This place, he fell from above. I don't know how deep it is. It is not impossible to say that this is hell.

"A few years ago, I was also sent to Xuanzhou by the ancient teleportation array."

"At that time, it was when you ruled Xuanzhou. Later, when you were chased and killed by a demon, you fled to Shenzhou all the way."

"I didn't expect that after coming to Shenzhou, I felt the breath of Tianhuang and then entered here."

"After coming in here, I thought it would never be possible to leave. I didn't expect you to come here."

Nangong Mingyue simply said some of his own things. When talking about his encounter, the whole person was in deep contemplation.

What I experienced in the past few years, I still feel terrified.

After being chased by the Mozu and running away from birth, he entered here. He has been here for a few years, and there is no chance of leaving for a few years of loneliness.

For a girl, being alone in this place for a lifetime is more uncomfortable than death. Moreover, she is still a young girl, just in her youth.

When you come here, if you want to leave, you need some chance.

Such an opportunity is difficult to find in Shenwu Continent, not to mention that in such a secret place, that opportunity is almost impossible to appear.

But it never happened that this impossible thing happened.

Because Li Lingtian appeared, because Li Lingtian brought the way to leave here, he did not expect Li Lingtian to control the power of Shenfeng.

"I didn't expect your luck to be as good as this seat."

"Sister Yiyi and I also happened to come to Jiuzhongshan by accident, and started the formation. I didn't expect to be here."

"You just did it on purpose?"

Li Lingtian was shocked when she heard Nangong Mingyue. Did she think that things in the world were so clever, let alone Nangming Mingyue?

At the same time, I also thought of the horrible coercion.

Since it was Nangong Mingyue, Nangong Mingyue naturally knew him. After knowing him, he still had to use that kind of coercion, which made him a little uncomfortable.

After talking, he looked at Nangong Mingyue.

There is a peerless beauty in front of him, with a lot of manners, enough to make the world's men crazy.

"Not intentional."

"I have only Wushen's cultivation practice, even if I have the ability to control the sky, it can't be your opponent."

"You should know this. In the God of War continent, you want to crush you with coercion, are you saying it is possible?"

"I am the body of Tianfeng, but I am a daughter. The pressure just now is the power of Tianhuang."

"I want to fully control the body of Sky Phoenix and the power of Sky Phoenix. I still need your help. In this way, you and I will benefit."

Nangong Mingyue glanced at Li Lingtian and re-recognized the man in front of him.

No matter what, you can say it directly, without pretentiousness and hypocrisy.

This man who had been looking up against the sky for the first time had such close contact.

When I was in Qingzhou, Li Lingtian rescued them from leaving Qingzhou. Although they were on the Ares, they rarely contacted Li Lingtian.

Moreover, there are a few opportunities to contact because of some things, and absolutely not sitting together like this.

"We have the above method to let you leave?"

Li Lingtian's doubts were solved. Indeed, with Nangong Mingyue's cultivation behavior, even if he had any ability to control the sky, he would not be crushed by coercion.

There must be other reasons.

Perhaps this reason is related to Nangong Mingyue and is also vitally related to leaving here.

"The Phoenix family, like Kirin, has **** between men and women."

"The phoenix is ​​male and the phoenix is ​​female, but I am the body of the celestial phoenix. Now I have the body of the celestial phoenix, but we must find the person of the body of the phoenix and fuse the blood. We only need to change our blood a little."

"At that time you can have the body of Shenfeng, I can also have the body of Sky Phoenix, and even become the body of Shenhuang."

"The appearance of Shenxi Phoenix is ​​the day when Shenfeng and Shenhuang appear. Similarly, I have a clue about what you want."

"You see, Shenxi Phoenix is ​​related to the Pearl of Lost, but if you want to get the Pearl of Lost, you have to gather the emptiness of the heavens, this is the annihilation of the emptiness of the heavens."

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian seriously, her ruddy mouth opened, and she spoke about the Phoenix and Phoenix.

Speaking of the last, when Jade's hand stretched out, a magical decision appeared in his finger.

Suddenly, an organ appeared in the stone table in front of him. As the organ opened, a box rose slowly.

The box appeared on the table and stopped steadily.

Nangong Mingyue opened the box, and the box opened. I saw a bronze scroll inside the box.

Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi saw the scroll, and the look on their faces changed.

Nangong Mingyue didn't pay attention to the change in the two's faces, and introduced while opening the box.

