War God Supreme

Chapter 1072: Strong, shocked

The look on Qingzhen's face changed dramatically. (Starting)

Because a sky of heaven appeared in the sky, a dark hole.

The black hole landed overhead, and there was a sword of destruction between heaven and earth.

Behind the black hole is a sword awn. The black hole is also the power of the sword awn. I can imagine how powerful this sword awn is.

Not only was the expression on Qingzhen's face changed, but the warlords of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Warriors were all terrified.

They didn't expect this kind of anti-sky attack in the air.

At the same time, Li Lingtian appeared in the sight of several martial arts strongmen.

I saw the **** Wu Xuantian sword suspended in front of Li Lingtian. The ruined Jianmang cut through the void and bombarded Qingzhen.

It was shocking to see Li Lingtian abandoning the concentric big devil and attacking Qingzhen.

Because Li Lingtian's calculations are too weird to make people guess.

With such calculations, and such strength, it is indeed terrible.

They now understand that Li Lingtian has dealt with the concentric big devil from the beginning.

The figure is hidden in the air, attacking the concentric big devil twice in a row.

In this way, Li Lingtian would never use the concentric big devil to divert everyone's attention.

Now the goal has been achieved, because neither Qingzhen nor the concentric big devil had thought that Li Lingtian would hide in the air and move to attack the target.


Destroying Sword Array's fourth-type void is destroyed. The ruined swordmans stirs the void, so that the void is also destroyed.

A black hole in front of Jianmang formed a power to devour the heavens and the earth and landed.

This trick was a long time before he had the opportunity to exhibit it. In front of a strong man such as Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun, a slight movement will be seen by the other party and will be killed by the other party's means.

In the Sky Sword Formation, only the void is the fastest, and it is the simplest to display.

It is also the most terrifying trick, giving up the concentric big devil to attack Qingzhen is indeed a risky blow.

If Qingzhen could not be killed, he would be destroyed by a concentric big devil.

Moreover, when this trick is used, the companion's intelligence is also needed. If the companion is not smart, he will also be successfully attacked by the concentric big devil.

Sure enough, when he appeared over Qingzhen, the big concentric head moved.

The look on his face was furious, and the venerable of the majestic Wushen Jiuzhongtian was calculated by a Wushen Sanzhongtian, and he really wanted to run away.

As usual, he is the supreme powerhouse, and Wushen is not seen in the eyes below the nineth heaven.

The other Wushen faced him, they all ran away, and there was no sense of resistance at all. Even some super Wushens were cautious battles, but I didn’t expect that now a Wushen triplet ants, he was counted.

In this way, he is completely regarded as nothing.

A terrifying magical energy bombarded Li Lingtian, and the magical energy tore the void. When the magical energy came to Li Lingtian, a dark World of Warcraft had formed, and the huge Warcraft mouth opened its mouth towards Li Lingtian.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was about to destroy the mouth of Warcraft, a sonic attack bombarded World of Warcraft regardless of the distance in space.




In the air, several shocking explosions erupted at the same time.

Warcraft was attacked by sonic waves and paused, but at this moment, Li Lingtian's figure had disappeared.

When Warcraft was attacked by sonic waves, the ruined swordmans had already bombarded Qingzhen.

The black hole swallowed Qingzhen.

After the bang, the square was quiet.

Li Lingtian's figure appeared again above the concentric big devil's head, his eyes extremely calm.

The true element of the whole body has reached its peak, and there is an aperture around it. The aperture is 100 meters in size. The whole person is suspended in the air, just like a true god.


At this moment, the broken sword of the void disappeared, and the black hole disappeared.

Qingzhen, who was devoured, appeared on the square. I saw that Qingzhen’s clothes all over the body had become fragments. At this time, there was no more of a strong man, but he was like a beggar, not even a beggar.

Seeing this situation, the strong players present were quiet.

Looking at Qingzhen curiously, I don't know whether after Li Lingtian's blow, whether Qingzhen won or Li Lingtian won.

Qingzhen is the strongest of Wushen's Nineth Heaven, and was hit by Wushen's Third Heaven. If it is normal, it can simply be ignored.

However, although Li Lingtian is the triple **** of Wushen, but his shocking strength has been seen, and Qingzhen was attacked by the pterosaur beast before this blow, and was also fatally hit by the old monster of the residual sun. Li Lingtian’s blow was counted. It was a sneak attack.

That is to say, Qingzhen was attacked by Li Lingtian without any defense or precautions. Therefore, in this attack, whoever might win.


With a soft sound, the strong players present were shocked.

The sound was soft, like a bombardment in their hearts.

Because Qingzhen burst out a swordman's hongguang, this ray of hongguang appeared from the body, but the whole person was divided into two halves by this ray of hongguang.

Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun, Qingzhen, fell!

