War God Supreme

Chapter 1116: storm

The pale green light paused in the air, and suddenly brought a terrifying threat to the people on the spaceship.

In the light, I saw an old man in gray clothes. His eyes were extremely cold, and his whole body exuded a terrifying woody breath.

Seeing the three female Nangong Mingyue above the spaceship, there was a cruel look on the corner of her mouth.

Scanned by the old man's eyes, Nangong Mingyue and the three women felt a tremor, as if they were being stared at by a poisonous snake.

In this situation, the spacecraft flew forward faster.


The old man snorted coldly when he saw the spaceship was about to run away, and the cruel color on his face was more intense.

With a wave of one hand, a beam of light bombarded the spaceship.

Suddenly, the world shivered, the space villages shattered, and the overwhelming power of destruction fell toward the spaceship.

Seeing that the light group was about to bombard the spaceship with the power of destruction, Li Lingtian's eyes opened, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, and the fine light flashed into coldness.

"Tianji Ba King Sword!"

"Bao Dao Jue, destroy everything!"

Li Lingtian waved with one hand, the real element of his body was running to the extreme, and the horrible sword was flying away.

When one-handed swinging, Tianji Ba King Sword has been cut out.

Suddenly, the world was full of swords and knives, and the ruinous dynasty's bombardment swept away. The horror of ancient artifacts, the horror of the sword, and the horror of all directions were destroyed. Li Lingtian struck with all his strength. Underneath, weird changes have taken place.




"Ah, ah."

Seeing the daggers of the sky and the meaning of the knife, the old man felt the threat of death, and he was horrified.

His eyes were full of shock, and the whole person was shocked.

When the reaction came, the overwhelming sabre of swords came to the front with death, and it was impossible to resist.

He never thought of a low-level martial arts strongman, even when he was passive, such a shocking attack erupted, leaving him no chance to be prepared.

The sound of the screaming sounded in the ruin of the ruined sword, and the screaming sound gradually disappeared.


Li Lingtian grabbed the sky with one hand, a storage bag was already in his hand, and the spacecraft was still flying fast.

From beginning to end, the spacecraft has not stopped.

From the appearance of the old man to the fall of the old man, the spaceship has never heard of it. The whole process is just a blink of an eye.

It turned out that Li Lingtian knew that the center was the most dangerous.

To meditate with eyes closed is to unite the mind and soul and reach the point of returning to the world. When there is a danger, one hit with all strength and one kill will kill. If you cannot defeat your opponent after one move, you can take the opportunity to escape.

The appearance of the old man saw that the repairs of several people on the spaceship were very low, and that he saw the beauty of Nangong Mingyue, and moved with evil thoughts.

Attacking the spaceship with carelessness, but Li Lingtian played a spike.

When he was shocked and reacted, it was too late to resist, even if it could not be resisted, in front of all the destruction, the thundering son also killed half, let alone the unprepared old man.

The spaceship has flown out hundreds of miles, and the air in the air is gradually blown away by the sea breeze above the sea.

Nangong Mingyue three girls are still in horror.

By the time they responded, the spaceship had left a long distance, and the old man was also killed by Li Lingtian.

Wushen Liuzhongtian kills Wushen Jiuzhongtian, although it brings a little luck, but it is enough to go against the sky.

"That old man of Wushen Jiuzhongtian is dead?"

Zi Yin's cultivation base was too low. Although he felt that Li Lingtian had killed the old man, he couldn't believe it.

Not to mention her, even if Nangong Mingyue and Yun Xin watched the old man fall with their own eyes, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Well, the old man is dead."

"Even if you are not beaten to death for the teacher, you will be angry with your old man."

Li Lingtian smiled and habitually reached out and stroked on Ziyin's hair, his face showing a sympathetic look.

Although the strong wood man is an old man, no one dared to call him an old man, but Ziyin said that the old man directly, if he is heard by the old man, he must be mad.

"Second Slayer's Venerable Wushen Jiuzhongtian!"

"Master is too powerful."

Ziyin is very happy and looks even more lovely.

In this way, Nangong Mingyue was also amused, and for a time, the originally suppressed atmosphere disappeared.

However, they did not dare to carelessly, after all, they had not reached the center, and had to leave after crossing the center, and finally flew towards the heaven and pastureland.

If you are not careful, you will end like an old man.

The non-stop flight of the spaceship is like a leaf in the vast ocean.




In the air, from time to time, there was a sound of breaking the sky, and each sound of breaking the sky brought out a terrifying light, followed by the breath of destruction.

This light knows that it was left by a super-strong Wushen.




At the same time, a powerful sea beast appeared from time to time in the sea.