However, he soon discovered that Li Lingtian's face had changed and looked at Li Lingtian in a puzzled manner.

"The sky is dead, the seat has got three scrolls of the sky, and I don't know what use this scroll is."

"Does this scroll have anything to do with the lost pearl and Shenxi Phoenix?"

Li Lingtian didn't wait for Nangong Mingyue to ask him, and as soon as his consciousness moved, he took out the three scrolls.

The three scrolls are exactly the same, except that the small prints above are different.

I was very curious in my heart. I don't know what the magic power of this scroll is. Is it related to Shenxi Phoenix and the Pearl of Lost?

"You have got three of them, and you really have the ability."

"Yes, there are four pieces of this scroll, called sky, silence, emptiness, and extinction."

"This is a supernatural supernatural power, which is called the annihilation of heaven, the supernatural power of space, and also the natural supernatural power of the Phoenix family."

"Practice to the extreme, you can control the space."

"And it is said that the annihilation of the heavens is related to another kind of anti-celestial supernatural powers. This is too ethereal to be taken seriously."

"Gathering the heaven and the sky, together with Shenxi Phoenix, can open this Shenfeng Palace and get the pearl of loss."

There was a look of excitement on Nangong Mingyue's face, and you can imagine the power of this utter silence.

And if you gather the sky, you will be able to leave here, and you will get the pearl of loss.

"Space magic?"

"It's just a supernatural power of space. I didn't expect that Shenxi Phoenix is ​​really related to the lost pearl."

"Fortunately, I fought over this scroll, otherwise we would all be stuck here."

Li Lingtian was so shocked in his heart that he never thought it was a kind of space supernatural power, a real space supernatural power.

Ying Long is in control of some space, that is just talent and instinct, but this emptiness of heaven is nothing less than a supernatural power of space, a supernatural power of space that can be cultivated.

If you get the emptiness of heaven and the pearl of loss, you're really right when you come here.

Some of my own things have to be resolved, and thinking of this, I am gradually happy.


"It's such a coincidence in this world."

"We will exchange blood now, otherwise I will be controlled by Shenhuang's consciousness, and it will be difficult to handle by then."

"Remember, if my consciousness is broken, you will stun me, so that the consciousness of Shenhuang will not affect you and me."

Nangong Mingyue was so anxious when she saw that the emptiness of heaven and the heavens had already gathered.

After being sleepy here for a few years, the whole person almost collapsed.

Seeing a chance to leave is naturally anxious.

But thinking about Shenhuang's consciousness, I feel a little trouble. In case of Shenhuang's consciousness, it will affect their exchange of blood.

"it is good."

"Sister Yiyi, you protect us."

Li Lingtian nodded, and now he has no way to refuse the matter. Besides, Nangong Mingyue has no reason to harm him.

"Okay, brother, be careful."

Liu Yiyi agreed, she kept silent, but remembered the conversation between the two.

Now is an opportunity, naturally it will not miss to give up.

Next, Li Lingtian restored the true Yuan spirit to the peak of heyday.

Nangong Mingyue also restored the spirit to its peak state. After doing everything, Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, the entire stone room was monitored by the consciousness, and Zhenyuan was displayed.

Zhenyuan covered him and Nangong Mingyue, and the two of them completely entered the vacuum world.

In this way, the exchange of sperm and blood will not be affected by the outside world.

After finishing everything, Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, wiped it with one hand, and a sperm blood appeared on the other hand.

The appearance of essence blood suddenly burst out a terrifying coercion.

This is the coercion of the essence blood, because the essence blood is Li Lingtian. There is Li Lingtian's cultivation and skill, and the constitution of the anti-celestial body is inside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The essence blood is the essence.

More than ten drops of essence blood were suspended in front of him. The essence blood flashed a dazzling light and looked very mysterious.

Nangong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian so simply, a smile appeared on her face.

Immediately afterwards, a strand of fine blood was sacrificed, and the fine blood of the two was suspended in the air.


The two looked at each other, Li Lingtian turned the body of Shenfeng out, Nangong Mingyue turned the body of heavenly wind, and the power of Heavenly Phoenix appeared at this moment.

The power of the two terrifying gods Phoenix Sky Phoenix is ​​pervading in the True Element Mask.

Laws continued, and ten minutes passed. The body of the sky wind and the power of the sky phoenix, and the power of the **** phoenix began to mess up at this time. Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue turned the blood in front of them into the blood curtain at the same time. , Let the blood curtain merge in the power of the **** Phoenix.



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