War God Supreme

Chapter 1117: Crystal City [...

"What is this place?"

In the dense aura, the sight can only be seen beyond 100 meters, and the consciousness can only extend to kilometers.

Encountered this situation, Li Lingtian and four were suspended in the air and dared not fly fast.

A trace of fear appeared on Ziyin's face and asked Li Lingtian softly.

"Can you remember how many storms we passed?"

Li Lingtian answered what was not asked, and looked at Nangong Mingyue.

I have no idea about this place.

"It seems like nine times."

"It should be nine times."

"I can't remember. In such a storm, I was almost scared to death."

The three of Yunxin groaned for a moment and said.

Zi Yin grunted her mouth and made a fearful look.

"Nine times, we should have entered the center of Bihai."

"Be careful, although there is no storm for the time being, the unknown danger is hidden in it."

The expression on Li Lingtian's face became more and more dignified. Indeed, the four had gone through the world of nine storms, and he remembered it himself, just wanted to make sure.

According to the position, nine is the ultimate, and there can be no tenth storm.

But the more this is, the more dangerous it is, because it may have entered the most terrifying place.

The quiet now is the quiet before the storm.

The wind and rain are coming, the wind is blowing, the wind is flying, and the clouds are flying. Now the wind and clouds are silent, the most quiet moment.

Subsequently, the four people were separated by a distance of ten meters. Li Lingtian took the three behind to fly at the forefront. The flight speed did not dare to be too fast, so as not to hit the other party. The most important thing is to worry about flying too fast to encounter a terrible enemy.

Time, the loss of time, the endless flight, I simply don't know how far.

Because here is the same everywhere, there is no slight change, this feeling makes people almost crazy.


I don't know how long it passed, a breeze blew through.

The eyes were bright, and a vast world appeared in front of him.

In the center of this vast world is a crystal city suspended in the air. The whole city is transparent, completely like a sculpture carved out of crystal.

All this shocked the four people.

Lamenting this magical scene, this crystal city is suspended in the air, too far away, I don't know how big it is, but the city that can be suspended in the air is indeed the first time I saw it.

Below the city pool is the green sea, but the sea water in this sea area does not have a little storm, only a slight ripple, which is exactly the same as in the lake.

The green water and blue sky, the crystal city suspended in the air, and the awe-inspiring work are completely mythical.

"It's so beautiful."

"I didn't expect such a beautiful and quiet place in the blue sea."

"Is this really Bihai?"

After seeing all this in front of her, the three girls woke up after a long time.

The look on his face was full of horror and envy, but on Li Lingtian's face, beyond the shock, it was more a wry smile.

Because, in that vast world, it is full of devastating death threats, and such threats can only be felt from the sixth sense by the strong who have experienced countless lives.

In fact, without thinking about it, I came all the way and I met several Wushen Nine-Heaven Strong who flew here.

Just in such vast expanse of water, you can meet several strong gods of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, as well as countless sea beasts and metamorphosis monsters.

These strong men and sea beasts and monsters should have come here.

Bringing Yunxin and Ziyin in here, naturally, those who are strong against the sky can also come in here.

Feeling a strong threat of death, Li Lingtian made a decision in his heart that he should never go to that crystal city.

"Go, we leave here."

Li Lingtian sighed, and the voice reached the ears of the three women in this cold breath, and all three women were awake.

After he finished speaking, he turned and flew into the thick foggy aura.

Nangong Mingyue's three daughters returned with a hurry with a trace of reluctance.


At this moment, a muffled noise appeared, and Li Lingtian's figure exploded, and his figure was bounced away by an invisible force.

Nangong Mingyue and Li Mingtian were behind Li Lingtian, avoiding this rebound.

Li Lingtian stopped after she withdrew from the thick mist of the aura. The look on her face was extremely ugly. She did not expect to be so simple to enter. When she went out, she could not get out.

This place is clearly not prohibited, but it cannot be left.


Ziyin held Li Lingtian's hand and yelled softly, looking at Li Lingtian with concern.

"It's okay."

"This place is a magical ban, and it is impossible to leave here."

Li Lingtian shook his head, Yun Gong counteracted the power of rebound, and the look on his face became normal. He groaned a little and said lightly.

Because this place, like the last ban on the top of the Jiuzhong Mountain, appeared out of thin air and could not be seen at all.

"This is the same as the ban on the nineth mountain peak."

"You first adjust the interest rate."

Nangong Mingyue heard Li Lingtian's words, and the look on her face became dignified.

If such a place cannot be left, it will be troublesome.

Li Lingtian did not speak, and began to hover in the air to adjust her breath.

