War God Supreme

Chapter 1073: Blood Devil Emperor






In the square, on the altar, weird voices sounded.

Like **** in the world, the blood-red devil qi flew out, the demon power of destruction scattered, the noble and holy power, the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, at this moment slowly filled the square.

Gradually, these breaths of destruction and **** demonic qi enveloped the entire square.

The top of the Nine-Shan Mountain has also completely become a **** of destruction, and the top of the Nine-Shan Mountain is trembling constantly, just like it is about to be destroyed.

This thousands of miles of sky was also torn apart at this time, the situation was terrifying, like the first opening of the world, or the end of the world.

On top of the mountain, trembling constantly, the spirit of fairy spirit is constantly crushed.

The noble and holy power and the power of the Five Elements Heaven and Earth are on the side, and the horrible ancient demon power and the Scarlet Demon Aura are on the side, forming two camps.

Seeing this situation, the strong men present were stunned.

The Seven Commander’s original element that he wanted to attack was also recovered, but he defended himself by defending.

The look on the face of the concentric big devil is constantly changing, I don't know if it's joy or worry.

Sanyang real person, Longyang real person, residual sun old monster, and other martial arts strongmen, all have worried expressions on their faces, and their expressions become dignified with the space.

The look on Li Lingtian's and Nangong Mingyue's faces also changed drastically, and the look became dignified and gradually became fearful.

Because they knew that the battlefield had already started.

The things that were suppressed by the following broke free, this situation is the worst.

I did not expect such a change to happen, and it was too late to stop it.

"Longyang Real Man, Sanyang Real Man, Lord Canyang, Pterodactyl, you value them both."

Li Lingtian no longer dared to delay at this time.

As soon as the consciousness moved, he collected other treasures into the dragon ring.

The Divine Array figure was sacrificed at this time, and at the same time, the Tiandao roulette was sacrificed.

After the appearance of the two treasures, Li Lingtian shouted loudly.

At this time, we must do our best to repair the battlefield, otherwise it will be troublesome.

"Seven Commanders, Concentric Demon."

"If you don't want to die, make trouble, and if you can't repair this battle, everyone will fall here."

"You are so stupid to get the treasures here."

Li Lingtian finished speaking to Longyang and other people, and then spoke to the Seven Commanders and the concentric big devil.

After that, a series of laws and regulations were displayed, and the laws and regulations landed on the **** array.

The golden light will slowly emanate from his side, and gradually, the atmosphere around Li Lingtian will be slowly dispelled.

The mysterious breath above the heavenly roulette also radiated at this time.

A breath of sky and Tao was scattered in the air. This powerful breath began to fight against the breath power emitted from the array, and the expression on Li Lingtian's face was pale and weak.

A warrior of the three gods of Wushen has to fight against the breath and power of several ancient powers. Even if he goes against the sky, he does not have such a powerful ability.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth.

Everyone looked at Li Lingtian's situation.

Everyone knows that Li Lingtian is not for the treasures here, but for suppressing the things here, otherwise the things below will come out to cause trouble to Canghai and Shenwu Continent.

All of a sudden, everyone was gathered together, watching the changes in the air with horror.

At this time, Li Lingtian's position was the strongest, and no one could help.

The legal decision in Li Lingtian's hands is getting faster and faster, the golden light above the Divine Array is getting stronger and stronger, and the breath on the Heavenly Roulette also enters into Li Lingtian's body. This breath protects Li Lingtian's backlash.



However, with the passage of time, Li Lingtian could not support it.

Not to mention repairing this place, it is impossible to suppress these demonic energy and power.

A shocking pop appeared, Li Lingtian was thrown up, and a spit of blood spurted out.

Suddenly, the stele and battlefield were destroyed.

The plaza at the top of the Nine-Shan Mountain also shivered at this time, and for a moment, the space shattered and the earth shook.



Seeing the terrifying **** evil spirit and the breath of destruction, the Seven Commanders and the concentric big devil flew away quickly.

The other martial arts strongmen flew and fled, but Liu Yiyi and Nangong Mingyue flew towards the place where Li Lingtian dropped.

But at this time, several strong men who fled the missile were rebounded back.

I saw a light mask around the square.

The photomask enveloped the entire two-hundred-mile photomask, and several martial arts strongmen fled quickly. They were flicked by the sudden photomask, and they were suddenly dizzy.

Seeing this situation, everyone was shocked and scared.


Li Lingtian fell **** the ground, and a sip of blood spewed out again.

The Divine Array and the Heavenly Roulette also fell to the ground, his face pale and ugly.

Liu Yiyi and Nangong Mingyue came to Li Lingtian and helped Li Lingtian, with a concerned expression on his face.

God array and Tiandao roulette, at this time also returned to Li Lingtian's hands, and finally turned into a streamer and returned to Dantian.