And in the air, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue also saw several sea beasts that turned into humans.

Tier 7 monsters can already be transformed, but only 1% of the demon races can be transformed.

In other words, out of one hundred seventh-order monsters, one may be able to transform.

Each type has its own talents, and its metamorphosis is also limited.

Transformed monsters and beasts are no different from human beings. Similarly, Li Lingtian, who cultivates the body of the real dragon and the body of the phoenix, can also be transformed into a real dragon and the phoenix.

Other humans also have demon cultivation, and to a certain degree they can also be transformed into demon, erupting with terrifying power and strong defense.

Powerful humans are transformed into powerful monsters, attack and defense are powerful and unmatched, powerful monsters are transformed into human form, and their wisdom is extremely high, even more cunning than the average strong.

Li Lingtian and other people were more and more shocked looking at the martial gods Jiuzhongtian strong and powerful monster beast sea beast.

And even the mind sinks, which is a feast for the strong.

What the **** is going on, I just want to cross the Bihai to enter the Tianmu region, not so.

Li Lingtian smiled bitterly in his heart, his luck was really good enough, good flight does not provoke people, but encountered so many things.

Even a stupid person would not believe that there are so many superpowers in the center of Bihai.

There must be something going on.

He didn't know what the **** was, the only thing was that he could only go around and leave here as quickly as possible, not stay here for a minute.

Nangong Mingyue, Yunxin, and Ziyin found this situation.

Faced with these superpowers, they are all afraid.

In Canghai and Nanyu, all the Venerables add up to just a dozen, and now this place has encountered so many.

In the eyes of Yun Xin and Zi Yin, they can't accept all this. In their hearts, Wu Sheng is the strong man against the sky, and is absolutely the existence of looking up, Wu Shen, that is a mythical character.

But I didn't expect to encounter the strong gods of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, as well as the transformed monsters, and countless terrifying sea beasts.



Two shocking thunders exploded above the sea.

The whole sea trembles as if it is about to be overturned, and the space tears out hundreds of miles of mouth, which looks terrible.

The spaceship flies above the sea. In such a situation, it is like flying in the direction of the end, which makes people's hearts sink.

"Perform gravity exercises to stabilize your body."

In the terrible scene, the storm also bombarded from the void.

Suddenly, the spaceship flipped up in the storm and the sea, and it was about to be destroyed at any time.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian waved his hands constantly and cast out more than ten formations. The formation strengthened the spaceship and enveloped the four of them with a light shield.

At the same time, he shouted loudly and asked Nangong Mingyue's three women to perform gravity exercises and nail themselves to the spaceship.

In this way, there will be no dispersion, otherwise, after such dispersion, in such storms and sea areas, it will certainly not be spared.

After everything was done, Li Lingtian personally controlled the spaceship. The spaceship was like a dead leaf floating in the storm.

Thunder, lightning, storm, tsunami and waves are intertwined, and the whole world is in destruction.

Faced with such a horrible situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face was also horrified.

I finally understood that in front of the heavenly prestige of nature, everything is so small and powerless.

But at this time, he also had a more thorough view of the world.

Thinking of this, the five elements of Taoism run, the power of heaven and earth strengthens, and the entire spacecraft shuttles through the thunder and thunder. Although the danger is heavy, it is all escaped in a panic.

In ten minutes, the spacecraft had passed through the world of devastating storms and thunder and lightning, and came to a quiet world.

The sea is still calm. If it weren't for the scratches on the spacecraft, it wouldn't believe that everything that had been experienced was real, but it was an illusion.

Having escaped the destruction of the world by storms and thunder, Li Lingtian and his four were all relieved, but Li Lingtian did not dare to take the slightest care.

Because now he doesn't even know the direction, and I don't know where or in what direction to fly.


Just half an hour after flying, the ruined scene appeared again.

Thunder and lightning ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ storms, tsunamis and waves, the whole world is back to the previous situation again.

With previous experience, the three of Nangong Mingyue did not use Li Lingtian's shouting to perform gravity exercises to stabilize their bodies. Li Lingtian also steered the spacecraft through the storm and tsunami.

Through the storm and tsunami, it was temporarily quiet again, followed by the tsunami storm.

The tsunami storm was quiet in the past, followed by the tsunami storm after quiet, and so repeated.

I don't know how many times have passed, Li Lingtian has been numb, and the truth and spirit of the whole body have been exhausted.

Finally, after the last terrible tsunami storm, the spacecraft broke apart and entered a mist. The mist was completely rich aura, but this rich aura cut off their consciousness.

The four entered a mysterious place. Although there was no storm or tsunami, they were even more disturbed.



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