The strong men present all sighed in relief, and the look on their faces changed.

A Wushen triple heaven, a move to kill the six commanders who killed Wushen Jiu Zhongtian.

A Wushen triple sky and a Wushen double sky teamed up, killing and killing with one move.

A Wushen Mietian battles against the concentric big demon head, and can also damage the concentric big demon head. Step by step calculations, in the face of the Wushen Jiuzhongtian, such a demon can also deal with other Wushen Jiuzhongtians, and is handy in front of Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

Now, while dealing with the concentric big devil of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, he can also distract and kill another Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

All of this appeared on the same Wushen Mietian.

If it were not for the first time, no one could believe that all this was true.

Sanyang Real Man and Longyang Real Man, this time, their eyes were full of horror.

The look on the face of the big concentric head was completely dumbfounded.

This young man was so horrible, so horrible that they were also fearful as Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

Although this youth killing Qingzhen and the six commanders are suspected of sneak attacks and calculations, the killing of Qingzhen is also joint.

However, it is indisputable that he killed the three martial gods Jiuzhongtian.

Even calculations and sneak attacks require terrifying strength and careful calculations, as well as strong courage and a vicious eye.

The more calculations and sneak attacks, the more proof that the martial **** is triple horror.

All this is completely beyond the scope of the imagination of Wushen Powerhouse.

"I don't want anything here."

The quiet and strange atmosphere was broken by the Seven Commanders.

After seeing several of his companions, they were killed by a Wushen triple sky, and they couldn't bear it anymore.

In this life, I never thought I would be desperate for a warrior who was even lower than myself.

After reaching Wushen Jiuzhongtian, it is even more so, because Wushen Jiuzhongtian is already supreme, vertical and horizontal.

In front of him, all the strong gods of Wushen's nineth heaven are ants.

But the ants who were regarded as ants, which have continuously killed the strongmen of the same rank, now feel trembling in their hearts.

"Want to leave?"

"Don't it feel too late now?"

The look on Li Lingtian's face was dull, and had not changed from beginning to end.

This expression makes all the strong men feel dreaded.

A strong man can achieve the point of not being surprised. This is a real strong man.

Because no matter whether it is joy, worry or surprise, there will be no change in expression. In this case, the opponent will not see the change in his heart, and he will be better at psychological tactics.

The voice was cold and bland, and he looked at the Seven Commanders faintly, and his body was more powerful.

The whole person seems to be integrated into this heaven and earth. Although the momentum is not as good as the Wushen Nine Heavens, it can extend its breath to the entire square.

"Don't you want to leave your deity?"

The look on the Seven Commanders' face changed, and he said aloud.

The Wushen Powerhouse can escape even if it is not a fight.

Although Li Lingtian just killed the three martial gods Jiuzhongtian with his strange body and calculation, but he wanted to fight him head-on, he was still sure to leave.

Not only was he shocked, the other strong men were also shocked, shocked Li Lingtian's body style, and had control over space.

As long as Li Lingtian is hidden in the air, even a trace of breath is gone, and Wu Shen's powerful sense of the nineth heaven cannot find Li Lingtian's existence and traces.

They naturally don't know the strength of Li Lingtian's consciousness, and the strength of control over space.

The power of divine consciousness is already comparable to that of Wushen Nine Chongtian. He has control over space. Although he hasn’t cultivated the heavenly silence, the talent of the Phoenix family is the control of space. Naturally, his achievement of the body of the phoenix has occupied the natural inverse Advantages of the day.

"Then you try."

"If you can escape in front of this seat, this seat will let you go."

The aperture on Li Lingtian's body was even more intense, and a pennant appeared in his hand, looking at the Seven Commanders.

He said nothing, but calmly.

But the other Wushen strongmen present were even more shocked. A Wushen triplet, even saying such a thing, the situation of the two people was completely reversed.

Originally this sentence should be said by Wushen Jiuzhongtian, but now it is Li Lingtian.

Everyone felt discomfort for a while, and if they felt discomfort, they would not believe it to be true.

"Damn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Seven Commanders also felt a kind of insult. The majestic Wushen Nine Heavens was so insulted that it was unbearable.

Suddenly, the true element of the whole body burst out.

Even if there is no chance of winning now, it is still possible to escape.

For a moment, the entire plaza was filled with a breath of destruction.

However, at this time, the altar and stele in the center of the square trembled, and there was a demonic and demon spirit of ancient destruction under the altar, as well as a noble spirit and the prestige of heaven and earth.

Seeing such a situation, everyone was shocked.

Everyone's eyes looked at the battlefield and the stele, a look of fear appeared on his face.

At the same time, the **** demon qi was floating on the altar, and the entire top of the Jiuzhong Mountain shivered, and the sky seemed to be torn and destroyed.


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