"Hey Hey."

"Quack, quack."

"Bendi is out again, hehe."

"Shenwu Continent, tremble."

The altars and steles in the square were destroyed, and a terrifying blood demon rose into the sky.

At the same time, a devastating demon burst out.

At the same time, a noble and holy breath and the five-element breath spread out.

The magic energy and demon power are much stronger than the noble and holy breath and the five elements breath.

The magic power condensed, and in a blink of an eye turned into a ten-meter-tall giant, the whole body was full of destruction and coercion.

The blood-colored devil qi has also turned into a three-meter-tall demon strongman, with blood devil aura all over his body, and the whole square is like a blood pool.

Both of them exploded with the pressure of destruction. Suddenly, the powerful Wushen who was present was overwhelmed by the inadvertent pressure.

"Blood Devil Emperor!"

"Heaven King!"

"It's the Blood Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Demon Saint King."

"Sky Demon Saint King and Blood Demon Emperor came out again."

Sanyang Zhenren and others all exclaimed, their bodies trembling constantly.

Countless tens of thousands of years ago, the Heavenly Demon Saint King and the Blood Demon Emperor stirred up the Shenwu Continent, and the entire Shenwu Continent was almost destroyed. In the end, the Heavenly Sovereign Venerable and the Ancient Great Power jointly suppressed it.

Some low-level powerhouses may not know these things, but the venerable masters of the Shenwu Continent are naturally able to learn from ancient books.

Even the ancient powers can only suppress the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon holy king that cannot be killed, and now it appears again. Isn’t the Shenwu Continent going to be finished, and it is naturally the first person who is waiting for him here.

For a moment, the square was filled with the shadow of fear.

"Humph, abominable mankind, suppressing the Emperor for so long, the Emperor will destroy the world."

The celestial demon king waved his hands, and the space shattered.

The horrible repair is to stir the air in the square into pieces, and the strong people who are watching are frightened.

The demon sage king is the power of the ancient demon clan, and his strength is beyond the existence of the true god.

What is the existence of the true God? It is the wave of the God of Warrior Nine Layers, and the Heavenly Demon Saint King has surpassed the strength of the True God.

Now it appears in Shenwu Continent, this is the disaster of Shenwu Continent.

Even after being suppressed for tens of thousands of years, Xiuwei's strength has fallen, but now it is not something that Wushen Jiuzhongtian can deal with.

And there is a blood demon emperor, blood demon emperor is more horrible than the demon king.

After talking about the demon king, he took a deep breath and was suppressed for thousands of years, and finally came out to absorb the fresh air.

Immediately, his eyes fell on several martial arts strongmen in the square.

When staring at the Heavenly Demon Saint King, the whole person seemed to be locked in, and it was difficult to breathe.

"Damn man, suppress us for so long."

"The emperor is not willing to destroy humanity."

"Humble humans, you are the first beautiful meal of this emperor's world, hehe."

Blood Demon Emperor's blood-red eyes swept over the strong man in the square, and his face showed a look of venom and bloodthirsty.

The body moved a bit, and then grabbed it with one hand, so a strong man of Wushen Yaejeon was caught by the air. When the terrifying force caught this Wushen Yaejeon in front of him, the whole person was shocked.


With a slight sound, the blood demon emperor's **** demon qi wrapped this martial **** eightfold heavens.

I saw this Wushen Yae Tianqiang, whose face was constantly twisted, his body was imprisoned by magic energy, and the look on his face was extremely painful.

The vitality of the body is constantly losing, and the true element and the essence and blood are also slowly losing. In the blink of an eye, Wushen Yazhongtian has no trace of flesh, only a skeleton without a breath of vitality.

The strong men present all watched this scene with their own eyes, and were all frightened.

In front of the Blood Devil Emperor and the Heavenly Demon Saint King, there is no difference between Wushen Yazhong and Wushen Jiuzhong.

A Wushen Yazhongtian was swallowed like this, and then they were them, so how could he not be afraid.

Li Lingtian was also trembling in his heart, seeing such a horrible thing for the first time.

The same ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also the first time to encounter such a powerful enemy, so powerful that it has almost no sense of resistance, let alone deal with the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon king.

"Hey Hey."

"Not bad."

"Although it is weaker, but it is already pretty good. After swallowing you all up, the Emperor will be able to restore more cultivation."

The blood demon emperor smashed it a few times, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth and a satisfied look on his face.

Just like aftertaste the delicious meal, the eyes looked at more than ten strong people in the square.

Seeing these human trembling, his face was full of excitement.

His eyes finally fell on Nangong Mingyue and Liu Yiyi beside Li Lingtian. Both Nangong Mingyue and Liu Yiyi shivered, and Li Lingtian's heart was also tight.



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