After half an hour, the spirit recovered, and Zhenyuan recovered a large half.

After Zhenyuan and spiritual recovery, Li Lingtian asked Nangong Mingyue and others to retreat, and then the **** array and Tiandao roulette were sacrificed, and a series of laws were displayed.

However, with the passage of time, the look on Li Lingtian's face became more and more dignified, and finally became unsightly.

Because this prohibition cannot be broken at all, it is a formation that he has never seen before, and this formation is extremely strange and beyond his knowledge.



The formation can't be broken, it can only be bombarded with attacks.

Strong and unmatched attacks continued to bombard, but this prohibition did not respond in the slightest, and instead swallowed the attack.

Li Lingtian is constantly suffering a strong rebound.

After more than a dozen attacks, Li Lingtian had to give up, because no matter the formation or attack, there was no way to prohibit this. If you want to get rid of it, you are dreaming.

"Shall we go there?"

Nangong Mingyue finally spoke. Although he knew that Li Lingtian had his own way of doing things, he still didn't understand why Li Lingtian had to leave without going forward.

Although he suspected that Li Lingtian found that there was a danger ahead, Li Lingtian was still curious and puzzled before he said it himself.

"The front is more dangerous than here."

"Most of the strong men we met on the way came here."

"A Wushen Jiuzhongtian is okay to say that if we meet all the Wushen strongmen and monster beasts and sea beasts, we will absolutely disappear, and there is no chance to escape."

Li Lingtian looked at the crystal city in the distance. Although he was still far away, he could feel a strong threat.

Moreover, that crystal city pool is definitely not that simple.

In Shenwu Continent, I have never heard of such a place. When I came to Bihai, I had already explored it.

Although the center is extremely dangerous, it is safer than other places.

Because other places enter the Tianmu domain and the east fall domain, it will definitely be forbidden by the mysterious spike.

However, few people know that in addition to the center is safer, there is also a direction that is also safe, but no one dares to go, that is to go to the death domain.

Rather than go to the death domain, it is better to go directly to the center.

The horror of the death domain is unimaginable. When it comes to the death domain, it changes color.

"Then we will wait here for a while."

"Maybe there are changes in the Crystal City Pool. Besides, there are other super powers and sea beasts. If they want to leave, they will definitely find a way."

Nangong Mingyue reminded Li Lingtian that it would be nice to wait in place if there is no way.

There are definitely a lot of strong guys coming in anyway, and those strong guys will find ways to leave.

It’s just a matter of leaving, and you don’t have to take risks here.

"Did you see it?"

There was a hint of smile on Li Lingtian's face, a hint of wry smile.

He stretched his hand and pointed towards the front. Nangong Mingyue looked in the direction pointed by Li Lingtian, and the look on his face was hard to look.

Because this thick mist of aura is shrinking slowly, although the speed is not fast, but if you continue this way, it will not take long to compress this place to the place of the crystal city.

When the area becomes smaller and smaller, the power of the ban will increase.

"What are you going to do now?"

Nangong Mingyue sighed in cold air and looked at Li Lingtian.

"Sooner or later, where we are going, instead of waiting here, we will go and see where we are."

There was a resolute look on Li Lingtian's face, and he finally decided to go instead of waiting here.

After that, with three people flying towards the distance and flying away, the goal is the direction of the crystal city.

It seems to be very close to the Crystal City Pool, but it really is not the same thing when it really flies.

The four people flew for more than two hours before they came to the Crystal City.

Looking at this magical building from afar, a horrified look appeared on his face.

Because the city is not square, but a circular palace. The palace has a total of nine floors, like a circle, the more the center, the smaller the inside.

In the center of the crystal city pool, there is a huge turquoise light, the light is constantly flashing, like a dazzling pearl.

And this light has a magical power of temptation, making people full of desire. hope.

The nine-story city ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ buckles one layer at a time, one ring at a time.

The four people looked at this crystal city and were shocked.

However, there is no time for shock, because there are endless battles outside the city.

Transfiguration monsters and transfiguration sea beasts are constantly at war with the strong human beings.

The appearance of several people in Li Lingtian was also discovered by the monster beast sea beast and the human **** Wuzhong.

The monsters and sea beasts here are all transformed strongmen. Human strongmen can't hide at all. It is impossible to hide on one side.

Therefore, the four of Li Lingtian were also stared at by a strong monster, and they were stared at by the monster, just as if they were stared by a poisonous snake.

[Beginning Monthly Pass, this month broke out with four draws per day. If there are more monthly passes and recommended votes, you can add more! 】



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