War God Supreme

Chapter 1064: 9 The Secret of Chongshan

The moment when the power of Divine Phoenix and essence blood merged, a mysterious breath suddenly broke out.

Li Lingtian has never seen this mysterious breath, and he can't tell whether it is a coercive or spiritual pressure, or a power that has evolved from a practice.

However, all of this was covered by the mask that Li Lingtian displayed, otherwise it would emit the power of destruction.

Inside the mask, Li Lingtian's blood and Nangong Mingyue's blood blended with each other.

The power of the **** phoenix, the body of the sky wind, and the might of the **** phoenix merge in one moment.

Li Lingtian's physique is strong, and it is nothing to face such a fusion of essence and blood.

However, a girl in Nangong Mingyue doesn't have such a strong physique at all, and the fusion of essence and blood has caused her intense pain.

However, at this critical moment, Nangong Mingyue did not dare to carelessly, and could only endure it forcibly.

Fortunately, the fusion of essence and blood quickly, the two essences and blood quickly merged together, the power of Divine Phoenix and the power of Divine Phoenix finally merged.

Li Lingtian is still the power of Shenfeng, but now he has achieved the body of Shenfeng.

Nangong Mingyue's original body of Tianfeng has now finally become the body of Tianhuang.

Previously, Nangong Mingyue was the body of Tianfeng. A girl, the body of Tianfeng, had an effect on cultivation. Now it has changed back to the body of Tianhuang, just like being reborn.

The pressure inside the photomask partly entered Li Lingtian's body and partly entered Nangong Mingyue's body.

A light smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, but the look on his face was suddenly shocked.

Because, just after reaching the Wushen Mietian, it has now reached the peak of the Wushen Mietian consummation, and there is a blood line in the body, that is the blood of the Shenfeng. He is also the body of the Shenfeng.

Moreover, the body of the real dragon and the body of the phoenix have a mysterious connection with each other. This feeling makes him almost float.

"Finally, the body of the Divine Phoenix has been achieved."

Nangong Mingyue opened his eyes at this time, his face showing excitement.

The body of the celestial phoenix became the body of the divine phoenix and came to heaven from hell.

The girl's body is a phoenix, which is a kind of terminal illness, because the girl has the physique of a man, and now it has been smoothly converted into the physique of the girl, and it is even higher.

Reached the body of the Divine Phoenix, such a good thing, why she was not happy.

Moreover, there is now a chance to leave this place that trapped her for several years.


Li Lingtian waved with one hand, the mask disappeared.

There was a smile on his face, and he said lightly.

Liu Yiyi was also happy with Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue, because both of them achieved the physique of Shenfeng and Shenhuang.

More importantly, the two of them solved the matter here and they can leave here.

"Now, I no longer have to worry about the consciousness being taken away."

Nangong Mingyue's face finally relaxed.

"You should know some things here."

"Speak it out to me."

Li Lingtian sat down again and looked at Nangong Mingyue.

Nangong Mingyue has two consciousnesses, one is her own, the other is the soul here, or the consciousness here.

Before she became the body of the Divine Phoenix, she dared not say it easily, and that consciousness did not allow her to speak.

"Nine-layered mountain is the place where the ancient powerful Tian Tianzhang suppressed the blood demon emperor."

"But the Blood Demon Emperor is too terrifying, because he has surpassed the limit of the Shenwu Continent. Although the Heavenly Lord Venerable is powerful against the sky, he is not an opponent of the Blood Demon Emperor."

"At the critical moment, the **** Phoenix of the Phoenix family of the upper realm descended, and the three joined forces to suppress the blood demon emperor."

"But Wan Wan didn't think that the heavenly demon holy king of the upper realm was messing with the lower realm and teamed up with the blood demon emperor to fight against Heavenly God and Venerable Phoenix."

Nangong Mingyue spoke part of the story of Jiuzhongshan in one breath.

Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard Nangong Mingyue's words, and the look on his face changed dramatically.

He never imagined that his induction was Heavenly Venerable.

No wonder he is so familiar, it turned out to be Venerable Heaven.

He has the Five Elements Great Consummation, and the Heavenly Heavenly Supreme Master is also the Five Elements Great Perfection. He naturally senses the breath of Heavenly Heavenly Supreme Master and is also led here by this traction.

However, I was curious that Venerable Tian Cang was not in the Tian Cang Great City of Cangzhou, but in the ruins of the ancient battlefield, why did he come to the Jiuzhong Mountain of Shenzhou.

"Heavenly Lord?"

"I didn't expect Venerable Heaven to be here."

"Does Heavenly Heavenly Lord have stayed here since then?"

The change in the look on Li Lingtian's face gradually calmed down after a long time.

The eyes looked at Nangong Mingyue, waiting for Nangong Mingyue's answer.

It seems that Nangong Mingyue knows a lot about things here, so you can get yourself puzzled.

"Do you know Venerable Heaven?"

Nangong Mingyue was also looking at Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian's words made her stunned.

"Well, it was a statue of Venerable Tian Cang in an ancient battlefield ruin in Cangzhou Tiancang Great City."

"Heavenly Lord Venerable is a mythical figure of Shenwu Continent, even if he hasn't seen it before, he has heard of Da Ming."

A smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face.

Although Nangong Mingyue knows a lot of things here, she knows very little about the outside world.

"So this is ah."

"The place you said should be the place where Heavenly Heaven Sovereign lived."

"At that time, Venerable Tian Cang and Shen Feng Shen Huang joined forces to suppress Heavenly Demon Saint King and Blood Demon Emperor in Jiuzhong Mountain."

"In the end, Venerable Heavenly God and Shenfeng used their cultivation practices to suppress the Heavenly Demon Saint King and the Blood Demon Emperor, and both of them will stay here forever."

"Only Divine Phoenix survived, because Divine Phoenix prevented other people from destroying it. If someone destroyed it, Blood Demon Emperor and Heavenly Demon Saint King would come out again."

Nangong Mingyue slowly said some things of the year.

These things are all mentioned by Nangong Mingyue based on Shenhuang's memory. Shenhuang now disappears forever. Nangong Mingyue inherited the divine phoenix's coercion and some talents, which can also be said to be the reincarnation of Shenhuang.

"I didn't expect Venerable Heaven to stay here."

"I understand, the strong man of Nanyu, when he enters the Nine-Five Mountains, should be to start with the Heavenly Demon Saint King and the Blood Demon Emperor, and use the Heavenly Demon Saint King and the Blood Demon Emperor to strengthen himself."

"The old monster of the Canyang is right. If Canghai can't stop the strong man of Nanyu, Canghai will be finished."

After listening to Li Lingtian, the expression on his face kept changing.

What Nangong Mingyue said is completely in line with the secret of Kokonoe Mountain.

It seems that I have come here right this time, otherwise I will run into trouble if I go to the top of Jiuzhong Mountain.

"You said that there are strong people outside who have entered the Kokonoe Mountain?"

Nangong Mingyue was startled and asked quickly.

"Yeah, there are a lot of strong men who come in, there should be a Venerable Wushen Nine Chongtian, and a lot of Wushen Qishou Chongtian."

Li Lingtian nodded and said some of the things he encountered.

"not good"

"They may have to enter the town demon altar at the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain, and then the consciousness of Venerable Heavenly God and Shenfeng will no longer be able to suppress the Heavenly Demon Saint King and Blood Demon Emperor."

"We are trying to help Sanyang and let Nanyu's strong man win, and then things will be out of control."

Nangong Mingyue's face appeared anxious.

If the Nanyu powerhouse defeats the Canghai powerhouse, and the Nanyu powerhouse conspiracy succeeds, it is not only the disaster of the Canghai powerhouse but also the disaster of the Shenwu mainland powerhouse.

"Well, we are leaving here now and heading to the top of Jiuzhong Mountain."

Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, how powerful Heavenly God Sovereign is, how terrifying the Divine Phoenix Divine Phoenix, even they can only suppress the Blood Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Demon Saint King, don’t think about how powerful, if they come out, There will be no peace in Shenwu Continent.

If even the entire Shenwu Continent was stricken by the Heavenly Demon Saint King and the Blood Demon Emperor, he would not be able to protect himself alone, or even have no place to settle.

"Wait, don't you want to lose the pearl and the void of heaven?"

"We will fuse the heavens and the dead, and take out the lost pearl, otherwise the lost pearl will stay here forever."

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian's situation, a smile appeared on her face.

The man in front of him is acting decisively and relentlessly. He never shows mercy to his enemies but never loses his sense of justice.

No hypocrisy, no pretense, compared to those hypocrites, it is completely two realms.

Li Lingtian didn't say anything, just took out the scroll of heaven's emptiness.

Four bronze scrolls exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

The scroll appeared on the stone table, and Nangong Mingyue also took out the Shenxi Phoenix, the moment the Shenxi Phoenix appeared.

The four scrolls eerily levitated from the top of the stone table.

At the same time, a strong breath wafted out, the Shenxi Phoenix and the four scrolls had a slight connection, and a little light pulled together.

"Your Divine Phoenix Body, and my Divine Phoenix Body, merge Shenxi Phoenix and the Scroll together."

"Sister Yiyi, you prepare. When the Pearl of Loss and the Void of Heaven appear, we will leave here. You need to be careful."

Looking at the connection between the scroll and Shenxi Phoenix, Nangong Mingyue said to Li Lingtian.

Then he opened to Liu Yiyi and asked Liu Yiyi to leave with them at any time.

"it is good."

"it is good."

Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi spoke at the same time.

Immediately, Nangong Mingyue and Li Lingtian turned the body of Shenfeng and Shenhuang, and the power of Shenfeng and Shenhuang slowly came out at this moment.

The two forces and breath slowly merged, and the fusion of breath, the scroll and Shenxi Phoenix also sensed.

The decision of the two is constantly changing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shenxi Phoenix burst out a dazzling colorful light, just as the dazzling colorful light burst out, the original quaint bronze scroll also burst out Light.

However, this light can't tell what kind of glance.





Four whistling sounds sounded, and the four scrolls seemed to explode after the dazzling light.

The original four-foot-one reel, one inch thick, became four pieces of golden paper. The four pieces of golden paper merged together like a book.

Shenxi Phoenix also completely turned into colorful light suspended in the air, but the light began to change.



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